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_ Motorola MPx200 _ Trying to create WM5 for Everyone, but I need help

Posted by: darkoverlord

Hey folks, I am running WM5 on my MPX200, and I did the install myself, I have the file created specifically for my device, and now I am trying to crack the security so I can share with others.

I need to know if anyone knows how to Change the Device ID on a MPX200, or where to find it in the Registry.

By the way I have to say WM5 on the MPX200 truely is the best OS, Hands Down, the system is so much faster it is unreal.

Thanks in advance.


Posted by: threevok

I predict this will be a short thread. wink.gif

Posted by: smeg36

I predict this will be a short thread.

Why do you predict that? As long as he doesn't distribute the ROM or any illegal files, discussion is fair game.

Posted by: darkoverlord

QUOTE (threevok @ Nov 30 2005, 09:44 AM)
I predict this will be a short thread.  wink.gif

WOW blink.gif You really helped with that post, don't matter any way I have now completed the process, and for that comment, you get nothing.

LMFAO cool.gif

 100_3281.jpg ( 419.07K ) : 381

Posted by: muchomorek

Hey darkoverlord what build do you have?

Posted by: KingDaddy

So it looks like the hex edit of the rom worked?

Posted by: smeg36

Very cool. I'll be interested to see if this gets leaked like the WM2003 ROM did. darkoverlord, does the WM5 you have require some installation to a SD card?

Posted by: darkoverlord

QUOTE (smeg36 @ Nov 30 2005, 11:55 AM)
Very cool.  I'll be interested to see if this gets leaked like the WM2003 ROM did.  darkoverlord, does the WM5 you have require some installation to a SD card?


Yes KingDaddy you are correct, I owe you big time, I will put something special together for you.

Smeg, yes you have to have at least a 32mb sd card in to install it, and as I just tested one of mine, by removeing the SD Card to take some pictures, while the phone is on, it will shut itself down.

Finally Mochomorek, here are the pics of my ROM and some other pics too. Hey did you ever get your SIM Card Contacts to be read, as there is no SIM Manager on the OS.

Cheers Guys

It seems as though I can not add any more images, so lets see if this works

Posted by: KingDaddy


Posted by: threevok

Here's another person who appears to have already been successful.

Posted by: Sean

QUOTE (threevok @ Nov 30 2005, 05:37 PM)

Here's another person who appears to have already been successful.

Wow, like that's not illegal... That guy has balls.

Posted by: darkoverlord

QUOTE (Sean @ Nov 30 2005, 01:41 PM)
Wow, like that's not illegal...  That guy has balls.

Shhhhhh....If you tell them they will come.....

Posted by: gitkua

So is it possible for every mpx200 owner, in whatever country to update their phone to wm5? and, does is run better than 2003? My phone is way slow and buggy on 2003

Posted by: darkoverlord

QUOTE (gitkua @ Dec 2 2005, 03:05 AM)
So is it possible for every mpx200 owner, in whatever country to update their phone to wm5? and, does is run better than 2003? My phone is way slow and buggy on 2003

Fair Enough

Posted by: wnyzfinest

QUOTE (darkoverlord @ Dec 2 2005, 12:03 PM)
I can currently do it for anyone that wants to send me there phone, and PayPal $20 USD for Canada & USA, and $25 for International, then I can do it, and send your phone back to you.

cant u just sell the rom,,, and tell us how to update it,, I can give u $10.00 I have the USB Cable and the motorola updater... because I dont want to be mailing my phone...

Posted by: traysup

Haha, send their phone, I knew there was a catch rolleyes.gif

Posted by: smeg36

Watch it guys, I don't want to have to remove his thread. This is getting pretty close to (technically already is) firmware offering/requesting.

I can uderstand some of the arguments for piracy. Some of them even make very good, valid points. But making money off something that isn't yours to sell is just illegal. No ifs, ands, or buts. I remember when WM2003 first came out for the MPx200, and there was a guy selling it on ebay in much the same way. As I recall, he abruptly stopped. I think he may have gotten a call (or more) from MS.

Posted by: Slacker

QUOTE (darkoverlord @ Nov 30 2005, 07:24 AM)
Hey folks, I am running WM5 on my MPX200, and I did the install myself, I have the file created specifically for my device, and now I am trying to crack the security so I can share with others. 

I need to know if anyone knows how to Change the Device ID on a MPX200, or where to find it in the Registry.

By the way I have to say WM5 on the MPX200 truely is the best OS, Hands Down, the system is so much faster it is unreal.

Thanks in advance.


