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Orb Support for TiVo Streaming - Orb DVR Everywhere Beta
Can't get home in time to see the game or show? Want to listen to your music, but you forgot your iPod? Well, Orb comes to the rescue. This very interesting software lets you stream your TV, your webcams, your movies and your music to your laptop, PDA or smartphone while on the road. Now Orb have added the ability to view your TiVo recordings too.

Orb Networks, maker of software that enables Windows XP users to stream digital media from their home PCs to anywhere with a network connection, announced DVR Everywhere on Thursday, a new product for viewing TiVo recordings on the go. As an add-on to the Orb software, DVR Everywhere is free of charge and works with Wi-Fi enabled laptops and even cell phones.

Sounds cool, huh? If you'd like to learn more about it, check out the Orb website.

Source: BetaNews