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_ Motorola MPx200 _ Review of WM 5 upgrade for MPX200

Posted by: samdogg

Hey folks,

I'm more of an observer than a poster, but I felt it was my duty to show (not brag, lol) another successful installation and review of WM 5 tongue.gif

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Of course I did not find this upgrade myself. I accepted darkoverlord's offer, except you dont have to send your phone in now, he will supply you with the goodies. Now I will try give an honest review of this highly sought out operating system.

First off to all those stupid people who thought it couldn't be done. It has, and it already was done. We first saw it a couple of months ago in a post by muchomorek, and then again in another post, darkoverlord installed the damn thing himself. Now, how he got a hold of it, I have no clue. The Mpx200 was the test unit for WM 5 by Microsoft from what I have seen and heard from alot of different websites. I guess, this is so, because if you can run the OS on this phone and keep it stable and fast, then it probably wll run better on all other SmartPhones released after it.

Install (For any one who cares):

I dont know if this is the way they install it at Microsoft or if this was darkoverlord's own custom way, but I didnt not use the Motorola Upgrade wizard at all. Basically I was given 3 bin files and a custom flash program (maybe made by darkoverlord) that you run using command prompt on your computer.

First off, the hardware fingerprint darkoverlord was talking about, its tied to the computer your installing from. The first time I ran the flash program, it gave me a hardware code, generated by my computer. I gave this code to Mr. Dark, and he generated a hardware key for my computer, which I never had to enter again. So basically I could install WM 2005 on any MPX200 phone from my computer, as many times as I wanted.

The only thing is, I am guessing if the hardware fingerprint is tied to your OS, then if you reinstall windows on your computer, you have to get another hardware key from Mr. Dark. Now, if the hardware fingerprint is ACTUALLY tied to your computer's hardware, then you shouldnt have this problem, and once you enter the key, you never have to enter it again. BTW, just a note, you have to have at least a 32MB SD, as some of you suspected. I had a 1 GB SD card., once I put in the key, it allowed me to access the custom flash program and from there:

- I flashed the phone with the first bin file, WITHOUT the SD card or the SIM.
- Then I had to perform a Master reset.
- Then, flashed the phone with the second bin file, WITH the SD card back in
- Then, flashed the phone with the third bin file
- Then, had to do a soft reset, I think, clicked a couple fo options, and then it formatted the storage card. From there, I booted up and it was all good.


Honestly, the OS is NOT completly different looking, as you guys have probably seen. A little bit of a smaller fonts used here and there. And of course a little bit different graphics used for icons and borders and on screen buttons and what not. The START button has a windows logo by it, and the start menu is now all icons, instead of a list. If you really wanna know, look at the screenshots for yourself. Overall it still looks better then WM 2003.


Well there are good things and bad things, of course. Now, remember, that I received version 5.1.1700.1434. I dont know if this is a final version so things may be different from what other already available WM 5 SmartPhones have or dont have. With that being said:


- Better Bluetooth support (dont matter)
- Better Camera support (dont matter again)
- New Photo and Video Viewer
- Attatch custom pics and ring tones with contacts, so that when a contact calls, both come up
- New Internet Explorer, with options to save images, music, and sounds.
- Windows Media Player 10 (Essentially the same as previous versions but different looks)
- New MSN bar that can be displayed on the home screen, which gives you icons for hotmail, messenger, and MSN
- MP3 support for ringtones
- Overall faster OS

Forgive me if if I forgot anything, this my first time writing a review of an OS.


Now, remember, that I received version 5.1.1700.1434. I dont know if this is a final version so things may be different from what other already available WM 5 SmartPhones have or dont have. With that being said:

- No File Explorer
- No easily accessible battery viewer or memory meter. There is no icons for either. Both of these are hidden in the Settings icon, under "Power Management" and "About"
- No Task manager

Again if I am missing anything please forgive and forget. If anybody has anything
else to add, please do so. As far as the lack of file explorer, Task Manager and batter/memory meter icons, yah it sucks, but I got around this by getting Resco Explorer 2003 5.15 and Resco System Toys 1.20. And if your broke, like me, just download the trial versions from the official site, and google for some serials or cracks. These 2 programs help ALOT, and I recommend them for anyone planning to do this upgrade.

As far as the OS being faster, You MUST use at least a 32 MB SD card. 256 and 1GB card work the best, but DO NOT use a 512 SD card. This OS has a serious issue with that size SD card for some reason. Follow these lines, and WM 5 will perform faster and nicer than WM 2003

Signal/Voice Quality:

When I first got my MPX200, of course it was a US AT&T phone with a AT&T SIM card. At that time I had Cingular, and I had WM 2003. With those 2, I had OK signal and voice quality, with dropped calls every now and then. I never had chance to unlock the phone and test it with T-Mobile. However, before I got the WM 5 upgrade, I switched to T-Mobile (Cingular BTW is *&^%, and is wasting what AT&T had setup before, in my opinion). So Mr.Dark unlocked the phone for me as well, with a program he gave me. Booted up my phone with my T-Mobile SIM, and WM 5, and I noticed a better signal and better voice quality. Now, I am no expert, but the better signal and voice, could be a result of switching to T-mobile, or just because of the area I live at, so I dont know for sure, so dont kill me if anyone else gets different results.

Battery Life:

Havent had the upgrade that long to test battery life, but so far, from what I can tell, it seems to be consuming a little less power. Either way, I dont think it will consume more battery life than 2003. I'll keep you updated.

Last Impression:

Overall I would recommend the OS upgrade if you want more functionality and speed as far as what I described. If you dont wanna bother with flashing the rom or with buying or downloading a couple of apps to fix this OS, then just pass on it. Otherwise, get this nice upgrade, and soon. Hope this review has helped people. You guys know where to get this thing. So good luck. smile.gif


UPDATE 1: Well, as some of you may be aware, there is a new way of installing WM 2005. Basically you have to get the bin files, if you can get a hold of them, and convert them to .img files. next step is to use Motorola Upgrade Wizard and follow basically the same install process, but with using that program. Yep, no hardware fingerprint, no nothing! If your looking to do this upgrade, as usual, google around for the files and the instruction, and you WILL find it. Good luck!

Posted by: smeg36

Wow, thanks a lot for the insightful review. That is some great info!

Posted by: abatis

Nice job samdogg. You earn a pin.

Posted by: samdogg

QUOTE (smeg36 @ Dec 19 2005, 03:08 AM)
Wow, thanks a lot for the insightful review.  That is some great info!

Thanks Smeg. That's the point of forums. you get help, you should give help too.

Wanted to add a bug I found in WM 5. I have an mp3 that I made myself, set as my ringtone, and when the phone lid is closed and not being used, and someone calls, the mp3 cuts in and out, kind of annoyingly. Not sure if that's a bug or if maybe I should use a lower a bitrate for the mp3 (the mp3 was 128kbs). Maybe that's Microsoft telling me to stick with WMA, huh, lol??? Anywayz, I'll keep you posted.

Posted by: KingDaddy

Very cool:

Drop a font into \Windows\Fonts\ and you can use it in your homescreen!

The system font is Segoe Condensed, I like it!

I can't seem to make anything new the system font, but I haven't tried too hard. The registry won't let me change the key.

I think the possible slowness comes from everything running from the SD card. A fast SD card would almost definitely improve things. I'm using the card that the free Clearvue apps came on a couple years ago. It works great. I think it's an MMC.

The entire file system resides on the SD card. I couldn't delete any shortcuts from the Start Menu so I popped the card into a card reader and deleted them that way.

Sprite Backup won't run right in "local" mode. There's no "Mounted Volume" so it will probably only back up to and restore from the PC. I don't use it this way so I can't test it.

The StartMRU looks to be consistent between soft resets. Strange!

The phone app is visible in Resco Task Manager. Don't kill it unless you know how to restart it! I don't...

Maybe more observations later.

Posted by: neostar

I also went with good old darky's offer, so I thought I would put my ten cents into the fold.

I am using a 256mb SD card, and its sluggish at times, but overall pretty good. I have to say my MPX200 has always been a bit hesitent at time regardless of what OS is on. I'm not sure how fast the MPX200's SD card slot reads or how fast my SD card is so like everyone else I can't comment on using a better one. Mine is a proper SD card though not MMC.

I really like the new UI, I also love the new txt message system that brings up a list of words, as below:

It works great with ActiveSync 4.1 but is slow to synchronise. Now its the first time I have sync'd with an exchange server rather than the local computer so it might be that rather than the phone.

I'm using a WMA file as my ringtone, and don't have any cut out problems with that.

I have sent some txt's and made a couple of phone calls. Everything is working ok, and as yet the phone has not crashed.

It takes a while to startup and shutdown, but once again the SD card might come into that.

All in all I think this runs better than both WM2002/2003 and there are definitley less bugs than 2003, the most welcome thing being the battery life seems better.

I think this is a big F you to the manufacturers who won't offer WM5 upgrades claiming hardware issues. If one of the oldest smartphones there is can run it, i'm sure devices less than a year old will manage.


Posted by: KingDaddy

WM10 lets you fast-forward. I think that's a HUGE improvement.

Posted by: samdogg


Even though its nice to be one of the few people that have this OS on an MPX 200, It's also nice to see other people have it. Enjoy it folks, Basically were are like Microsoft developers. Seriously not that many people have it, probably less than 50!


Those hardware keys, from what Mr.Dark told me, are tied to our hardware, acting as if it was a developers hardware. So I guess as long as you dont change major components of your configuration, you can reformat your computer as much as you want, and you can still flash your phone with the WM 5 image. ^*&& yah.

Posted by: samdogg


As far as slowness in the OS, you all know that in my review, I had used a 2 year old MMC card, when Mr. Dark said use an SD. He confirmed to me that indeed your OS will go slower with an MMC. I also confirmed this because as some of you may know, at the time when this phone was made, SD cards were faster than MMC, so this phone, when I get an SD card, will benefit from it. Again Dark said that found that 256MB and 1GB cards work very well, but for some reason 512mb cards are not as good. So beware. It also may depend on the maker of the SD card. Stick with the best, obviously, Kingston, SanDisk, etc...

Now I did see however, that there are new MMC cards that are coming out, that are faster than SD cards, but most likely the reader/writer in the mpx200, wont take advantage of this extra speed, as it is an old writer/reader. If anyone else has anythign to add please do so....

Posted by: samdogg


As expected, using an MMC card will slow your @$$ down whem using WM 5. However, anybody thinking about using a 512 SD card...PEOPLE, I'M WARNING YOU, DONT USE IT.....I had one laying around, and decided to use it, because it's not like darkoverlord tried every different manufacturer of the 512 SD card. I had a Panasonic. The install went fine, but when it came time for the first boot up, it just plain didnt. I tried over and over again and out of 10 tries (Meaning pulling out the battery and putting it back in) I only got it to boot 1 time. Not my kinda numbers. Just stick with any size other than 512, and you will be fine. More to come.

Posted by: neostar

Yeah I tried a viking 512MB SD Card first and it didn't want to know. Its strange really given the fact a 1gig card works so its not a problem with the size of teh cards.

I would also like to update that so far the battery is holding out very well especially since I have been playing with the OS a lot.

The old MPX200 must have the most revisions of a smartphone OS released compared to any other phone.

I'm really surprised MS didn't test WM5 on the MPX220 given the fact the hardware was more potent and it has both bluetooth and a camera.


Posted by: neostar


I read during the review of the Orange c600 that the phone is quicker if you turn off 'error reporting'

I have just turned it off, but haven't had time to see whether it makes a difference.

Anyone else tried?


Posted by: zlonx


cant wait to try it on my MPx200, if only i know were to get this stuff!

