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_ HTC Typhoon & Feeler _ Cingular Rebranding CAB Available

Posted by: abatis

I finally did the Cingular branding CAB. It should work fine on a Smartphone 2003 phone. It changes the Splash, Shutdown, and dial gif to Cingular. I have tried it on a Voq and SMT5600. Use at your own risk smile.gif.

Anyway download the zipped CAB, unzip to the cingularB.CAB, move the CAB to a folder on your Smartphone, I use TEMP and execute the CAB. Click "YES" when it warns about an unknown source.

You can remove the Branding by going to Settings> Remove Programs

Let me know if you have success.

*Update Feb 25, 2005. The CAB has been updated to fix the MSC:Dial gif. Thanks for pointing it our deu*. Anything else let me know.

Please find the CAB here: ( 1.63K ) : 1469 ( 9.98K ) : 1256

Posted by: Hightech

QUOTE (abatis @ Feb 12 2005, 08:53 AM)
I finally did the Cingular branding CAB. It should work fine on a Smartphone 2003 phone. It changes the Splash, Shutdown, and dial gif to Cingular.  I have tried it on a Voq and SMT5600. Use at your own risk smile.gif.

Anyway download the zipped CAB, unzip to the cingularB.CAB, move the CAB to a folder on your Smartphone, I use TEMP and execute the CAB. Click "YES" when it warns about an unknown source.

You can remove the Branding by going to Settings> Remove Programs

Let me know if you have success.

Can you do one for T-mobile please??


Posted by: abatis

Outhere did one already you can find it here: and scroll down.

I looked at out's before making mine. My next interation may include GPRS settings for the appropriate carrier.

Posted by: Slacker

abatis, how about a sticky on how to create CAB's for stuff like this?

Posted by: coreymcl

Do you have the settings for changing the AudioVox 5600 to work with Cingular's MMS?

Posted by: abatis

Right now I have built a CAB that rebrands to T-Mobile and sets the configuration for ArcSoft MMS. A second CAB sets the GPRS settings. I am testing on my SMT5600. I needed to build the T-Mobile CABs first since I will not be able to test for Cingular. Once I have these CABs where I want them for T-Mobile I will redo for Cingular.

Posted by: deu

Abatis -

Thanks for the CAB. BTW, there is one issue - when dialing, the image is all messed up. I tracked this down to the :MSCdial entry being set as cing_splash.gif instead of cing_dial.gif.

Thanks again...

Posted by: kinggdogg

QUOTE (deu @ Feb 25 2005, 05:31 AM)
Abatis -

Thanks for the CAB. BTW, there is one issue - when dialing, the image is all messed up. I tracked this down to the :MSCdial entry being set as cing_splash.gif instead of cing_dial.gif.

Thanks again...

That had been buggin me... thanks for the tip!

Posted by: abatis

Thanks kinggdogg for the feedback. I fixed the CAB. The top post has the new CAB.

Posted by: kinggdogg

QUOTE (deu @ Feb 25 2005, 05:31 AM)
Abatis -

Thanks for the CAB. BTW, there is one issue - when dialing, the image is all messed up. I tracked this down to the :MSCdial entry being set as cing_splash.gif instead of cing_dial.gif.

Thanks again...

Abatis, I think you need to give credit where it's deu. hahaha -I kill me.

Posted by: abatis

Sorry deu, you the man. Thanks for the input. T-Mobile will be rolling out and Cingular GPRS CABs. I love the 2003 SDK. It is basically back to DOS smile.gif.

Posted by: osinkboy

How do install this CAB? Im new to this and Im not exactly sure what this does...

QUOTE (abatis @ Feb 25 2005, 07:06 PM)
Sorry deu, you the man. Thanks for the input. T-Mobile will be rolling out and Cingular GPRS CABs. I love the 2003 SDK. It is basically back to DOS smile.gif.

Posted by: abatis

Osinn, It just changes the Splash Screen Startup, Shutdown and dial bar to the Cingular logos.

I can do a CAB for GPRS settings but I need to have someone give me what they are using for GPRS settings plus the the of plan they have. I have already done this for T-Mobile.

Posted by: osinkboy


Can you tell me how i could install this CAB?
Im getting my 5600 this friday and the first thing ima do is unlock it. Should I install this CAB afterwards and assume everything is up and running?

