Has anyone else got SPB Pocket Plus/Ipaq 6300 series working with the latest ROM?

I've installed it and reinstalled it (6340, latest ROM) and it hardly works for me at all - here's a summary, so if any of you good people have any ideas.....

Close Button - no sign of it anywhere

PIE - no change from Standard

Today Plug in - much weirdness on that. When I boot the iPaq, the only sign of it being there is that the background is the last one selected by SPBPP, and the three tabs. The three tabs, however, are empty - no icons. The screen is sort of "pulsing" as if it were trying to load the icons. If I go to Settings and select a different one of the schemes, then close everything back to the Today screen, lo and behold the icons are all there, and remain there. The "pulsing" has stopped, and I can cycle through the screens.

Taskbar Battery Indicator - just no sign of it, whether I select small or large.

File Explorer - no change from standard.

REALLY frustrating, as I so want it to work...... I emailed their support, but no reply as yet.

Does anyone have a previous version to email me so I could try the non-latest flavour?