Q: does 2003 programs run smooth on this OS?

Posted by: hyper

Dear samdogg!

As far as I have understood you could install in the mpx200 WM 5.0. I had many questions.
In the first - where it is possible download OS with WM 5.0 for mpx200? What is necessary a key for installation OS?
And where (at whom) it is possible download? The sequence of actions of installation Also interests.

Thanks you, I hope for understanding.

Posted by: darkoverlord

Nice Job Guys, I am happy to see that you are happy with the OS.

Error Reporting should be turned off, as it will give you better battery life, and overall performance.

Keep up the good work.

Posted by: SyubSnunb

I've also got WM5 running on my mpx200. I've got sluggish response sometimes. Probably due to my use of a 64MB miniSD card. I'm going to invest in a SanDisk 1GB card in the next week. Overall I havn't seen much difference in battery life or signal, but I've only had it up for a few days now.

Posted by: donZe

And is it possible to go back to 2003 once you have intalled WM5?

I really need to know (my mpx200 is my only phone at the moment and if I do sth wrong I would like to know if it is undoable)

Posted by: AndrewSh

QUOTE (darkoverlord @ Dec 21 2005, 05:17 AM)
...Error Reporting should be turned off, as it will give you better battery life, and overall performance....

The Windows works pretty nice.
The only issue for me at the moment - how to unlock registry edit? I am from the Russian part of the world - so it's important for me to have the Russian text input. OK, I know how to do that but I need the registry editing feature enabled to complete the operation...
So, any ideas?
Thanx in advance and for sure Merry X'mas!

Posted by: sofene

QUOTE (AndrewSh @ Dec 24 2005, 07:20 AM)
The Windows works pretty nice.
The only issue for me at the moment - how to unlock registry edit? I am from the Russian part of the world - so it's important for me to have the Russian text input. OK, I know how to do that but I need the registry editing feature enabled to complete the operation...
So, any ideas?
Thanx in advance and for sure Merry X'mas!
Do you have phm regedit installed? You should be able to do registry edit with that.

Posted by: smart-turk

well in Turkey we made this upgrade succesfully and made a movie for this. It is not very very hard if you watch this movie and also you don't need any keys for installation.

Sorry i am new and dont know the rule about NOT to add rom hosting site link.You can send private message to me to have the link.

Posted by: kerrynia

QUOTE (donZe @ Dec 22 2005, 01:46 PM)
And is it possible to go back to 2003 once you have intalled WM5?

I really need to know (my mpx200 is my only phone at the moment and if I do sth wrong I would like to know if it is undoable)


no problem to flash back. If you have backuped your devices data
with sprite backup all your compled customized mobile phone is back within half an houre.

Posted by: samdogg

QUOTE (smart-turk @ Dec 25 2005, 05:37 PM)
well in Turkey we made this upgrade succesfully and made a movie for this. It is not very very hard if you watch this movie and also you don't need any keys for installation.

Sorry i am new and dont know the rule about NOT to add rom hosting site link.You can send private message to me to have the link.

Hats off to Smart-turk. He made it possible for EVERYONE to have WM5, like it should be. Thanks again!!!

Posted by: sbelean

Can you tell me how to application unlock MPX200 WM5 please. I tried registry editor but didn't work.

Posted by: traysup

Yes hats off to Smart-Turk!!

Posted by: yufeng66

I got WM5 on my MPX200 too. I think overall it is slightly faster. The pocket IE is much better and the pocket outlook is slightly nicer looking. The contact is better looking too.

I do have one issue. When I get a call, the caller's number instead of the name is displayed on the outside screen. After I open up the phone, the correct name will show up on the main screen. Is it only me or other people is having the same problem too?

Posted by: demosthenes

QUOTE (smart-turk @ Dec 25 2005, 06:37 PM)
well in Turkey we made this upgrade succesfully and made a movie for this. It is not very very hard if you watch this movie and also you don't need any keys for installation.

Sorry i am new and dont know the rule about NOT to add rom hosting site link.You can send private message to me to have the link.

Is there a way to save the movie, and not to open the page whenever I want to see it?

Posted by: smart-turk

QUOTE (demosthenes @ Dec 27 2005, 06:05 PM)
Is there a way to save the movie, and not to open the page whenever I want to see it?

did you mean Tutorial movie

You can't download directly because of Hotlink protection.

you can download via this page.

Posted by: demosthenes

Thanks!!! ; )

Posted by: Firefly

Successfully installed WM5 on my MPx200!!!
Works great!! It seems to be a little quicker than WM2003, that is after it boots up...

Could not locate File Manager, Resource Manager, Sim Manager etc.
These were very useful tools in WM2003.

Can we install 3rdparty tools intended for WM2003... like IA File Manger, XBAR etc?
Also, do we have an option to change the external display style like we had in WM2003?


Posted by: Damen

yea u can install allmost every app...(so far only oxios hybernate didnt work for me)
IA utility pack works and has basicly everything u need that is not on the wm 5 rom: file manager, task manager, SIM MANAGER and space maker...

oh and u cant change the extern display...maybe there will be no more clamshell ms smartphones........

Posted by: trxDraxon

I have mine flashed and running fine so far except for the internet. Anyone else having any problems setting up the connections? The cab files that were on the site will not work anymore so I manually put in the connections yet I still cant connect. It either just tells me to check my network coverage or it just goes back to the IE screen and does nothing.

Posted by: gshegosh

QUOTE (sbelean @ Dec 27 2005, 07:08 AM)
Can you tell me how to application unlock MPX200 WM5 please. I tried registry editor but didn't work.

It doesn't work for me, too sad.gif
I've googled around but found no workaround. The regedit (tried resco and the stg one) won't change the values.

Has anyone managed to decertify mpx200 under WM5?

Posted by: Firefly

QUOTE (Damen @ Dec 29 2005, 12:23 AM)
yea u can install allmost every app...(so far only oxios hybernate didnt work for me)
IA utility pack works and has basicly everything u need that is not on the wm 5 rom: file manager, task manager, SIM MANAGER and space maker...

oh and u cant change the extern display...maybe there will be no more clamshell ms smartphones........

How about Jeyo Mobile Companion.
Mine doesn't connect to the device!!

Posted by: Firefly

QUOTE (gshegosh @ Dec 29 2005, 12:58 PM)
It doesn't work for me, too sad.gif
I've googled around but found no workaround. The regedit (tried resco and the stg one) won't change the values.

Has anyone managed to decertify mpx200 under WM5?

Same here,
It did not allow me to change the values with PHM Regedit

Posted by: McPhisto

Hi!! Im using WM5 in my mpx200, and i have to say that it runs great!!!
Much better than 2003, simply because it has everything 2003 has (except from file manager, resource, etc and things you can get from third party) and looks much better and runs smoother.
I have two questions:

1.- my sd card (256) is the same i used for my nikon camera, so i used the phone as a card reader to download my photos, but after installing wm5, now it asks me to format the card when i insert it in the camera, and this will sweep the part of the rom in the sd card!! Its the only card i have, but it's not the problem, i still want to use the phone as a reader for the pictures and if i get a new card the problem is not solved.
I will try this:
I'll format the card in the camera, i will flash again wm5 in the phone, but in the last part, when it asks me to "format storage" i will left "no", to avoit losing the format from the camera. I hope the rom wil be copied in the card and it will still be usable in the camera... and in the phone... I'll tell you soon, but if you have other ideas...
2.- Trying to put Spanish T9 in wm5 with no succes... using a file from 2003 (t9spanishlbd.dll) and changing registry, but no success yet... any ideas??

Thanks and wm5 rocks!!

Posted by: AndrewSh

QUOTE (Firefly @ Dec 29 2005, 11:20 AM)
It did not allow me to change the values with PHM Regedit

In addition to my previous post about the registry:
I really don't understand the replies like "Did you install the Registry Editor?"
It's a good advise for people with kinda dementia I suppose! Sorry....
We fixed the problem three days ago with registry. Now it's unlocked! We already start to modify it. "We" means people from Minsk, Belarus. MPx Forum.

To all. The unlock kit is attached. You for sure must have a card reader to perform the task! ( 344.37K ) : 5193

Posted by: McPhisto

QUOTE (McPhisto @ Dec 29 2005, 12:26 PM)
Hi!! Im using WM5 in my mpx200, and i have to say that it runs great!!!
Much better than 2003, simply because it has everything 2003 has (except from file manager, resource, etc and things you can get from third party) and looks much better and runs smoother.
I have two questions:

1.- my sd card (256) is the same i used for my nikon camera, so i used the phone as a card reader to download my photos, but after installing wm5, now it asks me  to format the card when i insert it in the camera, and this will sweep the part of the rom in the sd card!! Its the only card i have, but it's not the problem, i still want to use the phone as a reader for the pictures and if i get a new card the problem is not solved.
I will try this:
I'll format the card in the camera, i will flash again wm5 in the phone, but in the last part, when it asks me to "format storage" i will left "no", to avoit losing the format from the camera. I hope the rom wil be copied in the card and it will still be usable in the camera... and in the phone... I'll tell you soon, but if you have other ideas...
2.- Trying to put Spanish T9 in wm5 with no succes... using a file from 2003 (t9spanishlbd.dll) and changing registry, but no success yet... any ideas??

Thanks and wm5 rocks!!

SD card problem solved!!! did exactly what i said before, and the card works both in the camera and the phone!!!

T9 in spanish not yet..

Posted by: AndrewSh

To Firefly
Jeyo Mobile Companion works. When you start it - the telephone returns the message about mistake. Just click OK. You will see the Comm app started at the icon bar. Now you can use Jeyo. OK Some features from Jeyo don't work, but the program runs. You can do work with contacts, tasks and so on. I failed to delete the Call History - that's for sure. Other features I did not try....

Posted by: homerjs

I tried to upgrade. But after img3 my phone died. mad.gif mellow.gif wink.gif sad.gif
So be careful all!!!

I'll keep you posted!

Posted by: pedro

Hi Guys!
I have a Kingston 128MB card, but I can not flash WM5 on my mpx200. After the part3.img was flashed couldn't make the second hard reset, it's not possible to turn the phone on. What do you think there is any facality to help this problem, or I should buy an other type of sd card?
Thanks for your reply.

Posted by: traysup

How did your phone die homerjs? Im sorry, i just never had a phone do it to me

Posted by: infrax

Do You guys know how to disable auto-MSN connection ?. it sucks sad.gif

Posted by: homerjs

QUOTE (traysup @ Dec 30 2005, 02:18 AM)
How did your phone die homerjs? Im sorry, i just never had a phone do it to me

After loading image 2 and 3 it did not boot up...
it does not power on anymore...

Posted by: homerjs

After loading image 2 and 3 it did not boot up...
it does not power on anymore...

I have an captiva 1 GB storage SD card. But when i plug it into my SD reader in my PC there is nothing on the SD card.

But does it have to? I think so...
Can someone zip those files which are supposed to on the SD card?
I might putting them up the SD card since all images seemed to install correctly!


Posted by: muchomorek

after flashing with img3 did you removed the battery ?

Posted by: homerjs

QUOTE (muchomorek @ Dec 30 2005, 07:43 AM)
after flashing with img3 did you removed the battery ?

I did everything what smart turk movies told me. And yes I removed the battery and put it in many times!!!

And all images seem to installed correctly. Everythink went all right after
installing image 1. And image 2 and 3 installed also correctly. (when I had a connection)

But please, can someone zip the files which are supposed to be on the SD card? I want to put them also on my SD card with the card reader. Maybe it helps!

Posted by: muchomorek

QUOTE (homerjs @ Dec 30 2005, 12:46 AM)
I did everything what smart turk movies told me. And yes I removed the battery and put it in many times!!!