QUOTE (abatis @ Mar 8 2005, 07:04 PM)
Osinn, It just changes the Splash Screen Startup, Shutdown and dial bar to the Cingular logos.

I can do a CAB for GPRS settings but I need to have someone give me what they are using for GPRS settings plus the the of plan they have. I have already done this for T-Mobile.

Posted by: abatis

To install the Cab just move it from your PC over to a folder like "Temp" on the phone using Explorer. Once on the phone open the "Temp" folder with the phones "File Manager" and just click on the CAB file. It will auto execute. Reset (turnoff/on)your phone and you will have the cingular branding logos.

I have not added the GPRS setting yet as I m not familiar with what the various cingular plans use. I can do one that uses the setting from our FAQ if people want it.

You will have to add your GPRS setting manually see our this board.

Other than that you should be good to go. Your SMS and voicemail settings are actaully auto downloaded from the network.

Posted by: MrBibidy

Ok back to my dumb questions wink.gif lol, Ok I have the cabs, still waiting on my smt5600 to arrive, i will be rebranding to T-Mo, but what is all this about the GPRS cab??? what does it do and Y and should I install it, lol this is all of corse if it has been completed yet.

Posted by: smeg36

This thead is for the Cingular CAB, not the T-Mobile. Just wanted to be sure you realized that. But to answer your question, the T-Mobile GPRS CAB will setup all the Data Connections you need for T-Mobile internet access. Without the CAB, you would have to manually enter in the settings since it will have the AT&T data settings.

Posted by: MrBibidy

QUOTE (smeg36 @ May 31 2005, 07:50 PM)
This thead is for the Cingular CAB, not the T-Mobile.  Just wanted to be sure you realized that.  But to answer your question, the T-Mobile GPRS CAB will setup all the Data Connections you need for T-Mobile internet access.  Without the CAB, you would have to manually enter in the settings since it will have the AT&T data settings.

I am so sorry, no i did not realize it was a cingular thread, again i am sorry, but thanks for answering anyway, again awesome ppl on a great forums, thanks

Posted by: holden

hey guys,

new here. pardon my naivette/stupidity. if i install this cingular cab file will the phone be locked to cingular so that i won't be able to use other carriers' sim cards?

Posted by: GrYph0n

QUOTE (holden @ Aug 17 2005, 01:13 AM)
hey guys,

new here.  pardon my naivette/stupidity.  if i install this cingular cab file will the phone be locked to cingular so that i won't be able to use other carriers' sim cards?

Not at all. It simply gives the appearence of a Cingular branded phone, and sets up your data settings for you...

Posted by: holden

thanks! i thought it wouldn't. just had to make sure.

Posted by: BizSAR

QUOTE (abatis @ Mar 9 2005, 09:30 AM)
You will have to add your GPRS setting manually see our this board.

F.Y.I., the FAQ you mention here seems to be a dead link.

Posted by: smeg36

That was made prior to our move to the new server. The updated link is, or you can just go to the FAQs in the left hand Main Menu, and find the Carrier Data Settings.

Posted by: franman

so this CAB will actually reset the data settings as well as the "appearance" of the phone screens?? Hmmm, after all the time I spent getting the data working, I don't know if I want to do that... Do the cabs get rid of the Roaming Icon (from old ATT phone)??? anyway.. there are two cabs.. which on do I run, or is it both?? Thanks.

Posted by: abatis

The GPRS Cab sets the GPRS. The other cab will rebrand the phone to Cingular.

Posted by: franman

Duh.. that makes too much sense. If I'd actually read the names of the downloads maybe even I could have figured that one out... Thanks Abatis!

Posted by: iamthewindrider

Where can I find the cab file?

QUOTE (abatis @ Feb 12 2005, 11:53 AM)
I finally did the Cingular branding CAB. It should work fine on a Smartphone 2003 phone. It changes the Splash, Shutdown, and dial gif to Cingular.  I have tried it on a Voq and SMT5600. Use at your own risk smile.gif.

Anyway download the zipped CAB, unzip to the cingularB.CAB, move the CAB to a folder on your Smartphone, I use TEMP and execute the CAB. Click "YES" when it warns about an unknown source.

You can remove the Branding by going to Settings> Remove Programs

Let me know if you have success.

*Update Feb 25, 2005. The CAB has been updated to fix the MSC:Dial gif. Thanks for pointing it our deu*. Anything else let me know.