I would say the thread should be closed now. The first post was you asking for help, and commenting that the work was to be able to "share" it with the community. And now you are talking about illegally selling what you have no rights to. If you are doing the work to learn and to better the coommunity then fine. But if your intent is to make money I would suggest you find another site to hock your illegal wares. Let Smeg's warning be the last.

Posted by: abatis


I agree. Talking about the technology application on the old MPX200 is interesting but theft of protected material for commercial gain is going to far.

Posted by: gsmnutt

Since when does "sharing" involve finacial profit?? If you are truely going to share what no one will ever be able to buy (since MS isn't selling it to MPX200 users) then fine, but don't say you're sharing and then charge money for it (especially when its not yours to sell). As much as I do find this topic interesting, I must also agree with abatis, Slacker and smeg36. Hopefully this thread doesn't have to close (as the topic is of high interest) but perhaps links to the infringing material should be removed instead?

darkoverlord: If you don't mind me asking, how did you come into contact with this ROM in the first place? I'm not asking for links or anything; no specifics. Did you pull it from another phone?

Posted by: wen1

If i do get hold of the file. How do i edit it to make it work on my phone ?

QUOTE (KingDaddy @ Nov 30 2005, 04:11 PM)

Posted by: Firefly

QUOTE (Sean @ Dec 1 2005, 03:11 AM)
Wow, like that's not illegal...  That guy has balls.

Interestingly, the same guy started this thread...

Posted by: darkoverlord

Look folks, I just wanted to say that this I can put this on other phones, but only from my system, as you have to be able to access the Microsoft VPN, so the fact that you guys are all crapping on me, about offering to upgrade your phones, the money is to cover the cost of shipping, and my time, that is it. I am not selling the OS, as I am quite aware that is not allowed.

Anyways, just thought I would put my 2 cents in, as everyone wants to say I am some chump, trying to scam people, and I really am not.


Posted by: Sean

No No No... We are not calling you a chump or anything else. It is just this, back in the day (alright it was a year and a half ago) when the MPx200 was king, we had quite a bit of traffic on this site from people looking to upgrade their phones to WM2003. We had quite a few people who were distributing ROMs and helping out in this endeavor. The result? We got our pee-pees slapped by Microsoft. Not officially but we were in effect told, stop or you will hear from our lawyer. Now that was not the first lawyer threat we got nor will it be the last however, I am much more afraid of MS Lawyer 2.0 than any fool that the old AT&T Wireless could send my way so we had to put an end tot the ROM business around here.

The rub for me is that even though I have never distributed a ROM (in any traceable sort of way) I am the HMFIC and by being that, I am liable for what happens here and I really can't let MGN adversely effect the Murphy family. Simple truth.

So short story long... I don't think you are a chump, heck I am impressed (although you never did answer my PM...) and think that a MPx200 with WM5 would rock but we just can't cross the line on distribution here.

Posted by: danshin

QUOTE (darkoverlord @ Dec 6 2005, 06:31 AM)
Look folks, I just wanted to say that this I can put this on other phones, but only from my system, as you have to be able to access the Microsoft VPN, so the fact that you guys are all crapping on me, about offering to upgrade your phones, the money is to cover the cost of shipping, and my time, that is it.  I am not selling the OS, as I am quite aware that is not allowed.

Anyways, just thought I would put my 2 cents in, as everyone wants to say I am some chump, trying to scam people, and I really am not.


Hey Dark,

Does the MPx200 function properly with WM5? Can you make and received calls with it since I've heard that radio wasn't completed the WM5 version of MPx200. Is the version of WM5 you are working with RTM or Beta version?


Posted by: smeg36

as you have to be able to access the Microsoft VPN
Maybe you could explain this a bit more to me. I, like Sean, would be terrified of MS sending their attack dogs after me. If you have to connect to their VPN to perform the upgrade, don't they have some way of logging who you are and how many times you are doing the upgrade? To quote a wise man:

That guy has balls.

Posted by: gsmnutt

QUOTE (darkoverlord @ Dec 6 2005, 01:31 AM)
Look folks, I just wanted to say that this I can put this on other phones, but only from my system, as you have to be able to access the Microsoft VPN, so the fact that you guys are all crapping on me, about offering to upgrade your phones, the money is to cover the cost of shipping, and my time, that is it.  I am not selling the OS, as I am quite aware that is not allowed.

Anyways, just thought I would put my 2 cents in, as everyone wants to say I am some chump, trying to scam people, and I really am not.