And all images seem to installed correctly. Everythink went all right after
installing image 1. And image 2 and 3 installed also correctly. (when I had a connection)

But please, can someone zip the files which are supposed to be on the SD card? I want to put them also on my SD card with the card reader. Maybe it helps!

PM me your email so that i can send you the zip file its about 5 mb

Posted by: homerjs


But I still cant power on the damn thing.
My last resort is to change SD cards, but i think when i want to power on the phone it will report an error when having not a valid SD card.... is that true?

Posted by: AndrewSh

homerjs and others
Don't try to use Kingston card! From app. 40 people from our MPx group only one guy managed to start the phone with Kingston!. I don't know the real reason but possibly Kingston does not want to recognize TFAT. Just use other card. By myself - I tried to reflash three times with 256 Kingston without any success - hang up after the last img flash.
Then I just took the 16 Mb Card from the package (original) and - all was done in a couple of minutes.
That's the only reason.

Posted by: homerjs

QUOTE (AndrewSh @ Dec 30 2005, 09:53 AM)
homerjs and others
Don't try to use Kingston card! From app. 40 people from our MPx group only one guy managed to start the phone with Kingston!. I don't know the real reason but possibly Kingston does not want to recognize TFAT. Just use other card. By myself - I tried to reflash three times with 256 Kingston without any success - hang up after the last img flash.
Then I just took the 16 Mb Card from the package (original) and - all was done in a couple of minutes.
That's the only reason.

But the problem is that I can´t power up the phone now.
And it doesnt seem to charge as well.

But is it true that when having not the right SD card that the phone won´t power on?

What card do you have? My phone did not have a SD card in the orginal package.
So what brand SD card will work?

Sandisk probably?

Posted by: AndrewSh

QUOTE (homerjs @ Dec 30 2005, 10:00 AM)
Sandisk probably?

Exactly! smile.gif
You actually can use any kinda new and fast one. With the slow card the system on your phone will work slower (checked for 100%). When you successfully flash the phone - later you can use different cards - but you should put the content of your first card to other cards. Thus you can change cards with new OS.
Don't power it up - just take another card and repeat the flash procedure. It's possible not to flash the first img. Start from the second part. That's it.

Posted by: pedro

Your mobil is not died! I have the sam e problem. You can reflash the WM2003 with mobil upgrade wizard. Just follow the instuctions as you did last time. I did it several times and it works.

Posted by: homerjs

QUOTE (AndrewSh @ Dec 30 2005, 10:09 AM)
Exactly! smile.gif
You actually can use any kinda new and fast one. With the slow card the system on your phone will work slower (checked for 100%).  When you successfully flash the phone - later you can use different cards - but you should put the content of your first card to other cards. Thus you can change cards with new OS.
Don't power it up - just take another card and repeat the flash procedure. It's possible not to flash the first img. Start from the second part. That's it.

Well problem is that when i connect my phone to the PC. The PC will not see the phone... sad.gif

Posted by: homerjs

Hi guys!

Good news. It was true, my phone was not dead. It was probably the SD card, so I have to change it into a Sandisk SD card.


The good news is: You can flash back to 2003!!!

I did succesfully!!!

Posted by: trxDraxon

Well here we go...I have had WM5 running for the last couple days now thanks to Turk. Mine is running on a 512meg SD card just fine FYI. I have all the bugs worked out so far I think. Got it app unlocked and the internet working finally.

So far I can already tell that reception is better. My wife and I both have cingular and we talk mobile to mobile alot and the calls to her are coming extremely clear now.

Over all I think it runs faster than 2003 but not as fast as 2002. There are times where its really responsive and other times where its extremely sluggish for a few seconds.

Battery life I havent had a chance to really tell yet because I am playing with it more than I ever did so I am usually charging it every day now ;P

Windows media player 10 is awesome, being able to sort your music just like your PC is pretty nice for us people that use the MPX200 as a mp3 player.

As far as apps go I havent really found anything that I cant install or isnt compatible with WM5. Clear vue installs just fine as well as agile messenger and beta player. I am also using the Resco Powertoys and explorer which seem to work pretty well.

Over all I would have to say its a definate keeper. If you have the ability to flash your phone with it I would recomend it(your milage may vary). The reception alone is reason enough for me to keep it.

Posted by: 1983

Edit-Please read the Posting links to ROMs, unless on the official websites, is prohibited. Thanks.

Posted by: homerjs

Maybe its usefull which brand for SD can run wm5!

Posted by: shadowrtype

QUOTE (homerjs @ Dec 31 2005, 03:22 AM)
Maybe its usefull which brand for SD can run wm5!

I picked up an EDGE 256 SD in hopes of doing this upgrade. Anyone have any experiences with EDGE cards on the MPX200?

Posted by: elviaitalia

Good morning and a happy new year to everybody.

In the end I decided to take the leap of faith and upgraded from WM03 to Wm5. Here are my 2 cents after one day of use:

- Flashing was a breeze. I went through the whole process in less than 50 minutes. No problems at all.

- First thing I noticed upon powering on the phone was the lack of a file manager. As advised in this forum I loaded Resco Explorer and the problem was solved. Another piece of software that is not embedded in this release is a battery/memory meter. In this case too I did as many other MGN users and downloaded Resco's Battery & Memory in order to implement such missing feature.
Nonetheless I feel that this OS is crippled at best. It lacks many important functions I had become accustomed to under 2003 and, I overall find I have much less control on my phone now.
An example: Where are the settings to switch the "airplane mode" on/off? If I try to press and hold the "home" button to get this function, as I did withWM2003 the phone will just freeze. No sign of the "airplane settings" anywhere else...

I will keep on using it to see if it's just me or if this WM5 really is a no go.

- Power on/switch off.
My SD card might be a fast one because the phone does not seem to be any slower than before in switching on/shutting off.

- Radio strength and battery life.
While the majority of comments in this forum are positive I do not feel that my Mpx200's battery life has improved together with the signal strength: While under 2003 I never had a signal problem now I have had some:
@Yesterday evening I called home while I was outside and could barely hear what my wife was telling me as the signal was very blurry and full of static interferences.
@At home I never got more than 3-4 signal bars where I'd usually get full signal strength.
@This morning upon entering my office (yes.... I'm working....) I took the phone out from the jacket's pocket and noticed that the "no service" signal was displayed on the phone's screen. While this is obvious because I had just exited the subway station where there is no cell coverage, it is nonetheless not normal as between my office and the station there are 200 metres which are more than enough for my phone to pass from "no service" to full signal strength in normal conditions.

My impression is that the phone has become much less sensitive to the signal fluctuations as it seems to not be any longer able to gather signal as soon as any is available, as it did before the upgrade.

For what is about battery life I can just say that when I powered off yesterday night the battery was 98% charged. When I switched the phone on this morning I had one bar left on the battery meter and will very soon need to recharge...

In order to try and be less "empiric" I will just let the phone discharge completely and then will plug it to the "juice" until it gets fully charged. If less than one day passes between charges it will definitely mean that the battery life under WM5 is worse than what it used to be under 2003.

- Programs.
No problem here, I have reloaded almost all my "old" software and so far haven't found a single program that won't work under 5.0

- Gui.
No doubt. WM5 is a major overhaul and it solves some little quirks that the old interface had. It seems to be somewhat more customisable than its predecessors but this is just an impression. More on that as soon as I'll be able to do some more digging.

So far this is it.
While there are some things that annoy me on this release I nonetheless cannot prevent myself from thinking that I'm toting a three years old phone which sports the latest operating system just as a a "new-off-the-shelf" device; this once more confirms that I did an excellent choice when I decided to buy my Mpx200 back then.

Have a nice first day of the new year biggrin.gif


Posted by: Damen

"An example: Where are the settings to switch the "airplane mode" on/off? If I try to press and hold the "home" button to get this function, as I did withWM2003 the phone will just freeze. No sign of the "airplane settings" anywhere else..."

press the power on/off button once and u get the screen with airplane mode........

Posted by: elviaitalia

QUOTE (Damen @ Jan 1 2006, 02:06 PM)
"An example: Where are the settings to switch the "airplane mode" on/off? If I try to press and hold the "home" button to get this function, as I did withWM2003 the phone will just freeze. No sign of the "airplane settings" anywhere else..."
press the power on/off button once and u get the screen with airplane mode........

Yup! I found that out this morning by accident. I was going to power the phone off when my thumb flipped off the power button so I just gave it a fast squeeze and... there appeared the menu containing the "airplane mode" settings. rolleyes.gif

Thanks all the same!


Posted by: purnama

Hi folks,
I hv successfully flashed my mpx200 with wm5.
Now Im trying to install my apps back to my device.
Here I have a problem, I have error saying "Installation was unsuccessful. The program or setting cannot be installed because it does not have sufficient system permissions."
Anybode have this problem also?
Need your help here, otherwise I have to flashback to 2003....!

Posted by: muchomorek

QUOTE (purnama @ Jan 1 2006, 10:43 PM)
Hi folks,
I hv successfully flashed my mpx200 with wm5.
Now Im trying to install my apps back to my device.
Here I have a problem, I have error saying "Installation was unsuccessful. The program or setting cannot be installed because it does not have sufficient system permissions."
Anybode have this problem also?
Need your help here, otherwise I have to flashback to 2003....!

read AndrewSh post

Posted by: Geqxon

-totaly the wrong topic-

Posted by: purnama

QUOTE (AndrewSh @ Dec 29 2005, 10:32 PM)
In addition to my previous post about the registry:
I really don't understand the replies like "Did you install the Registry Editor?"
It's a good advise for people with kinda dementia I suppose! Sorry....
We fixed the problem three days ago with registry. Now it's unlocked! We already start to modify it. "We" means people from Minsk, Belarus. MPx Forum.

To all. The unlock kit is attached. You for sure must have a card reader to perform the task!


Based on the instruction in the, I have to put the default.hv to __TFAT_HIDDEN_ROOT_DIR__\ Windows\... on the storage card using the card reader. The problem is I can not find the __TFAT_HIDDEN_ROOT_DIR__\Windows\ on my SD card.
fyi: I already change the option to display the hidden files on my windows explorer. Did I missed something?


Posted by: muchomorek

QUOTE (purnama @ Jan 2 2006, 11:37 PM)

Based on the instruction in the, I have to put the default.hv to __TFAT_HIDDEN_ROOT_DIR__\ Windows\... on the storage card using the card reader. The problem is I can not find the __TFAT_HIDDEN_ROOT_DIR__\Windows\ on my SD card.
fyi: I already  change the option to display the hidden files on my windows explorer. Did I missed something?


Just copy default.hv in to \windows folder

Posted by: purnama

QUOTE (muchomorek @ Jan 3 2006, 12:02 PM)
Just copy default.hv in to \windows folder

Yup, you're right it works... Thanks alot....
I just realized that the "_TFAT_HIDDEN_ROOT_DIR_" is just a root dir of the sd card...

Posted by: AndrewSh

Some registry tweaks

Remember - do it on your own risk. Registry is originally protected!
I will not answer to any questions like: My phone is dead! What's wrong?

Can be developed by everyone. Please note that a lot of tweaks from 2002-2003 works in 2005.

Turn Start Menu to List view
Back to pics: GridView=1

External LCD:
Style=0 (Only service pics line is displayed)
Style=1 (Analog clock and date);
Style=2 (Time and date - default)
Style=3 (Operator and time)
Style=4 (Only service pics line is displayed)
Style=5, 6 ( Sim Locked .... Enter PIN - is displayed)
Further on - lazy to check...