Sorry Uploading to the site is not working today, Please find the CAB here:

Posted by: GrYph0n

This is now a 2 page topic, the cab files are found in the first post on the first page (this being page 2). Scroll down to the bottom of the post and you will see off to the bottom left 3 blocks: 2 Pages, <, 1, 2... Click on the < or 1 to return to the first page.

Posted by: thebluehen

abatis, I'm trying to 'update' the cingular logo in your files. However, I can't figure out how to overwrite the CING_S~1 file in the cingularB.up folder with my own icon.

Are you willing to share how you made the .up files or give any hints?


Posted by: abatis

You will need to rebuild the entire CAB. I believe the built-in security features prevents one from just substiting a file for another file in the CAB. You will need to to rerun the files with cabwizsp

If you install the 2003SDK or have it installed you could rebuild the CAB. Just extract my file, create an inf file and rerun it with the new logos attached.

Posted by: abatis

QUOTE (thebluehen @ Jan 23 2006, 05:16 PM)
abatis, I'm trying to 'update' the cingular logo in your files.  However, I can't figure out how to overwrite the CING_S~1 file in the cingularB.up folder with my own icon. 

Are you willing to share how you made the .up files or give any hints?



I hope you are making progress on updating the cingular logos. I am now planning to do a "How To" on building a simple CAB to change logos or GPRS settings. If you attached the new logos to this thread I will use them in an example. If you have any trouble PM me and we can get the logos.


Posted by: runningtiger

QUOTE (abatis @ Jan 29 2006, 08:45 AM) *
...I am now planning to do a "How To" on building a simple CAB to change logos or GPRS settings...regards

Abatis, if you are up to editing the current CAB, would you also post what your .INF file looked like and the contents of the _setup.xml when you were done? I have a feeling I'm close to getting it, but have no real idea where I went wrong. I'm thinking it's probably my .INF file which I pasted at the very end of this post.

Here's the problem, the MMS settings in the do not work so I set out to see if I could update them. I did manage to create an .INF file and a cab file using the Smartphone SDK (cabwiz.ddf, CabwizSP.exe, and makecab.exe specifically) but clearly didn't get it right 'cuz my creation didn't work. I installed it on my phone but it didn't make the changes. The good news is it showed up in the delete list and so I did exactly that. Whew!

Cingular's current settings can be found here:

and are: (needed changes in red)
Name: Cingular MMS (currently big deal, but might as well make it match)
WAP Gateway: (currently
Port: 80 (currently 9201)
Connect Via: The Internet (currently Secure WAP Network)
Max. Sending Size: 300K (currently 100k)
WAP Version: WAP 2.0 (currently WAP 1.2)

The old settings in the cab file are:
<parm name="SendDefault" value="102400" datatype="integer" /> currently set to 100k
<parm name="RecvDefault" value="102400" datatype="integer" /> ditto
<parm name="MmscURI" value="" datatype="string" /> no change
<parm name="Gateway" value="" datatype="string" /> needs to be
<parm name="Name" value="Cingular MMSC" datatype="string" /> just "Cingular MMS" sticking to their script
<parm name="GatewayPort" value="9201" datatype="integer" /> needs to be 80

Also, the current cab it sets the "connect via" to Secure WAP Network and to use WAP 1.2 but needs to be set to connect via the Internet and WAP 2.0

Here's what I tried:
<parm name="SendDefault" value="307200" datatype="integer" />
<parm name="RecvDefault" value="307200" datatype="integer" />
<parm name="MmscURI" value="" datatype="string" />
<parm name="Gateway" value="" datatype="string" />
<parm name="Name" value="Cingular MMS" datatype="string" />
<parm name="GatewayPort" value="80" datatype="integer" />

Other changes I tried to make:
<characteristic type="HKLM\SOFTWARE\ArcSoft\ArcSoft MMS UA\Config\UI">
<parm name="ConnectionVia" value="Secure WAP Network" datatype="string" /> needs to be "Cingular Internet"
<parm name="ConnectviaMatchById" value="0" datatype="integer" />

But, I could not find where to change the wap version setting.