I don't think many of us are saying that you are directly scamming; In fact, your price didn't seem all that bad at all considering how rare it is to get WM5 on MPX200. Its more of the fact that you are getting for your time/efforts but the copyright holder/developers aren't getting paid for THEIR time/efforts spent developing the OS which many of us feel isn't right. Play time is play time; whether someone is profiting changes the situation entirely. I, personally, didn't know you needed MS VPN access to do this which makes a little more sence why you wouldn't be selling the upgrade.

Either way, I must congratulate you on being able to install on any phone. That is an amazing accomplishment! Curious: How do you have access to MS VPN? You would have to know someone who works at MS, woudn't you? As smeg36 pointed out, you may want to watch out for logs...

Posted by: 1983

how did you manage to change resolution. wm 5.0 was created only for qvga screens meaning 320X240, mpx200 is only 220X176???

Posted by: Sean

QUOTE (1983 @ Dec 8 2005, 10:19 AM)
how did you manage to change resolution. wm 5.0 was created only for qvga screens meaning 320X240, mpx200 is only 220X176???

Actually, WM 5.0 is resolution friendly. You can use it on any resolution you set it up for, it just happens that almost all the phones that are coming out with WM5 are QVGA. I have WM5 running on a SMT5600 (in the classifieds section if you want it) and it scales to 220x with no issues.

Posted by: 1983

QUOTE (Sean @ Dec 8 2005, 02:35 PM)
Actually, WM 5.0 is resolution friendly.  You can use it on any resolution you set it up for, it just happens that almost all the phones that are coming out with WM5 are QVGA.  I have WM5 running on a SMT5600 (in the classifieds section if you want it) and it scales to 220x with no issues.

im sorry, but wheres de classifieds section? thanx

Posted by: Sean

QUOTE (1983 @ Dec 8 2005, 04:22 PM)
im sorry, but wheres de classifieds section? thanx

The forum is here:

Direct post link here:

Posted by: gsmnutt

Hey... A question for those of you lucky WM5 MPXers: How is the signal when running WM5? I tested signal on WM2002 vs. 2003 (using MPX200) and I can say from my tests that the 2002 had noticably better signal (not a WHOLE lot...but enough to make it worth running 2002). Does WM5 appear to have better signal? Just curious tongue.gif ... I believe it has a different radio stack than 2003 (hopefully better). Thanks to all you beta testers!

Posted by: wen1

I wonder if we will ever get out hands on WM5. I do not want to be without my phone for two weeks by shippind it to the seller on ebay.

Posted by: samdogg

Look on Ebay for it. You dont have to ship your phone anymore.

Posted by: 1983


Posted by: sofene

QUOTE (samdogg @ Dec 19 2005, 07:19 AM)
Look on Ebay for it. You dont have to ship your phone anymore.
That chunks overboard the argument about charging 25 bucks for shipping the phone. In comparison, the 2003 upgrade was available for about 2 bucks.

Posted by: SyubSnunb

OK, I got WM5 to load onto my old MPX200. I'll describe the process I used but I won't provide any links. Basically the WM5 rom distro that I found was three .bin files, a flash program, and a process with which to flash these to the phone. Basically the instructions state that you need a key to run the flash program, and you have to pay someone through an ebay auction. But what they don't tell you is that you can use the motorola mobile upgrade wizard to flash these files to your 200. The key is converting them from .bin files to .img files using a chinese tool called mpx200_backup. Then just follow the process laid out in the instructions included with the distro. Here is a summary:
1. remove SD and SIM and connect device
2. flash with part1.img
3. disconnect and remove battery
4. replace battery
5. master reset
6. device ID should be displayed along with an error message
7. remove battery
8. replace battery
9. put in SD card (you need at least 32MB) and reconnect
10. flash with part2.img
11. flash with part3.img
12. disconnect device and remove battery
13. replace battery
14. master reset, but options are different now (choose clean reg hive and format storage)
15. wait until complete
16. enjoy

Note: I came across the mpx200_backup utility in a search for away to SIM unlock my phone without paying anything or screwing up the IMEI. I'm sure everyone here knows about the fix.img file that will SIM unlock your 200 but will also screwup the IMEI. Well using the mpx200_backup you can choose to backup the 256K part of the phone that holds the SIM lock and IMEI information. If you find the appropriate tool online to combine your backup and the fix.img file you can then flash that to your phone and remove the SIM lock without damaging your IMEI.