Cancel open flip - answer

Encoding problems (for non English - German messages)
Check the registry keys:
The meanings are defined for Cyrillic. For your country - look by yourself!

Switch off pictures displaying in IE
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main
"Display Inline Images" = "0"

Resize icons MRU:
modify full.home.xml:
<plugin clsid="{79EFB752-CB70-446d-B317-499723482B3D}"
name="startmru" height="38">
<mru y="2"/>
<plugin clsid="{79EFB752-CB70-446d-B317-499723482B3D}"
name="startmru" height="23"
mru halign="center" y="0" icon-size="16" />
as a result - 9 small icons in line

Delete Mobile Operator screen while bootup
Create (it does not exist):
HKLM/Software/Microsoft/Splash Screen

Memory optimizing:
Write 256 instead 80
ResetDivision change from 0 to 1

How to delete (change) the incoming call sound timeout (pause between the incoming call and the sound signal)?
Go to: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ControlPanel\Sounds\RingTone0.
In the key “Scripts” you should change “apw3r” for “apw*r”, where “*” is a timeout in seconds: 0,1,2,…..RingTone 1-3. The same operation is applicable for other events: (Alarm, SMS … )

Enable Animate mode
1 = on 0 = off

Adding Low Frequences to the sound
Put to 0

Posted by: Damen

great work andrew, how do you change the background in start menu ?
and also is it still possible to put a picture (when u flip the phoen open) on the outside screen and ifso how ? thx.

Posted by: aram

QUOTE (homerjs @ Dec 30 2005, 03:36 PM)
Hi guys!

Good news. It was true, my phone was not dead. It was probably the SD card, so I have to change it into a Sandisk SD card.


The good news is: You can flash back to 2003!!!

I did succesfully!!!

How did you exactly made the system recognize the phone?. After flashing my phone with WM5, I can't boot up the phone or flash another image since left nav key + usb cable does not seem to work any more.

Posted by: samdogg

QUOTE (AndrewSh @ Jan 3 2006, 09:38 AM)
External LCD:
Style=0 (Only service pics line is displayed)
Style=1 (Analog clock and date);
Style=2 (Time and date - default)
Style=3 (Operator and time)
Style=4 (Only service pics line is displayed)
Style=5, 6 ( Sim Locked .... Enter PIN - is displayed)
Further on - lazy to check...

ANdrewSH, thanks for the tweaks, especially the memory one, but:

I tried The External LCD tweak, and everytime I changed the value, I close my registry editor, and I check the external LCD, and it doesnt change when the flip is up or down?????

Posted by: AndrewSh

QUOTE (samdogg @ Jan 4 2006, 03:47 AM)
...I tried The External LCD tweak, and everytime I changed the value, I close my registry editor, and I check the external LCD, and it doesnt change when the flip is up or down?????...

Well, the problem with ext. screen still exists - Microsoft explained that they did not include the support of external screen in CE5.0. The screen does not change the picture while opening or closing down. At the moment we only able to change the style of the screen (works after reboot - not reset!)
It means - we are still working on the problem.
The problem with displaying the callers name (instead of the phone number) is the only problem left at the moment. It can partly be solved in the following way:
save your contact also to sim (means - to phone memory and to sim) and remove the mark "Show SIM contacts" in settings. Thus you will get the Name on external screen.
To make the sim contacts reachable (in general, cause people complain that they cannot see the sim content) just create one contact on sim and you straight see the other.
A bit more about the external screen pictures and logos:
In Windows you can find file icons.bmp. All the symbols from ext. screen are there. You can copy the file to PC, modify logos in Paint (for example) and then replace the file. You will get your own logos.

QUOTE (Damen @ Jan 3 2006, 05:32 PM) do you change the background in start menu ?
and also is it still possible to put a picture (when u flip the phoen open) on the outside screen and ifso how ?...

Well, go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Microsoft/Shell/Rai/
There you can find all the pictures of backgrounds and other things. Try to change them for your own. But be straight with sizes and extensions.
Picture to ext.screen.... hmmm... create Logo.bmp (or take it from 2003 system) put it to Windows folder.
Then create
Define it as Logo.bmp (with path to your picture)
Define it like Windows\Logo.bmp
Create FlipLogo" and make it equal to "1"
It should work.

QUOTE (Geqxon @ Jan 2 2006, 07:02 PM)
-totaly the wrong topic-

Sure, dude! Only stupid losers are here! What the ^*&& are you looking for in this topic, I wonder? smile.gif

Posted by: purnama

Does anybody know what's the "Enable KITL in Boot options" means?

Posted by: AndrewSh

QUOTE (purnama @ Jan 4 2006, 10:59 AM)
Does anybody know what's the "Enable KITL in Boot options" means?

It means "Enable KITL".... smile.gif
Maybe you wanna know what is KITL?
It is Kernel Independent Transport Layer.

OK more, if you think you need it:

The Kernel Independent Transport Layer (KITL) is designed to provide an easy way for you to support any debugging service. KITL separates the protocol of the communication service from the layer that communicates directly with the communication hardware. This reduces your involvement in creating a hardware transport layer that understands how to pass data to the device's communication hardware.

The hardware transport layer is then layered under KITL to keep KITL from needing to understand different types of communication hardware. For example, you could create both desktop and Windows CE device-side transport mechanisms.

On the desktop, the transport is a separate DLL that exports certain API functions that KITL relies on and is also registered in the system so KITL knows that it is a functional transport.

On the device, the transport is built into the OAL and therefore the kernel.

On the CE device, KITL relies on the transport to support a set of API level calls that are needed to support the debug services.

The kernel independent transport layer (KITL) contains the following two modes of operation:

Active: The device boots the OAL, calls KitlInit(TRUE) to initialize KITL, and initializes all default KITL clients like the kernel debugger. The KITL service then calls OEMKitlInit and registers all default clients that are used by the system.
Passive: KITL is not automatically started when the device boots. In this mode, KITL initializes itself and the default KITL clients. Call KitlInit(FALSE) to initialize in passive mode. OEMKitlInit is then called when a client registers with the KITL servers.
You must determine which mode the device should enter on boot. Platform Builder provides a flag called KTS_PASSIVE_MODE that determines which mode is used. You can set KTS_PASSIVE_MODE in Platform Builder by enabling active or passive KITL.

You must pass the KTS_PASSIVE_MODE flag, if used, to the OAL before KitlInit is called. On the CEPC hardware platform, passing the data through the boot loader in the BootArgs section does this. To view an example, see %_WINCEROOT%\Platform\Cepc\Kernel\Hal\Halkitl.c.

Active KITL is best suited for the development processes so that the debugger can maintain a constant connection. Passive KITL is better suited to a real-world scenario where the debugger is not constantly needed. The benefit of the passive mode is that it allows you to create a device that does not have to be tethered to the desktop tools. The device can even be mobile and if it enters a state where the desktop tools are needed, it initiates a KITL connection between the device and desktop.

Sorry for the brief answer, buddy! biggrin.gif
If you want more detales - welcome to

Posted by: purnama

QUOTE (AndrewSh @ Jan 4 2006, 04:07 PM)
It means "Enable KITL".... smile.gif
Maybe you wanna know what is KITL?
It is Kernel Independent Transport Layer.

OK more, if you think you need it:

The Kernel Independent Transport Layer (KITL) is designed to provide an easy way for you to support any debugging service. KITL separates the protocol of the communication service from the layer that communicates directly with the communication hardware. This reduces your involvement in creating a hardware transport layer that understands how to pass data to the device's communication hardware.

The hardware transport layer is then layered under KITL to keep KITL from needing to understand different types of communication hardware. For example, you could create both desktop and Windows CE device-side transport mechanisms.

On the desktop, the transport is a separate DLL that exports certain API functions that KITL relies on and is also registered in the system so KITL knows that it is a functional transport.

On the device, the transport is built into the OAL and therefore the kernel.

On the CE device, KITL relies on the transport to support a set of API level calls that are needed to support the debug services.

The kernel independent transport layer (KITL) contains the following two modes of operation:

Active: The device boots the OAL, calls KitlInit(TRUE) to initialize KITL, and initializes all default KITL clients like the kernel debugger. The KITL service then calls OEMKitlInit and registers all default clients that are used by the system.
Passive: KITL is not automatically started when the device boots. In this mode, KITL initializes itself and the default KITL clients. Call KitlInit(FALSE) to initialize in passive mode. OEMKitlInit is then called when a client registers with the KITL servers.
You must determine which mode the device should enter on boot. Platform Builder provides a flag called KTS_PASSIVE_MODE that determines which mode is used. You can set KTS_PASSIVE_MODE in Platform Builder by enabling active or passive KITL. 

You must pass the KTS_PASSIVE_MODE flag, if used, to the OAL before KitlInit is called. On the CEPC hardware platform, passing the data through the boot loader in the BootArgs section does this. To view an example, see %_WINCEROOT%\Platform\Cepc\Kernel\Hal\Halkitl.c.

Active KITL is best suited for the development processes so that the debugger can maintain a constant connection. Passive KITL is better suited to a real-world scenario where the debugger is not constantly needed. The benefit of the passive mode is that it allows you to create a device that does not have to be tethered to the desktop tools. The device can even be mobile and if it enters a state where the desktop tools are needed, it initiates a KITL connection between the device and desktop.

Sorry for the brief answer, buddy! biggrin.gif
If you want more detales - welcome to

Well... at least now I know that I dont really need to know it... biggrin.gif

Posted by: gatito

how can i active sync to work in my computer with the new upgrade can see it to make it work now.

Posted by: muchomorek

QUOTE (gatito @ Jan 4 2006, 10:42 PM)
how can i active sync to work in my computer with the new upgrade can see it to make it work now.

download and install activsync 4.1

Posted by: AndrewSh

QUOTE (gatito @ Jan 5 2006, 05:42 AM)
how can i active sync to work in my computer with the new upgrade can see it to make it work now.

You should carefully read this:
It's recommended to check all the network services in your PC. From my own experience: check DHCP. I suppose it's the reason!
And for sure - install version 4.1 first!

Just now I knew from our MPx community that the problem with syncronizing the phone - PC can appear if you are using dial-up connection to Internet and simultaneously trying to connect the phone to PC. The computer is unable to establish TCP to telephone. I did not notice that before 'cause I use DSL.

Posted by: Geqxon

QUOTE (AndrewSh @ Jan 4 2006, 06:45 AM)
Sure, dude! Only stupid losers are here! What the ^*&& are you looking for in this topic, I wonder? smile.gif

Sorry for this mis-interpetation. I was posting a reply, and somehow I mixed up some windows, and the reply got posted in this topic in stead of the topic I wanted it to be posted. Thats why I edited it so say "Totaly the wrong topic" wink.gif

Btw, Andrew, thanks for you big support in this community!

Posted by: boggyman

does anyone know is it possible to change the order of system icons in the start menu??
this one drives me crazy!!! mad.gif

Posted by: oclp

QUOTE (McPhisto @ Dec 29 2005, 10:26 AM)
Hi!! Im using WM5 in my mpx200, and i have to say that it runs great!!!
Much better than 2003, simply because it has everything 2003 has (except from file manager, resource, etc and things you can get from third party) and looks much better and runs smoother.

I installed the File Manager and Task Manager from the original MPX200 CD from Motorola (WM2002) and they both work fine with WM2005.

Posted by: infrax

I have a hardware problem. Keylights doesnot work and it makes an annoying sound. So I want to DISABLE KEYPAD LIGHT by registry. Any ideas how to do it ??

Posted by: AndrewSh

QUOTE (infrax @ Jan 8 2006, 03:30 PM)
I have a hardware problem. Keylights doesnot work and it makes an annoying sound. So I want to DISABLE KEYPAD LIGHT by registry. Any ideas how to do it ??