Here's my .INF file:
Signature="$Windows NT$"
CESignature="$Windows CE$"

Appname="Cingular USA Settings"


1=,Source1,,"Storage Card\Cingular GPRS Updated MMS"



CopyFiles1=0,"\Storage Card\Cingular GPRS Updated MMS"


Posted by: runningtiger

I end up with a folder on my storage card named Cingular GPRS Updated MMS with a setup.xml file in it AND on the remove programs list RT Cingular USA Settings shows up.

BUT, I have no settings under connections for GPRS or Proxy. They are both completely empty. Also, I've got nothing under MMSC Settings either.


Posted by: abatis

RT, here is my GPRS .inf


Signature   = "$Windows NT$"; required as-is

Provider    = "Abatis"; full app name will be

        "<Provider> <AppName>"

CESignature = "$Windows CE$"; required as-is


AppName     = "Cingular GPRS set"; full app name will be

        "<Provider> <AppName>"


ProcessorType = 0

[SourceDisksNames]; Location of files to
1 = ,"Common files",,.;include. They are in the


abatiscing.txt = 1


CopyFiles   = CopyToHomeDir


CopyToHomeDir = 0,%CE19%\Home



I have the Windows Mobile 6 SDK. I have not fiddled with it yet.

Posted by: runningtiger

I've tried several versions based on your .inf file and still am not actually "installing" the settings. I am getting a cab file that installs and uninstalls to my phone, but no GPRS, Proxy or MMS settings ever show up under connections.

The directions get a little fuzzy here:
[SourceDisksNames]; Location of files to
1 = ,"Common files",,.;include. They are in the

And, is this where the magic happens? Is it exactly as I'd want it to be or was this just for your install?
CopyToHomeDir = 0,%CE19%\Home
What does that even mean?

Here's my latest .inf file that did not work:

Signature="$Windows NT$"
CESignature="$Windows CE$"

Appname="Cingular USA Settings"


1=,"Common files",,





Posted by: abatis

What does your cabwiz instruction look like? Something like this:

cabwizsp cing.inf /postxml postinstall.xml /cpu ARM720

You need to make sure your postinstall.xml code is clean without out error. I use "cooktop" for correcting errors.

Posted by: runningtiger

uh oh...

"cabwiz instruction"? "cabwizsp cing.inf /postxml postinstall.xml /cpu ARM720" doesn't look at all familiar to me. I've no idea what you're referring to. I downloaded "cooktop" but don't know what to examine with it since I don't have a file named postinstall.xml (that I know of). I searched my phone and can't find it located there either. sad.gif

I have two files inside the resulting cab that I've made. One is _setup.xml and the other is 000setup.001

When I extract those two files and rename the last one setup.txt it is your original "Cingular USA Settings" "<wap-provisioningdoc>" with my changes.

Posted by: runningtiger

OK...when I started to try and update the CingularGPRS settings I thought I was probably in over my head. Now, after reading postinstall.xml etc over at (where I also saw the information you copied/pasted above) I know this is above my pay grade. I could probably do it if I were trying to make a homescreen since that's what all the tutorials seem to be about. But, since it isn't a homescreen...<sigh>

I'll spend more time on it when I can, but as of now I don't think I'll be able to do it. In post #32 above I detailed the changes that need to be made. Hopefully someone who knows what they're doing will do the update and post it here and in the original post. Also, I'd really appreciate seeing the INF and XML files and anything else that was produced to get from point A to point B.

The other night I thought I was close to doing this, but now I feel like I'm a million miles from it. sad.gif

Posted by: abatis

Do you have the Windows Mobile SDK? I am curious of how you are building your CAB file without using cabwizsp. You cannot just stick files into an existing CAB to my limited knowledge. You essentially forge a new cab with the files via the cabwizard and the script like I posted above. Do not give up. Is the above your XML you want in the CAB?

Posted by: runningtiger

Yes, I have the Smartphone SDK tools and I am using CabwizSP as noted above (the other "tools" in the folder are cabwiz.ddf and makecab.exe). I built the cab by creating the INF file(s) posted above (plus other attempts) then dragging and dropping the INF file onto CabwizSP.exe which spits out a cab file with the _setup.xml and 000setup.001 in it. Which is different than the CingularGPRS cab file I downloaded from here originally. It only contains _setup.xml I noticed.