Posted by: 1983

QUOTE (SyubSnunb @ Dec 21 2005, 11:41 PM)
OK, I got WM5 to load onto my old MPX200.  I'll describe the process I used but I won't provide any links.  Basically the WM5 rom distro that I found was three .bin files, a flash program, and a process with which to flash these to the phone.  Basically the instructions state that you need a key to run the flash program, and you have to pay someone through an ebay auction.  But what they don't tell you is that you can use the motorola mobile upgrade wizard to flash these files to your 200.  The key is converting them from .bin files to .img files using a chinese tool called mpx200_backup.  Then just follow the process laid out in the instructions included with the distro.  Here is a summary:
1. remove SD and SIM and connect device
2. flash with part1.img
3. disconnect and remove battery
4. replace battery
5. master reset
6. device ID should be displayed along with an error message
7. remove battery
8. replace battery
9. put in SD card (you need at least 32MB) and reconnect
10. flash with part2.img
11. flash with part3.img
12. disconnect device and remove battery
13. replace battery
14. master reset, but options are different now (choose clean reg hive and format storage)
15. wait until complete
16. enjoy

Note:  I came across the mpx200_backup utility in a search for away to SIM unlock my phone without paying anything or screwing up the IMEI.  I'm sure everyone here knows about the fix.img file that will SIM unlock your 200 but will also screwup the IMEI.  Well using the mpx200_backup you can choose to backup the 256K part of the phone that holds the SIM lock and IMEI information.  If you find the appropriate tool online to combine your backup and the fix.img file you can then flash that to your phone and remove the SIM lock without damaging your IMEI.

yes!!!!! it work!!!!!!!!!!! thanks!!!!!!!

Posted by: smeg36

Wow, good work SyubSnunb. How did you come up with that idea to convert them from .bin to .img files? I would have been so worried about flashing them and bricking my phone.

Posted by: KingDaddy

Maybe it was my asking if that would work on HoFo on Monday...

I would have tried myself but I was already done. Beside, I don't have a spare phone. I need my PMx to work until Xmas when I can start using my new PPC6700!

Posted by: smeg36

I was just reading through that thread. Looks like I'll have to pick up a MPx200 again. Anyone have one they want to sell for less than $50? I doubt it if you are reading this thread, but I can probably find one on ebay for that price after Christmas.

Posted by: smeg36

Or before Christmas. I just picked one up for $41. I'll flash WM5.0 when it comes. Funny, my first WM5 device will be one of the older Smartphones I have owned.

Posted by: SyubSnunb

Dumb luck my friends... I was trying to SIM unlock the phone incase my wm5 upgrade on my SMT5600 bricked the SMT5600. When I found some chinese site detailing how to SIM unlock without killing the IMEI, I tried mpx200_backup along with another tool they provided to mesh the fix.img and a backup from your phone. Then I started searching boards, like this, one for info about wm5 on the mpx200. When I found the three .bin files I noticed the bin -> img function on mpx200_backup and figured I'd give it a shot. If i bricked the 200 I still had my SMT5600. Also what encouraged me is that the instructions in the three part bin installer stated you needed the key before ever even flashing any of the .bin's to the phone meaning the key probably had nothing to do with phone's "hardware fingerprint."

The only thing of note so far is that ActiveSync 4.1 will occasionaly never sync with the just says connecting for 10+ min. Unplug and plug back in and it works fine, don't know if any other users are seeing this with wm5.

Posted by: mkestu

QUOTE (SyubSnunb @ Dec 22 2005, 04:52 PM)
The only thing of note so far is that ActiveSync 4.1 will occasionaly never sync with the just says connecting for 10+ min.  Unplug and plug back in and it works fine, don't know if any other users are seeing this with wm5.

I had this "connecting" issue with my 200 with the cartman ROM. I reinstalled Active Sync (v3.8 I think) and it cleared up.

Posted by: tiger2380

i have install WM5 without a SD card but i can not boot up. So,
I guess i do need a SD card,right???

Nevermind, I went and got a 256mb sd card and it work great now.

Posted by: smeg36

Yes. Part of the OS is installed on the SD card. Without it, it would be like trying to boot a PC that is missing the the HD the OS is on. There wasn't enough room on the ROM to install it all there, so they had to use the SD card to run part of it.

Posted by: pedro

Hello Everybody!
I have a problam installing WM05 on my mpx200. I followed the instructions, but after the part3.img was flashed, when i try to turn on and make the 2nd hard reset my phone display is black, actually i CAN NOT turn it on. And i cannot do anything.
By the way it is not dead, cause i can flash it again(supermoto2).
Maybe my phone is sim locked? Is that why i can not upgrade?
Sorry my english...

Posted by: muchomorek

-after part3.img
-disconnect device and remove battery
-replace battery
-do hard reset

Posted by: pedro

I did it exactly the same way, but it does not work. I suppose that the new OS very sensitive the memory card(Kingston 128Mb). I will try an other one.