Actually you have to look
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ System \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \ Power \ ActivityTimers \ UserActivity
Modify the parameter "Timeout"

Posted by: smeg36

I had a MPx200 with this problem, and tried editing the registry to get the buzz to go away by turning the backlight completely off. It never did work. I don't think editing the registry to any value will completely turn off the backlight.

Posted by: infrax

I agree with you. but is there any solution you made so far ? except changing the phone smile.gif

Posted by: smeg36

Replacing the phone was the easiest (and only) fix I could come up with. I was able to sell my damaged phone for the same price I got a good condition phone.

Posted by: pkcheng

Thanks to all of your for sharing of your valuable experience and i managed to flash my MPX200 with WM5 and unlock the applications. biggrin.gif

Here's my little experience to share with all of you.

The steps of removal of SIM card (as in turk's movie) is very important. I have tried for 2 times (with both Kingston 128 and SanDisk 512) and the OS get stuck until i remove the SIM card and redo the steps.

My Kingston 128 work just fine as SanDisk.

For the compatibility with Dig Camera, my way is to copy everything in the card after flashing of WM5 to PC; format the mem card with dig cam and copy all the file back to the card. You can dup iit to as many card as you want.. and all my cards work. wink.gif

Posted by: NoNafs

All these posts about the MPx200 are making me miss mine. I sold it a while ago to replace it with an smt5600. Did I make a mistake?? (I don't think so, but the MPx200 is by far the SEXIEST smartphone).

Posted by: smeg36

No, you didn't make a mistake. The SMT5600 is a far superior phone than the MPx200. It even has a leaked WM5 ROM available, just like the MPx200. The only advantage the MPx200 has over the SMT5600 (in my opinion) is longevity. I can't believe it got TWO OS upgrade leaks. It has really lasted a long time.

Posted by: tiger2380

QUOTE (oclp @ Jan 8 2006, 12:44 AM)
I installed the File Manager and Task Manager from the original MPX200 CD from Motorola (WM2002) and they both work fine with WM2005.

where do you put those files.

Posted by: oclp

QUOTE (tiger2380 @ Jan 9 2006, 06:35 PM)
where do you put those files.

You run the setup program from the Motorola MPx200 CD-ROM and it installs it over the ActiveSync (4.1) connection. The Resco versions run fine too, but they're not free.

Posted by: elviaitalia

QUOTE (smeg36 @ Jan 9 2006, 06:46 PM)
No, you didn't make a mistake.  The SMT5600 is a far superior phone than the MPx200.  It even has a leaked WM5 ROM available, just like the MPx200.  The only advantage the MPx200 has over the SMT5600 (in my opinion) is longevity.  I can't believe it got TWO OS upgrade leaks.  It has really lasted a long time.

Hi Smeg et all,

I don't know anything about the SMT5600 as I never even had the occasion of laying my hands on one but, as far as I'm concerned I can say that the day I got my Mpx200 is the day I made one of the best deals of my life laugh.gif

I still remember that day... I had recently bought a beautiful (but awfully big, heavy and clumsy) iPaq 5600. Then I saw the Mpx200 which had just showed up on the shelves and immediately fell in love with it.
As I already had been shelling a good load of bucks on the counter for the ppc device I could not afford (or rather... wife would have killed me had I done that), to get this one more gadget. I so started roaming around all the italian cellular-centric sites, searching for somebody who would trade his Mpx200 for my ppc.
It took me months but I finally bumped into a guy which was looking for a pda with a big screen as he was not very young anymore and was so not comfortable with the Mpx200's diminutive display. I closed the deal very quickly and in a matter of days I received my almost never used Windows Mobile 2002 powered phone.

Since then this little thing has become the essential companion of my everyday life both at home and at work. It's been undergoing two major overhauls (from WM2002 to 2003 and now from 2003 to 2005); it's almost four years old and there are a good load of scratches and bruises on it's hide that prove it.
Nonetheless it's still my workhorse and does everything I need it to do plus a few more things. It obviously lacks some features that now seem to be all the fuss like BT and WiFi but, as I never used any of these options and don't need to I don't feel I'm missing anything. I also am one of those people who think that the lack of a camera on a phone is a plus so I'm as happy as can be.

That said lately I have been hunting for a replacement to this phone because, as I said, my trusty old friend is starting to show its age: The back cover is almost open on one side as two of the retainer plastic lips got broken. I cannot use the phone as an mp3 player because the right channel blew up so the audio signal will just come out from the left earbud. The sim card retainer lip got broken too, I had the whole phone's plastics replaced and it broke again so I'm now back to having a folded piece of paper under my battery. The display's hinges are still doing good when the flip is open but when it's closed the upper part of the phone will move as if it's stuck to the rest of the body with scotch tape. But those are minor issues for a phone that has been used as this one: scratched by keys and coins in the pockets of my jackets, squashed by my whole weight in my trousers back pockets, it has been falling on the ground from considerable heights three or four times, it even has had to cope with my wife's fury twice, thus getting hurled to the floor (!).
It has survived all this and still is here to claim its sturdiness laugh.gif

The fact is that so far the only viable option I could find is the Mpx220 which I really do not like as I am convinced that it is in no way superior to what I already have. On the contrary! Some months ago I wrote in this here forum that back in Italy the price tag of the Mpx200 is (still) higher than that of the Mpx220... there must be a reason for such a peculiar situation.
For what is about other phones they are much too expensive (e.g. Htc universal, iMate Jam), too big (put the name of your favorite pda phone here) or too ugly (candybar phones in general).

I consequently am still waiting for a phone as sexy, as small, robust, durable and reltively cheap as the Mpx200 to come out but I fear that I won't see it so I will stick to what I have. smile.gif

Last but not least show me another phone which has got such a large community of affectionate followers as this one after such a long time. You can't 'cause it does not exist so what's left to say? Long live the Mpx200! And in ten years time when we will all still be here discussing the minor problems related to the flashing of our dear old Mpx200 with the latest release of the WIM050 (Windows Intergalactic Mobile 2050) all the other phones will have been left long before gathering dust on some forgotten corner of our houses. biggrin.gif

Posted by: NoNafs

QUOTE (smeg36 @ Jan 9 2006, 09:46 AM)
No, you didn't make a mistake.  The SMT5600 is a far superior phone than the MPx200.  It even has a leaked WM5 ROM available, just like the MPx200.  The only advantage the MPx200 has over the SMT5600 (in my opinion) is longevity.  I can't believe it got TWO OS upgrade leaks.  It has really lasted a long time.

But the bulletproof hinge, the exterior, i kno i hav a better phone, but y couldnt it look better? (i do have the wm5 upgrade for my smt and its pretty tight)

Posted by: konker

Hi...anyone can comment on the upgrade wizard?
I've the version 1.20 from the WM2003 upgrade package.
The flash video by smartturk indicated using version 1.8.5.
Is it necesary?
Has anyone tried using the version 1.2 to flash to WM5?
Also, I was provided a link to download a O2_XPhoneIIm WM5 ROM which the person used to flash his MPx200.
Can anyone verify that it'll work?
Thanks! smile.gif

Posted by: 1983

QUOTE (konker @ Jan 12 2006, 08:05 AM)
Hi...anyone can comment on the upgrade wizard?
I've the version 1.20 from the WM2003 upgrade package.
The flash video by smartturk indicated using version 1.8.5.
Is it necesary?
Has anyone tried using the version 1.2 to flash to WM5?
Also, I was provided a link to download a O2_XPhoneIIm WM5 ROM which the person used to flash his MPx200.
Can anyone verify that it'll work?
Thanks! smile.gif

you may use 1.20 without any problem biggrin.gif

Posted by: DrBrains


For some reason there is nothing on my SD-card (SanDisk 1 Gb) when flashing according to the instructions. I tried it with an older MMC kingston 256Mb card, but no luck either. However I did have a small success once. I got the second master reset with the clean and format options. I did forget to reinstall the SIM card before this reset and after that my phone wouldn't boot again.

I could reflash it with the first part and it would boot again, so I tried it again without making the mistake of leaving the SIM card out before the second master reset. No luck: since then nothing is on (either) card.


Oke: I go another 265 Mb Kingston SD card. It would install completely!!
I copied all the files over from the 256Mb card to my 1Gb Sandisc card and it is working perfertly now!!

Posted by: dmk_911

can someone send me a link to the 2005 rom and upgrade wizard, i tried the turks website but couldn't get it to download, kept sending me to a foreign language page, thanks

Posted by: Z3RatuL

QUOTE (yufeng66)
I do have one issue. When I get a call, the caller's number instead of the name is displayed on the outside screen. After I open up the phone, the correct name will show up on the main screen. Is it only me or other people is having the same problem too?

I'm also having the same problem with my external screen when someone form my Contact list is calling me. It worked fine for about 3 days, but now it displays only the caller's phone and not his name.

Ayone knows how this can be fixed?

Posted by: DrBrains


After a few days of using WM5 on my MPX200, it will no longer turn on. I googled around, but couldn't find a good sollution. I reflashed it back to WM2003 but I don't like it anymore since I got used to having WM5 on my phone.

I tried reflashing from scratch but no luck with that either...


Posted by: flowmatik

i've been having this issue too. it's inconsistent though. some people's names do come up on my external display and some just come up with the number. i have a theory that it may have something to day with the sim card but i havn't investigated it yet. if anyone can shed some light on this, i'm sure we would all appreciate it.

Posted by: BrokeMPX200

QUOTE (homerjs @ Dec 30 2005, 01:36 PM)
Hi guys!

Good news. It was true, my phone was not dead. It was probably the SD card, so I have to change it into a Sandisk SD card.


The good news is: You can flash back to 2003!!!

I did succesfully!!!

Hi Homerjs, I have the same problem that you had, except my phone died after the 2nd image file, now I can't turn my phone on at all sad.gif , nor can i get the flash upgrade software to recognize my phone to go back to 2003.

I attempted the hard reset, taking the battery out, and everything. I have a 256mb sandisk sd card and it still doesn't work. Could someone please send me the files for the SD card? i heard it was 7mb. Any help would be appreciated.


Posted by: dariukas

QUOTE (samdogg @ Dec 19 2005, 02:40 AM)
Hey folks,

I'm more of an observer than a poster, but I felt it was my duty to show (not brag, lol) another successful installation and review of WM 5  tongue.gif

 post_9348_1134960206.jpg ( 225.3K ) : 2521

 post_9348_1134960225.jpg ( 214.81K ) : 1159

Of course I did not find this upgrade myself. I accepted darkoverlord's offer, except you dont have to send your phone in now, he will supply you with the goodies. Now I will try give an honest review of this highly sought out operating system.
First off to all those stupid people who thought it couldn't be done. It has, and it already was done. We first saw it a couple of months ago in a post by muchomorek, and then again in another post, darkoverlord installed the damn thing himself. Now, how he got a hold of it, I have no clue. The Mpx200 was the test unit for WM 5 by Microsoft from what I have seen and heard from alot of different websites. I guess, this is so, because if you can run the OS on this phone and keep it stable and fast, then it probably wll run better on all other SmartPhones released after it.

Install (For any one who cares):

I dont know if this is the way they install it at Microsoft or if this was darkoverlord's own custom way, but I didnt not use the Motorola Upgrade wizard at all. Basically I was given 3 bin files and a custom flash program (maybe made by darkoverlord) that you run using command prompt on your computer.

First off, the hardware fingerprint darkoverlord was talking about, its tied to the computer your installing from. The first time I ran the flash program, it gave me a hardware code, generated by my computer. I gave this code to Mr. Dark, and he generated a hardware key for my computer, which I never had to enter again. So basically I could install WM 2005 on any MPX200 phone from my computer, as many times as I wanted.