This is the updated setup.xml* I copied from the original and made changes to as noted above. I've referred to this file as setup.xml and setup.txt in my INF files (making changes to the file name respectively). Both ways I end up with _setup.xml in the CAB plus that other file named 000setup.001 that when the .001 is changed to .txt is just a copy of the .xml here:

*I am unable to see where these setup instructions tell it to set to WAP version 1.2, but it needs to be set to 2.0 according to Cingular's MMS setup directions linked to above. I'd hoped to install these directions and see if it still was set to WAP 1.2 and if it worked that way or, not.

<characteristic type="Install">
<parm name="InstallPhase" value="install" />
<parm name="AppName" value="Cingular USA Settings" />
<parm name="NumDirs" value="0" />
<parm name="NumFiles" value="0" />
<parm name="NumRegKeys" value="0" />
<parm name="NumRegVals" value="0" />
<parm name="NumShortcuts" value="0" />
<characteristic type="FileOperation" />
<characteristic type="Registry" />
<characteristic type="Registry">
<characteristic type="HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Splash Screen">
<parm name="CarrierBitmap" value="\Storage\Application Data\Home\abcde.bmp" datatype="string" />
<characteristic type="Registry">
<characteristic type="HKLM\SOFTWARE\ArcSoft\ArcSoft MMS UA\Config\mm1">
<parm name="2" value="55393" datatype="string" />
<characteristic type="Registry">
<characteristic type="HKLM\SOFTWARE\ArcSoft\ArcSoft MMS UA\Config\mm1">
<parm name="TotalSettings" value="2" datatype="integer" />
<parm name="DefaultSetting" value="2" datatype="integer" />
<characteristic type="Registry">
<characteristic type="HKLM\SOFTWARE\ArcSoft\ArcSoft MMS UA\Config\UI">
<parm name="ConnectionVia" value="Cingular Internet" datatype="string" />
<parm name="ConnectviaMatchById" value="0" datatype="integer" />
<characteristic type="Registry">
<characteristic type="HKLM\SOFTWARE\ArcSoft\ArcSoft MMS UA\Config\mm1">
<parm name="SendDelayedNotifyResp" value="0" datatype="integer" />
<characteristic type="Registry">
<characteristic type="HKLM\SOFTWARE\ArcSoft\ArcSoft MMS UA\Config\mm1\55393">
<parm name="SendDefault" value="307200" datatype="integer" />
<parm name="RecvDefault" value="307200" datatype="integer" />
<parm name="MmscURI" value="" datatype="string" />
<parm name="Gateway" value="" datatype="string" />
<parm name="Name" value="Cingular MMS" datatype="string" />
<parm name="GatewayPort" value="80" datatype="integer" />
<characteristic type="Registry">
<characteristic type="HKLM\Security\ECall">
<parm name="List" value="911*999*112*000*111*" datatype="string" />
<characteristic type="CM_GPRSEntries">
<characteristic type="Cingular MMS">
<parm name="DestId" value="{F28D1F74-72BE-4394-A4A7-4E296219390C}" />
<parm name="UserName" value="WAP@CINGULARGPRS.COM" />
<parm name="Password" value="CINGULAR1" />
<characteristic type="DevSpecificCellular">
<parm name="GPRSInfoAccessPointName" value="wap.cingular" />
<characteristic type="CM_GPRSEntries">
<characteristic type="Cingular Internet">
<parm name="DestId" value="{436EF144-B4FB-4863-A041-8F905A62C572}" />
<parm name="UserName" value="WAP@CINGULARGPRS.COM" />
<parm name="Password" value="CINGULAR1" />
<characteristic type="DevSpecificCellular">
<parm name="GPRSInfoAccessPointName" value="wap.cingular" />
<characteristic type="CM_ProxyEntries">
<characteristic type="WAP Proxy">
<parm name="SrcId" value="{436EF144-B4FB-4863-A041-8F905A62C572}" />
<parm name="DestId" value="{7022E968-5A97-4051-BC1C-C578E2FBA5D9}" />
<parm name="Proxy" value="" />
<parm name="Type" value="2" />
<characteristic type="CM_Planner">
<characteristic type="PreferredConnections">
<parm name="{7022E968-5A97-4051-BC1C-C578E2FBA5D9}" value="Cingular Internet" />
<parm name="{F28D1F74-72BE-4394-A4A7-4E296219390C}" value="Cingular MMS" />
<parm name="{436EF144-B4FB-4863-A041-8F905A62C572}" value="Cingular Internet" />

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