Posted by: tiger2380

QUOTE (smeg36 @ Dec 24 2005, 10:13 PM)
Yes.  Part of the OS is installed on the SD card.  Without it, it would be like trying to boot a PC that is missing the the HD the OS is on.  There wasn't enough room on the ROM to install it all there, so they had to use the SD card to run part of it.

Ok, I understand that but I have did everything as the instruction said. I came to the boot option and i select yes for clean hiv and format storage but after that it stays on the white screen for a long time. I did a hard reset several times. I even tried to boot it up without did a hard reset and it stays on the splash screen.

Posted by: muchomorek

the white screen will go away after 20 minutes

Posted by: SyubSnunb

Yeah the white screen took some 7 min for it to go away for me... if your waiting longer than that perhaps you are having a SD card compatability problem... sorry I can't help any more

Posted by: tiger2380

but should it gave me an error if i did needed a SD card while i was flashing it??

Posted by: kerrynia

[WM5 does not sync

I flashed y MPX200. It was easy to do, the result is great. I would like
to use WM5 in future. But: It does not sync with Outlock. I have on one PC Win XP the other Win 2000. Normally I sync with the XP; ActyveSync 4.1 is installed. Everything is working fine with my PDA and the other smartphone. And it synced with the PX200 before the update. But now: "Found new device", "MS SmArtphone Device" and nothing happens. Then the Win Assistant whants to help me to install the new device. But I do not now which kind of driver to take.
At the Win200 PC it is nearly the same: The difference is that the green wheel is turning "connect device". So what to do, any help ?
Thanks in advance.

Posted by: SyubSnunb

kerrynia, I had the exact problem you are talking about the first few times I tried to sync the mpx200 with wm5 to activesync 4.1. It would say connecting... indefinately. I uninstalled and reinstalled 4.1, no luck. I tried opening activesync on the phone and having that application running on the phone while plugging it in. Eventually I started playing around with plugging the phone into different USB ports. Once again it seemed completely random, but I plugged it into a different one and let windows automatically install the ms smartphone drivers, and it worked. I hope this helps.

Posted by: SyubSnunb

also you can check out microsofts help for activesync... it talks about how "Since Windows Mobile 5.0 and ActiveSync 4.0 now utilize the Windows system TCP/IP stack for communication, the device connection will appear as a network interface and can be interrupted by a Network Connection Manager utility. Some utilities may mistake the ActiveSync connection as a valid internet connection and shut it down in favor of Wireless LAN connection."

Posted by: jacobras


I have installed WM5 on my MPx200, and I was wondering where the SD Card is :S . I can't acces him from my filemanager, and not from the computer (when the phone is connected to activesync) . sad.gif
How can I acces the SD card?

Posted by: 1983

QUOTE (jacobras @ Dec 27 2005, 03:26 PM)

I have installed WM5 on my MPx200, and I was wondering where the SD Card is :S . I can't acces him from my filemanager, and not from the computer (when the phone is connected to activesync) .  sad.gif
How can I acces the SD card?

now your sd is part of the ram... just place your files in my documents or were ever you want biggrin.gif

Posted by: tiger2380

QUOTE (jacobras @ Dec 27 2005, 10:26 AM)

I have installed WM5 on my MPx200, and I was wondering where the SD Card is :S . I can't acces him from my filemanager, and not from the computer (when the phone is connected to activesync) .  sad.gif
How can I acces the SD card?

You can't access the SD card because it's part of the system now. But, you still have the storage capacity of the the SD card.

Posted by: jacobras

QUOTE (1983 @ Dec 27 2005, 10:04 PM)
now your sd is part of the ram... just place your files in my documents or were ever you want  biggrin.gif

Thanx! smile.gif

Posted by: jacobras

Now I'm having another problem...
The lights of my keys aren't lighting up anymore. sad.gif
Does WM5 don't support that? Or am I doing something wrong?

Posted by: trxDraxon

So I read in the Review thread that 512meg SD cards dont work? Is this true? This is the card I have in mine atm

Should I get another one before trying to flash it? If so what size should I get 256, 1gig? What seems to be working for everyone else?

EDIT: I went ahead and tried flashing it with the 512card I have, so far so good, phone is up and running. I'll see how it goes today if I need to buy anohter one. 512meg Cosair 40x works so far FYI.

Posted by: tiger2380

QUOTE (trxDraxon @ Dec 28 2005, 11:33 AM)
Should I get another one before trying to flash it?  If so what size should I get 256, 1gig?  What seems to be working for everyone else?