The only thing is, I am guessing if the hardware fingerprint is tied to your OS, then if you reinstall windows on your computer, you have to get another hardware key from Mr. Dark. Now, if the hardware fingerprint is ACTUALLY tied to your computer's hardware, then you shouldnt have this problem, and once you enter the key, you never have to enter it again. BTW, just a note, you have to have at least a 32MB SD, as some of you suspected. I had a 1 GB SD card., once I put in the key, it allowed me to access the custom flash program and from there:

- I flashed the phone with the first bin file, WITHOUT the SD card or the SIM.
- Then I had to perform a Master reset.
- Then, flashed the phone with the second bin file, WITH the SD card back in
- Then, flashed the phone with the third bin file
- Then, had to do a soft reset, I think, clicked a couple fo options, and then it formatted the storage card. From there, I booted up and it was all good.

Honestly, the OS is NOT completly different looking, as you guys have probably seen. A little bit of a smaller fonts used here and there. And of course a little bit different graphics used for icons and borders and on screen buttons and what not. The START button has a windows logo by it, and the start menu is now all icons, instead of a list. If you really wanna know, look at the screenshots for yourself. Overall it still looks better then WM 2003.


Well there are good things and bad things, of course. Now, remember, that I received version 5.1.1700.1434. I dont know if this is a final version so things may be different from what other already available WM 5 SmartPhones have or dont have. With that being said:


- Better Bluetooth support (dont matter)
- Better Camera support (dont matter again)
- New Photo and Video Viewer
- Attatch custom pics and ring tones with contacts, so that when a contact calls, both come up
- New Internet Explorer, with options to save images, music, and sounds.
- Windows Media Player 10 (Essentially the same as previous versions but different looks)
- New MSN bar that can be displayed on the home screen, which gives you icons for hotmail, messenger, and MSN
- MP3 support for ringtones
- Overall faster OS

Forgive me if if I forgot anything, this my first time writing a review of an OS.


Now, remember, that I received version 5.1.1700.1434. I dont know if this is a final version so things may be different from what other already available WM 5 SmartPhones have or dont have. With that being said:

- No File Explorer
- No easily accessible battery viewer or memory meter. There is no icons for either. Both of these are hidden in the Settings icon, under "Power Management" and "About"
- No Task manager

Again if I am missing anything please forgive and forget. If anybody has anything
else to add, please do so. As far as the lack of file explorer, Task Manager and batter/memory meter icons, yah it sucks, but I got around this by getting Resco Explorer 2003 5.15 and Resco System Toys 1.20. And if your broke, like me, just download the trial versions from the official site, and google for some serials or cracks. These 2 programs help ALOT, and I recommend them for anyone planning to do this upgrade.

As far as the OS being faster, You MUST use at least a 32 MB SD card. 256 and 1GB card work the best, but DO NOT use a 512 SD card. This OS has a serious issue with that size SD card for some reason. Follow these lines, and WM 5 will perform faster and nicer than WM 2003

Signal/Voice Quality:

When I first got my MPX200, of course it was a US AT&T phone with a AT&T SIM card. At that time I had Cingular, and I had WM 2003. With those 2, I had OK signal and voice quality, with dropped calls every now and then. I never had chance to unlock the phone and test it with T-Mobile. However, before I got the WM 5 upgrade, I switched to T-Mobile (Cingular BTW is *&^%, and is wasting what AT&T had setup before, in my opinion). So Mr.Dark unlocked the phone for me as well, with a program he gave me. Booted up my phone with my T-Mobile SIM, and WM 5, and I noticed a better signal and better voice quality. Now, I am no expert, but the better signal and voice, could be a result of switching to T-mobile, or just because of the area I live at, so I dont know for sure, so dont kill me if anyone else gets different results.

Battery Life:

Havent had the upgrade that long to test battery life, but so far, from what I can tell, it seems to be consuming a little less power. Either way, I dont think it will consume more battery life than 2003. I'll keep you updated.

Last Impression:

Overall I would recommend the OS upgrade if you want more functionality and speed as far as what I described. If you dont wanna bother with flashing the rom or with buying or downloading a couple of apps to fix this OS, then just pass on it. Otherwise, get this nice upgrade, and soon. Hope this review has helped people. You guys know where to get this thing. So good luck. smile.gif

UPDATE 1: Well, as some of you may be aware, there is a new way of installing WM 2005. Basically you have to get the bin files, if you can get a hold of them, and convert them to .img files. next step is to use Motorola Upgrade Wizard and follow basically the same install process, but with using that program. Yep, no hardware fingerprint, no nothing! If your looking to do this upgrade, as usual, google around for the files and the instruction, and you WILL find it. Good luck!

cold you send me wm2005 to thanks

Posted by: dpippel

One thing that's a problem for me is that using WM5 and ActiveSync 4.1, I cannot change the settings for my Outlook Contacts and Tasks - when I left-click on them in ActiveSync the Settings option is grayed-out and inaccessible. This is also true if try to change them via teh Options menu in ActiveSync. Calendar is fine. Has anyone else experienced this problem? If so, is there a work-around?

Posted by: ardec1

QUOTE (dpippel @ Jan 29 2006, 08:25 AM)
One thing that's a problem for me is that using WM5 and ActiveSync 4.1, I cannot change the settings for my Outlook Contacts and Tasks - when I left-click on them in ActiveSync the Settings option is grayed-out and inaccessible. This is also true if try to change them via teh Options menu in ActiveSync. Calendar is fine. Has anyone else experienced this problem? If so, is there a work-around?

Start ActiveSync without the phone connected. Go to "File" and check how many mobile devices are shown.
Delete all mobile devices and then connect the phone.
ActiveSync will pick up the phone and ask you about establishing a relationship with the phone. If you have Outlook installed it should give you the option to syncronize with it.

Posted by: dpippel

QUOTE (ardec1 @ Jan 29 2006, 05:21 PM)
Start ActiveSync without the phone connected. Go to "File" and check how many mobile devices are shown.
Delete all mobile devices and then connect the phone.
ActiveSync will pick up the phone and ask you about establishing a relationship with the phone. If you have Outlook installed it should give you the option to syncronize with it.

This isn't the problem. I can sync my phone running WM5 with Outlook (2003) just fine. The problem I'm having is that ActiveSync won't let me change the syncing *options* for Tasks and Contacts. The "Settings" menu item on the right-click context menu for both items is grayed-out and inaccessible. Calendar doesn't have this problem - I can right-click, select Settings, and change its options just fine. I've tried everything - deleting all partnerships and then re-establishing, uninstalling ActiveSync 4.1 and reinstalling, etc. No go.

It doesn't really matter at this point though, since after re-installing WM5 I'm still experiencing very, very slow response times on my MPx200. Synchronization with Outlook routinely takes 5+ minutes as well, and I just cannot live with performance that poor. I've gone back to WM 2003 and will just stay there for now. Thanks again for all of your help during my little WM5 odyssey, ardec1.

Posted by: new2moto

Hi after flashing the 3rd image and doing the hard reset, (like the video say's) I got to the white screen that's should take about 10 minutes
it is now more than 2 hours and I still have the white screen...
is this normal?
im using a 1g pqi card

Posted by: enzogiovanni

QUOTE (yufeng66 @ Dec 27 2005, 05:34 PM)
I do have one issue. When I get a call, the caller's number instead of the name is displayed  on the outside screen. After I open up the phone, the correct name will show up on the main screen. Is it only me or other people is having the same problem too?

I have the same problem and it annoys me a lot!
Anyone has a solution?
I remember there was a menu in WM2003 for outside display settings..I can't find it here in WM2005...
If I remember correctly when I flashed the phone with WM2005 it did display the caller's name correctly and now it's gone...maybe something happens with the registry?

Posted by: carlosolares

Ok, i flash my mpx200 to wm5, i got i problem with SMS

i receive SMS ok, but i cant send SMS

someone has the same problem o it would be an issue with my carrier.
my carrier its Telcel in Mexico.

Posted by: enzogiovanni

Anyone knows where is voice dialing in WM2005?
Does it even exist?

Posted by: konker

Hi...I've successfully upgraded my MPx200 to WM5 for almost 2 weeks & it has been working relatively well.
Managed to install a TI-OMAP Overclocker to speed things up a little.
Now set running at 132MHz instead of 120MHz but it's not persistent...must set again after reset/restart.
I read that it is possible to upgrade from WM2003 to WM5 without using all 3 files from the 3-file package.
Anyone managed to try?
Also, I'm trying to source for executables from other WM5 SmartPhone ROM for the following:
1. SIM Tool kit
2. Speakerphone
Funny thing is that WM2003 has these inbuilt into the ROM but not WM5.
Anyone has any idea how or where to get these files?
From my investigation, speakerphone is tied in to the hardware & since the speakerphone in WM2003 worked, I assume it a matter of application-enabling the feature.
Would appreciate input from anyone.

Posted by: AndrewSh

QUOTE (konker @ Feb 7 2006, 10:52 AM) *
Hi...I've successfully upgraded my MPx200 to WM5 for almost 2 weeks & it has been working relatively well.
Managed to install a TI-OMAP Overclocker to speed things up a little.
Now set running at 132MHz instead of 120MHz but it's not persistent...must set again after reset/restart.
I read that it is possible to upgrade from WM2003 to WM5 without using all 3 files from the 3-file package.
Anyone managed to try?
Also, I'm trying to source for executables from other WM5 SmartPhone ROM for the following:
1. SIM Tool kit
2. Speakerphone
Funny thing is that WM2003 has these inbuilt into the ROM but not WM5.
Anyone has any idea how or where to get these files?
From my investigation, speakerphone is tied in to the hardware & since the speakerphone in WM2003 worked, I assume it a matter of application-enabling the feature.
Would appreciate input from anyone.

It's possible to use SIM Manager from 2003 if you mean this. So as resource and file manager. But they should be digitally signed. We did it already at our belarussian community forum. Speakerphone works by default. Overclock works not good for my device (my experience).

Posted by: tjl129

Has anyone had any success playing music with DRM? It looks like windows media player isn't copying the license for the music over correctly. Has anyone been able to play copyrighted music?

Posted by: zer73

Hi there!!

I installed wm 5.0 too and I have to ask:

1- how I reach my sim contacts??? I cannot see it at all!!
2- no t9 for italian, french, spanish....
3- only deutch and english system languages..
4- no file manager, no way to explore the sd card..

Overall a think that it is not really so good... =(

Posted by: zer73


Posted by: hansie_k

QUOTE (konker @ Feb 7 2006, 09:52 AM) *
Hi...I've successfully upgraded my MPx200 to WM5 for almost 2 weeks & it has been working relatively well.
Managed to install a TI-OMAP Overclocker to speed things up a little.
Now set running at 132MHz instead of 120MHz but it's not persistent...must set again after reset/restart.

Where can I get this Overclocker...?
Souns intresting...

Hansie smile.gif

Posted by: ardec1

QUOTE (hansie_k @ Feb 8 2006, 01:21 PM) *
Where can I get this Overclocker...?
Souns intresting...

Hansie smile.gif

It is a utility program and it is called "OMAP Clock"

Do a search on Google and you can find it right away.
You will have to do a little poking around on the site if you end up on the same site as I did, I could only understand a few words but it is not hard to figure out how to download it.

Posted by: zer73

And more.... no handless with speakerphone!!! too bad =(

Posted by: konker

QUOTE (AndrewSh @ Feb 7 2006, 06:27 PM) *
It's possible to use SIM Manager from 2003 if you mean this. So as resource and file manager. But they should be digitally signed. We did it already at our belarussian community forum. Speakerphone works by default. Overclock works not good for my device (my experience).