I have a 256mb sd and it working good, no problem here.

Posted by: elviaitalia

So it's true that anything can happen at Christmas time.. laugh.gif

I had read this thread a while back and had forgotten about it as I was under the impression that this "Magneto-on-Mpx200" thing was never going to come true.

Then came Christmas which brought some nice presents and a little money for me between other things.

As my trusty Mpx200 is almost three years old (and it's starting to show), I had almost decided to buy a new phone and was really undecided between a Nokia 6080 (yeah! Symbian, why not?) and the much-rumored Mitac Mio A701 which still has got to show up around here anyway.

After reading some things around I decided to jump into my all-times-favorite site and ask the fine people at MGN for their opinions, advices, criticisms and such.

Then I saw that this here thread was still alive and kicking so I just had a peek and... woah! I can upgrade my old geezer with WM05??!!! This is incredible!! I've never been owning a gadget with such a lifespan... I mean if I succeed in making this thing work I will be sporting the latest OS on a phone which is "informatically speaking" almost pre-historic... I'm really tempted....

But again, I roam around for comments and reactions and seem to find out that after flashing most of the WM05-powered Mpx200 users are unable to reload and run their old apps and that, the vast majority of the existing software still is not WM05-compatible. So would flashing my phone be little more than a proof of concept?

I mean, I use my Mpx200 for a load of things and flashing it in order not to be able to use it anymore would be suicidal. Hence the question:
- should I wait till all the apps I use are Wm05 compliant, then flash, upgrade the apps, load it on my "new" phone and live happily forever or,
- should I just get a new phone and perhaps flash my old fella for the sake of experimentation?

Doubt, doubt, panic...

Any authoritative (Abatis, Slacker, Sean, Smeg, Gryphon, anyone? smile.gif ) comment will be deeply appreciated.

p.s.: Merry Christmas (I know... I'm late...) and a Happy New year!! smile.gif


Posted by: hansie_k


i'm gonna try this tomorow, but i got a question:
do i need to put the phone into flash-mode every time?
i think i should...?

and could activesync screw up things, or can't activesync see the phone while flashing...?

Hansie smile.gif

Posted by: hansie_k

YES it's up-and-running! biggrin.gif cool.gif
slow at some points, but i guess that's the SD-card..
most-used programs work fast, even activesync worked after 2 times dry.gif

Hansie smile.gif

Posted by: flowmatik

thanks for all the info. i just performed the update on my phone. i do see some very noticeable changes. i have a few questions though 1. does anyone know how to make the phone NOT answer when you open it (i mean so that you can actually press a button to accept the call. from what i can see, the external screen can't be altered to display the caller's name so unless you know the number you won't know who you're answering. 2. i find the os running a bit slow at times. i heard of others having this problem as well. i'm using a pny 128mb sd card. has anyone found any remedies? and 3. what do you guys think is best to use for a replacement for the missing (in comparison to wm2003) components such as battery power, resource manager etc.

thanks a lot

Posted by: wen1

I tried with a 128MB PNY card lying around and had the same slowdowns. Went with another card which is faster and the problems went away.

Posted by: flowmatik

ok cool cool. i would have to do the entire update again right?

Posted by: flowmatik

if you go into setting>home screen>home screen layout
the layout for msn default and windows basic has the battery meter. msn has pocket msn on the home screen (which i havn't used yet) the windows basic doesn't have the scrolling icons. i prefer the msn default.

Posted by: ajayden


i have downloaded the ROM Update. My phone is the same and Its called O2 Xphone IIm here. But havent flashed since I have a question to ask...

IF the flashing fails or something doesnt work.... how do i get the original 2003 SE back on the phone?

if this can be restored, I can go ahead with the flashing smile.gif

Can someone also confirm if this ROM Update will work with O2 Xphone IIm(it is the same family as mpx220 or mpx200).

Posted by: hansie_k


got the mpx running on mw5 no for a couple of days
it's pretty slow at some points, and the sync option only works at rondom

but there is one thing that worries me
the (new...) battery only lasts a day, and the phone gets pretty warm when I use it for a longer time (sms, schedule, ....)

I think it was a nice project get it up-and-running, but i'm back to 2003 soon..

anybody else got his machine running warm/hot?

Hansie smile.gif (who is still VERY happy with his MPx200 wink.gif )

Posted by: ajayden


After upgrade to WM5.0 on the MPX200, can it connect to wifi?

Posted by: samdogg

QUOTE (ajayden @ Jan 3 2006, 09:53 PM)

After upgrade to WM5.0 on the MPX200, can it connect to wifi?


No it cant actually because the mpx200, doesnt have any WIFI hardware built into it.


Posted by: AndrewSh

QUOTE (ajayden @ Jan 3 2006, 11:53 PM)
....After upgrade to WM5.0 on the MPX200, can it connect to wifi?...

I really like it!!! smile.gif
If I put the label "Apollo" on to my car - can I then fly to the Moon?

If seriously, ajayden, I would recommend you not to flash your phone with anything but 2002.

Posted by: Firefly

QUOTE (ajayden @ Jan 3 2006, 07:07 PM)

i have downloaded the ROM Update. My phone is the same and Its called O2 Xphone IIm here. But havent flashed since I have a question to ask...

IF the flashing fails or something doesnt work.... how do i get the original 2003 SE back on the phone?

if this can be restored, I can go ahead with the flashing smile.gif

Can someone also confirm if this ROM Update will work with O2 Xphone IIm(it is the same family as mpx220 or mpx200)

O2 Xphone II and MPx200 are not the same...
I would not dare to flash an O2 Xphone with MPx200 ROM

Posted by: Geqxon

I'd really had a deathwish when I flashed my MPX200 with WM5, because I have a 512mb SD-Card AND its from Kingston. But I survived, hoora for me biggrin.gif

Posted by: smeg36

Now I'm having another problem...
The lights of my keys aren't lighting up anymore.
Does WM5 don't support that? Or am I doing something wrong?
No, you're not doing something wrong. That is a common hardware problem with the phone. I'd be willing to bet that if you hold the keypad up to your ear, you will hear a buzzing as well, right? That is a problem with the hardware, and has nothing to do with the software. And there is no fix I know of for it. I had a phone with that problem and couldn't find any way to fix it other than sell it and get a new one.

O2 Xphone II and MPx200 are not the same...
I would not dare to flash an O2 Xphone with MPx200 ROM

You're right, the Xphone IIm is a completely different phone. It is based on the Typhoon design from HTC, not the MPx200. Flash your phone only if you want to brick it.

Posted by: ajayden

Hi Guys,

Thanks for the reply.Agreed and decided not to flash smile.gif

But one more question regarding XphoneIIm....

Isnt Xphone IIm alo known as Imate SP5m?

If so, Imate SP5m comes with Wifi. Does that mean that Xphone has the capability in it but it has been locked?

Posted by: hansie_k


for those who have problems using ActiveSync

I use 4.0 now, and connected the phone direct to the PC, whitout a HUB

Works great!!!

Hansie smile.gif

Posted by: DNA210audio

Hello to everyone... biggrin.gif ...I have a question for you who have tried the WM5...What about the camera;... mellow.gif ...Does it work with WM5;...Because I saw that the WM5 use also the SD to boot...does this mean that there is no space into the main ram for anything else;...And if it is so what are the benefits of WM5 to sacrifice the camera;...I have my mpx200 for a year now and in the past I flashed the WM2003 but the phone was getting hot after a while and the battery lasted for a few hours...although it was nice using mp3 ringtones... rolleyes.gif ...great job you guys... wink.gif

Posted by: smeg36

No, the camera won't work. The SD card is part of the ROM/RAM in WM5. If you take it out, the phone freaks. You can't even access the Start Menu. You get the error "Can't Find ':MSStart' (or one of its components). Make sure the path and filename are correct adn that all the requires libraries are available." It does that with every program, so I'm sure the camera won't work.

The main improvement that I like the most is PIE. I really love being able to change the font size, and the full screen layout.

Posted by: DNA210audio

But isn't there a program called homescreen designer that can change totally your interface;... huh.gif ...I don't know...I like the idea of having WM5 installed on my mpx200 but I would like even more if it could take same photos even with its external camera... rolleyes.gif ...I will wait for WM6 and see if they have solved this problem... biggrin.gif ...

Posted by: konker really interested in trying out the WM5 for SP on my MPx200.
It came preloaded with SP2003 (build 13349).
But what I really dislike is that I can't send MMS & the jMMS software that came with the SP2002 OS is not compatible with SP003.
Thru personal investigation, I discovered that the MMs capability is integrated into the OS at root level from SP2003SE onward(refer to screenshot of Windows Explorer of MS-AS in "\Windows" folder showing MMS...).
Can someone verify that?
It'll be great if it is cos that'll be well worth the while for the flashing to WM5.
I dun care for the use of the camera cos I dun need it.
Here're some screenshots I took from the SP2003SE Emulator by MS & the Windows Explorer for MS-AS.
Pls advice.