Hi...could you provide me the files for the SIM manager & Resource manager?
I'm not familiar with ROM extraction & certificate signing of the apps.
Would be great if you could provide instructions on how youdid that.
Wat did you mean by speakerphone works by default?
In call, I cannot switch to speakerphone like in WM2003.
Even if I toggle the profile, the sound only comes from the earpiece & not the speaker behind.
Would be great if you can explain & instruct accordingly.

Posted by: zer73

QUOTE (konker @ Feb 9 2006, 11:19 AM) *
Hi...could you provide me the files for the SIM manager & Resource manager?
I'm not familiar with ROM extraction & certificate signing of the apps.
Would be great if you could provide instructions on how youdid that.
Wat did you mean by speakerphone works by default?
In call, I cannot switch to speakerphone like in WM2003.
Even if I toggle the profile, the sound only comes from the earpiece & not the speaker behind.
Would be great if you can explain & instruct accordingly.

In WM 2003 hold green phone button and speakerphone will activate for freehand... I tried in wm2005 and after a reset it works also!! =))

Posted by: zer73

Hello, I'm here for upgrade.

I added a sim contact and the device recognized all sim contacts!! =))

I added Resco programs with success, but I can't understand how to install applications inside the SD card... my memory is ending!

Please help

Posted by: smeg36

You can't install programs to the SD card because it is no longer seen as a SD card but rather part of the OS. I believe the way WM5 on the MPx200 works is every program you install automatically goes to the SD card because it is part of the OS.

Posted by: zer73

I also thought so... but I saw that all my new installations goes into the internal memory.. maybe after it will be full the sd card will start to be used.. I'll inform you...

Posted by: dtzxdtzx

QUOTE (zer73 @ Feb 9 2006, 08:09 PM) *
I also thought so... but I saw that all my new installations goes into the internal memory.. maybe after it will be full the sd card will start to be used.. I'll inform you...

Could anyone clarify the speed of SD card? How fast is it considered fast for WM5? I bought a 1GB sandisk ultra II card most recently. It claims 10 MB/s read and 9 MB/s write. Is it a fast SD card? with this card, my phone's response is pretty sluggish.


Posted by: ardec1

QUOTE (zer73 @ Feb 9 2006, 12:09 PM) *
I also thought so... but I saw that all my new installations goes into the internal memory.. maybe after it will be full the sd card will start to be used.. I'll inform you...

I noticed the same thing until I looked at the files on the Mobile Devide in Windows Explorer on my laptop.
That is when I found out that if I created a directory on the memory card and named it My Documents all of the programs I installed went in on the memory card and not on the phone itself.

I forgot to mention that you will only see one "My Documents" directory on the phone. I use Rescoe Explorer as the file manager, but if you open up the Mobile Device under Windows Exploere you will see two directories.

Don't know if that helps you.

QUOTE (dtzxdtzx @ Feb 9 2006, 01:28 PM) *
Could anyone clarify the speed of SD card? How fast is it considered fast for WM5? I bought a 1GB sandisk ultra II card most recently. It claims 10 MB/s read and 9 MB/s write. Is it a fast SD card? with this card, my phone's response is pretty sluggish.


I use a regular speed Sandisk SD card and WM5.0 is faster than WM2003.

I did find that a regular speed 1GB Sandisk card did not perform as well as a regular speed 256MB card.

Posted by: Hypertek

i wonder if that means a 2 gig sd disk might work on it..

Posted by: konker

QUOTE (zer73 @ Feb 9 2006, 08:58 PM) *
In WM 2003 hold green phone button and speakerphone will activate for freehand... I tried in wm2005 and after a reset it works also!! =))

I tried it & it works!
Sounds even better than WM2003!!!
Why did you have to reset?
I picked up the phone call with the "Answer" button & momentarily pressed the green call button & the sound gets transferred to the speaker. No resets needed.
Great discovery!
Cheers! biggrin.gif

Posted by: smeg36

For future reference, that is a feature of all Windows Mobile phones (except the new 700w). If you hold the green call button speakerphone will activate.

Posted by: ardec1

QUOTE (Hypertek @ Feb 9 2006, 05:38 PM) *
i wonder if that means a 2 gig sd disk might work on it..

I was wondering what would happen if one took a 2GB. SD card and partitioned it in to two 1GB. partitions and formatted each partition with FAT 16.

If anybody has tried it please share your experience with us.

Posted by: muchomorek

QUOTE (ardec1 @ Feb 9 2006, 10:35 PM) *
I was wondering what would happen if one took a 2GB. SD card and partitioned it in to two 1GB. partitions and formatted each partition with FAT 16.

If anybody has tried it please share your experience with us.

16MB - 512MB

Greater than 512MB

When you choose a FAT file system it splits the memory into clusters which are addressed by the filing system. The cluster sizes are usually 2KB, 4KB, 8KB, 16KB, 32KB or 64KB

Where n is 16 for FAT16 and 28 for FAT32.
You can determine your cluster size by the following equation:


Bigger cluster sizes will improve speed at which the memory is read, but have the negative effect of creating slack space. Slack space or lost clusters are caused when a cluster is only partially filled. For example if you write a 1KB file to the memory and are using 64KB clusters then that 1KB file will actually take up 64KB in memory. However small cluster sizes are not given totally for free. A small cluster size will mean more address to read in order to find the file you are looking for (so it is slightly slower, although you might not notice a difference with a memory card) and the FAT is larger. Typically the table for a FAT32 system will be 16 times the size of a FAT16 system.

So you ask “how do I get the most from my memory?” and the answer boils down to this. Aim for 4KB clusters, it is a good mix between optimum performance (which shouldn’t change too much given this is flash memory) and minimising wasted space (which you pay for!). Hence you should use FAT16 for memory cards up to 512MB and FAT32 for cards greater than 512MB (you will keep 4KB clusters up to an 8GB drive). RAW format is best kept for your camera or possibly a drive which only stores movies.

Posted by: zer73

My memory is 1Gb and goes very fast..Great!!


I cannot put Italian system language and this is not a problem... but I need the Italian T9 language.

I find it (filename is t9languagedbl.dll) but I dunno how to install it... PLEASE HELP!!!


Posted by: tjl129

I've been using the WM5 Rom for a week now and I must say that I'm very pleased with it. It works quite well considering this device is quite old. This phone has run 3 versions of Windows Mobile on it since I bought it. I still don't understand why MS doesn't release the os for direct sale to customers. I'm sure most people would gladly pay for the new functionality.

Posted by: Atte

I just happened to bump into the site and looks like MPx200's getting some new and most welcomed life in it in form of the new OS upgrade.

A few questions from a newbie who abandonded the MPx200 soon after buying one from eBay almost two years ago (AT&T cr@p, not much use here in Finland becouse of the very limited signal):

1. Is there any change, even a fools hope, that this latest OS upgrade will improve the very bad signal of the AT&T version (missing the vital frequency) for me living in Europe and Finland?

2. Is this new OS version (VM 5) more recent and possibly better than the Windows 2003 Second Edition running for e.g. on MPx220? In my understanding at the time that (Windows 2003 SE) was something many owners of MPx200 wished and looked for hard, myself included. So these are not the same thing?

3. One of the major things that made the USA bought phone unusable for me was the missing Scandinavian special characters Ä, Ö and Å. If I'd decide to give a try for the new OS upgrade, is there a way I can get those characters in use in the new OS, most importantly when writing a SMS or similar kind of message?

4. Hey, thanks for reading this and possibly answering and helping me out. I appreciate it tongue.gif . I just want to be sure before I'm putting more wasted hours to the phone and prior buying a new SD-card wich seems is needed to make the OS update happen. Thanks.

Posted by: smeg36

1) Not really, no. There is the Orange/Europe branded MPx200 that does have the 900Mhz band, so you could get one of those and get the missing frequency instead of trying to make a US version have it.

2) The WM5 is newer than WM2003SE. It is in most ways better, but not necessarily on the MPx200. It has way more bugs on the MPx200 than the WM2003 ROM did, but essentially WM5 is a better OS.

3) So far, no. The WM5 ROM seems to be harder to get other languages for than any other MPx200 ROM. I wouldn't bet on being able to get Scandinavian characters for it.

4) No problem, just ask if you have any more questions. We'll all do what we can to help.

Posted by: Atte

Thanks for the answers. BTW has anybody since been able to get and ran Windows 2003 Second Edition on MPx200? Was it up to any good?

I might've been a little misleading saying those characters I inputed are (solely) Scandinavian. As far as I know these belong to many other languages like German and some others rather large ones besides the å which is highly rarely used even in Finnish and wouldn't be necessary for Fin's but essential to Swedish.

If someone knew by personal experience as a fact about the characters ä, ö or å on VM 5 would you mind posting it here.

Posted by: MPX200_WM 2003 to 2005

QUOTE (AndrewSh @ Dec 30 2005, 09:09 AM) *
Exactly! smile.gif
You actually can use any kinda new and fast one. With the slow card the system on your phone will work slower (checked for 100%). When you successfully flash the phone - later you can use different cards - but you should put the content of your first card to other cards. Thus you can change cards with new OS.
Don't power it up - just take another card and repeat the flash procedure. It's possible not to flash the first img. Start from the second part. That's it.

I Can't get my MPX200 Started up after the WM5 upgrade! mad.gif
I followed the instructions..
And know! :



Posted by: konker

QUOTE (MPX200_WM 2003 to 2005 @ Feb 12 2006, 03:25 PM) *
I Can't get my MPX200 Started up after the WM5 upgrade! mad.gif
I followed the instructions..
And know! :



You might want to mentioned the upgrade method you performed, the previous OS your handset had & any symptoms before & during the upgrade & possibly any tell-tale signs after the upgrade.
Or else...we'll be hitting all over the shop trying to make all kinds of suggestions to help you.
How long did you wait after the upgrade finished for the phone to boot? Was your battery charged or can the unit still charge the battery? Check the front panel for the charging indicator without trying to power up.

Posted by: MPX200_WM 2003 to 2005

I was upgrading the mpx200 of mine and after the 3rd image i had set it to Master Reset to clean the registry and something more..
The screen was all white and after about 10 or 12 minutes the screen fell out! i thought it's done. I was turning the phone on BUT it wasn't going on!!

Please help?

QUOTE (konker @ Feb 12 2006, 09:10 AM) *
You might want to mentioned the upgrade method you performed, the previous OS your handset had & any symptoms before & during the upgrade & possibly any tell-tale signs after the upgrade.
Or else...we'll be hitting all over the shop trying to make all kinds of suggestions to help you.
How long did you wait after the upgrade finished for the phone to boot? Was your battery charged or can the unit still charge the battery? Check the front panel for the charging indicator without trying to power up.

I Haved Upgraded My MPX200 to WM5.
I followed the instructions:

Using the motorola mobile upgrade wizard, do the following:

1. remove SD and SIM and connect device : done
2. flash with part1.img : done
3. disconnect and remove battery : done
4. replace battery : done
5. master reset : done
6. device ID should be displayed along with an error message : saw and done
7. remove battery : done
8. replace battery : done
9. put in SD card (you need at least 32MB) and reconnect : done i had put a 256MB card in it..
10. flash with part2.img : done , it had take about 10 or 15 minutes
11. flash with part3.img : fast done.
12. disconnect device and remove battery : done 2...
13. replace battery : done
14. master reset, but options are different now (choose clean reg hive and format storage) : Done + FAIL
15. wait until complete : Failed.... The mobile had fall out i think.. After the white screen it fall out about 10 or 12 minutes...
16. enjoy : FAIL

Posted by: Firefly

QUOTE (MPX200_WM 2003 to 2005 @ Feb 12 2006, 12:55 PM) *
I Can't get my MPX200 Started up after the WM5 upgrade! mad.gif
I followed the instructions..
And know! :



The symptoms sure indicate that you might be having a blown fuse...