Posted by: Geqxon

Just use notepad to make your own homescreen, its very easy. This is mine:

This way, I can put my cellphone up on the table, flip the screen open, and still watch the time even when the backlight is dimmed / off. Works like a charm!

<?xml version="1.0"?>

    <default font-face="Segoe Condensed" font-size="14" font-weight="bold" padding-left="4" padding-right="4" bgcolor="transparent" fgcolor="COLOR_HOMETEXT" padding-top="2" b-border-color="COLOR_HOMERULE" b-border-width="1">
 <format state="selected" fgcolor="COLOR_HOMEHIGHLIGHTTEXT"/>
    <background bgimage="\windows\WindowsMobile.jpg" valign="bottom" bgcolor="COLOR_TRAYGRADLEFT" />
     <color name="COLOR_TRAYGRADLEFT" value="#2E97E3" />
 <color name="COLOR_HOMEHIGHLIGHT" value="#50A5E5" />
    <plugin clsid="{837FC251-FE69-43ad-84E0-EBCEDEBA0884}" name="iconbar" height="20">
 <iconbar fgcolor="COLOR_TRAYTEXT"/>
 <background gradient="title" bgcolor="COLOR_TRAYGRADLEFT" b-border-color="COLOR_WINDOWFRAME"/>
    <plugin clsid="{44FA0F8C-082F-42b4-BE49-82559F23D5D4}" name="clock" height="125">
 <time font-size="95" halign="center"/>
 <date font-size="50" y="75" halign="center"/>
    <plugin clsid="{0BA8ABB8-1F1D-417f-88C6-DA8530E2E7A6}" name="missedcalls" height="18">
     <format state="selected" bgcolor="COLOR_HOMEHIGHLIGHT"/>
 <format state="nocall" visible="false"/>
 <label h="16">
     <text>Missed: <calls/></text>
    <plugin clsid="{4e822425-a00f-497c-80ff-1c554665a369}" name="cooltext" height="18">
 <scrolltext textsource="cellbroadcast"/>
     <format state="selected" bgcolor="COLOR_HOMEHIGHLIGHT"/>
    <plugin clsid="{865A354A-4A96-4687-B001-C155DC0DBE76}" name="calendar" height="36">
     <format state="selected" bgcolor="COLOR_HOMEHIGHLIGHT"/>
 <label h="16">
 <label h="16" y="17">
     <text><time/> <location/></text>

Posted by: over2land

Sorry to bring an old thread back from the dead, but I'd like to do this same thing with an MPx300, but don't even know where to start.

I've asked the guy on ebay selling the MPx200 with WM5 questions, but haven't gotten an answer.

I'm not sure if it was darkoverlord, King Daddy or who figured this out, but (and here's the nooB part of this post) I tried PMing both and was told I wasn't allowed to do that on this forum. I was looking for some guidance with doing the same thing on the MPx300 and don't even know where to start.

Anyway, I'd appreciate any help on the subject.


Posted by: smeg36

You can't. Each WM5 image is specifically designed for that exact phone. If you try to put it on another phone, it will render it useless. The only way to get WM5 on a phone it wasn't released for is to pull it off a phone that has it already installed or have someone leak the image. The only way the MPx200 got it was because a WM5 image was created for the phone, then got leaked. The MPx300 was barely even released, let alone having a WM5 image leaked.

Posted by: ardec1

QUOTE (over2land @ Jan 31 2007, 04:36 PM) *
Sorry to bring an old thread back from the dead, but I'd like to do this same thing with an MPx300, but don't even know where to start.

I've asked the guy on ebay selling the MPx200 with WM5 questions, but haven't gotten an answer.

I'm not sure if it was darkoverlord, King Daddy or who figured this out, but (and here's the nooB part of this post) I tried PMing both and was told I wasn't allowed to do that on this forum. I was looking for some guidance with doing the same thing on the MPx300 and don't even know where to start.

Anyway, I'd appreciate any help on the subject.


Don't even consider trying to install the WM5 for the MPx200 on an MPx300, you will end up with a paper weight.

If you want to try and modify a WM5 ROM for the MPx200 to work on your MPx300 I would start with the Chinese WM5 ROM and go from there.

You can find a lot of info about how to port a ROM at:

Look at the section for the Blue Angel, there are several paople who have ported a WM5 ROM to that device (it is also called a Siemens SX66 and it runs fantastic with WM5).

You could also try and roll a generic WM5 ROM in the ROM kitchen and use that as a starting point.

Good Luck.

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