Posted by: GrYph0n

Someone out there knows what I am talking about when I post this wink.gif.

Well before this information was out there, I tried to upgrade my MPx200 to WM5 before there were any leaks. I tried my own little method that I will not mention, with an experimental ROM that I won't mention the source of, but needless to say, it didn't work out too well. Which is exactly the reason it is sitting in a drawer dead to the world. I personally tested the fuse and can confirm that in my case, that wasn't the issue. I have the exact same symptoms with my phone. Remember that when doing something like this you need to understand the risk involved. As bad as I hate to say this, I think the best advice would be to start shopping for a new phone sad.gif

Posted by: lewnetoons

take the battery out, leave it out for about 10 minutes and put it back in, try to power up the phone.

Posted by: johnti

My phone died also after flashing the third part. Upgrading from 2003 to 2005.
No boot up. No charging. Had the battery out of the phone for half an hour. No booting up.
I've a sandisk 256 mb.
When the screen appears with the error and the id, must I do OK and then take out the battery?
When must I put back the sim?
Please help me. I still didn't find a solution here. After reading this topic, a lot of peolple are having the same problem.

Posted by: ardec1

Before you start doing anything you remove the SIM and charge the battery so it is fully charged.
Flash the first image file and follow the earlier instructions.
You MUST wait for the error message about the device ID before doing anything else.
Flash the second image and the third without doing anything else.
Remove the battery and follow the earlier instructions.
Finally, after everything is done, put your SIM card back in and start the phone.

Posted by: Hypertek

any one know how to set mp3s as ring tone yet? What folder do I drop the mp3 in to have settings see it?

Posted by: konker

QUOTE (Hypertek @ Feb 22 2006, 03:49 PM) *
any one know how to set mp3s as ring tone yet? What folder do I drop the mp3 in to have settings see it?

I'm not sure about MP3 ringtones but any supported ringtone that you want to use must be stored in '\Application Data\Sounds' folder.
I use WMA ringtones created from parts of songs using Windows Media Encoder 9(freeware).
There're 3rd party apps that you can use to set a song as ringtone but it pretty much depends on which format the song is in.
Hopes this helps!

Posted by: slap

*edit: problem now solved by enabling DHCP. smile.gif

Thanks to everyone who contributed with all tips and tricks here. I have now flashed my phone to WM2005, and it seems to be fast responsive. However, I have one (at least for now) problem. Activesync won't recognize it. I have reinstalled Activesync 4.1, deleted the previous phone connection and restarted both my computer and my phone several times.
The thing that really troubles me is that when I connect the phone, my computer recognizes it as a network card operating at 10mbps, and tries to aquire an ip address from it.
I'm on a 6mbit dsl connection with a static ip on my machine, so I really don't need gprs for surfing. Any tips?

Posted by: konker

QUOTE (slap @ Feb 24 2006, 02:31 AM) *
*edit: problem now solved by enabling DHCP. smile.gif

Thanks to everyone who contributed with all tips and tricks here. I have now flashed my phone to WM2005, and it seems to be fast responsive. However, I have one (at least for now) problem. Activesync won't recognize it. I have reinstalled Activesync 4.1, deleted the previous phone connection and restarted both my computer and my phone several times.
The thing that really troubles me is that when I connect the phone, my computer recognizes it as a network card operating at 10mbps, and tries to aquire an ip address from it.
I'm on a 6mbit dsl connection with a static ip on my machine, so I really don't need gprs for surfing. Any tips?

From 4.0 onwards, I was told that all WM5 devices will be connected using a RNDIS network adapter driver inbuilt into the AS when you install it.
You should use the latest build from MS site.
Mine works fine.
Doesn't matter if you're on static or dynamic IP for your broadband connection...the MPx200 will use Passthrough connection to access the internet & not your GPRS unless you configured it to connect through your GPRS in Settings>Connection>Advanced.
Try connecting directly to the root USB hub & not through another external hub.
I discovered that using the latter connection affects the detection of the phone onthe USB port & connection cannot be sustained.
Hope this helps! smile.gif

Posted by: Spaghetti

I have been reading thru the forums for some time now but am a bit unsure to where i can get the roms and the flashing instructions. can someone please point me in the correct direction. Thank you much

Posted by: ardec1

The problem with your request is that most of us have the required files but due to restrictions against posting files or links to files that are not officially released we can't provide you with any specific information as to how you can obtain those files.

You may want to try a Google search for the file(s) with a search string like "Motorola MPx200 WM2005/5.0"

Posted by: Rene

unsure.gif I've googled for an eternity with no luck to a download link for WM5 (I even did a search to prod around, and none of the links that came up were valid). Is it a conspiracy? Does everybody get to have WM5 on their shiny MPX200 but me? blink.gif

Ok so this is my plea for help. If you got the link, could you PM poor little me?

Posted by: ardec1

If you use this exact search string on Google you can easily find it:

WM 5.0 flash for Motorola MPx200

The real Windows Mobile 2005 for the MPx200 file is simply called WM2005.ZIP

Posted by: learnfromthepast87

QUOTE (Rene @ Mar 6 2006, 11:14 AM) *
unsure.gif I've googled for an eternity with no luck to a download link for WM5 (I even did a search to prod around, and none of the links that came up were valid). Is it a conspiracy? Does everybody get to have WM5 on their shiny MPX200 but me? blink.gif

Ok so this is my plea for help. If you got the link, could you PM poor little me?

I'm having the same difficulty! Are there any rules against pming links? Please help us out guys! I even tried "that exact" string up there^^! Help? sad.gif

Posted by: smeg36

Yes, there are rules against it. You should have been prompted to read the when you registered. So lets keep up the discussion of this thread and not resort to having it be a ROM request thread. Thanks for asking first.

Posted by: ardec1

I totally agree with smeg36 about this not being turned in to a request forum for links to the actual ROM.

If anybody use the exact search phrase I posted they will find the ROM, if they can't figure that out then I am not so sure they should try to do an upgrade to begin with, no offense to anybody.

The only other hint I can give you is that one of the hits on that search phrase will return a reference to Howards Forum and the file is named WM2005.ZIP, about half way down after some references to this forum.

That will be my last post regarding how to find the ROM.

Posted by: Toad

I can't get the ArcSoft MMS client to work with WM 5 on the MPx200. Whenever I try sending a message, it just freezes. Has anyone else tried this and got it to work? Thanks.

Posted by: ryan5783

I've been using WM5 for a couple days now, and I thought I would post up my thoughts on the upgrade here:

All comparisons are to WM2003.


- Nice look
- Quicker menus
- Longer battery life! - Before, I was only getting maybe 18 hours until a dead battery. Now, I'm getting almost 2 full days. Great!
- Voice mail number automatically updates - Before, the number would never be there after a hard reset. Now, it's autmatically there.
- MP10 - Not that big of a deal to me. It seems almost the same, just with a slicker look.
- Ability to easily use any picture as the home screen.
- Not sure, but the speakerphone seems louder to me now.


- No file or task manager built in - although 3rd party ones can be found easily

That's it so far!

Posted by: ardec1

QUOTE (Toad @ Mar 8 2006, 11:16 PM) *
I can't get the ArcSoft MMS client to work with WM 5 on the MPx200. Whenever I try sending a message, it just freezes. Has anyone else tried this and got it to work? Thanks.

I tried ArcSoft but I had similar problems, got it to work once in a while but that was it.
I don't use MMS, just thought I would try it out so I have not done any in-depth work with ArcSoft.
For sending a picture once in a while I found that there is a small free application called AttachSmart out there and it works great for attaching an image to an email.

Posted by: Taco8412

QUOTE (neostar @ Dec 19 2005, 02:16 PM) *
I really like the new UI, I also love the new txt message system that brings up a list of words, as below:

The upgrade went great and fast even with an ADATA 1GB 60x SD card.

But I am not getting the autocomplete feature? Am I forgetting to turn something on?

Posted by: Adam Punani

Hi smile.gif
Hope you're all well. thanks for letting me join this very informative and helpful site; will be recommending it to all my WM customers!

Please could you help a stupid newbie out here????!!!

Been trying to do the 5.0 upgrade. TRYING being the important word?!!!!!

Have the .img files (I think they are correct, although mine are named part1.img, part2.img as opposed to 1.img, 2.img etc as on smart-turk's video and they are from a zip file named, not ARE THESE THE CORRECT FILES????)

Using Mobile upgrade wizard 1.8.5 and installed the drivers correctly; it detects the phone, then asks for ROM location. When trying to install part1.img, it tries to install it but it does NOT do anything then it just says it has failed. I can't even get the first img file loaded!! sad.gif

MPX200 is nearly new with Orange Smartphone 2002 firmware on it.


Thanks in advance.

Posted by: smeg36

That is what the WM5 .img files I've seen are named as well, so it looks like you have the correct files. Not really sure why they wouldn't be flashing though. Have you tried rebooting the PC, turning the phone on and off, and plugging it into a different USB port?

Posted by: top_cat78

QUOTE (AndrewSh @ Dec 30 2005, 04:09 PM) *
Exactly! smile.gif
You actually can use any kinda new and fast one. With the slow card the system on your phone will work slower (checked for 100%). When you successfully flash the phone - later you can use different cards - but you should put the content of your first card to other cards. Thus you can change cards with new OS.
Don't power it up - just take another card and repeat the flash procedure. It's possible not to flash the first img. Start from the second part. That's it.

would it be possible to transfer files using card reader instead of reflashing again?
becos i want to use my 512mb kingston on the mpx and not my imation 1gb 160x as its for my ppc

Posted by: milkmanjtt

hi, ive done this upgrade on my mpx and im hearing lots of people saying to stay away from a 512 memory card, i used a 512mb toshiba sd card and have had no problems at all with my install, anyway if you do upgrade i really recommend downloading the resco system toys 1.20 and the resco explorer 2003, it gives you all the stuff that was missing from wm5 (battery meter, memory meter, file manager) and makes it perfect.

Posted by: moonlitstargazer

ok just to be plain and simple wm2005 is by far the best yet.

faster os
better reception
battery life improved

no task manager ( reccomend 3rd party)
no batter or memory ( reccomend 3rd party)
that weird thing that it keeps showing numbers on the external screen
and this os has less personality ( ex you cant change the external display)

3rd party programs
registry editer

PS for some questions asked earlier i have a 2gb sandisk sd card i dont know what happend but now it only shows up as a 1gb i dont really know why im guessing wm5 partitioned it when it was formatting and now the second gb is just waste space

Posted by: moonlitstargazer

actually i have now come up on a problem i havent seen before

i was checking my voicemail when a friend called, i hit ignore so i could finish listening to my messages, when my voicemail came up to the part where is says press 7 to delete i pressed 7, NOTHING. for some reason the phone was not sending out the signal.

however all you have to do is hang up and call the voicemail again


Posted by: muchomorek

I think with Cingular voice mail is press 3 to delete.

Posted by: moonlitstargazer

ok ive been working with wm5 on my mpx200 for a week now and i have run into another problem.

but this opne seems like you can just change a registry value for ao if anyon can help please

heres the problem

while in a phone conversation i decide to plug in the head set. NO SOUND BUT THE MIC WORKS so i hung up called back and the headsset started working. why is it that the mic works when plugged in (in a phone conversation) but i have to hang up and call back for the sound to start working

Posted by: bryanharig

QUOTE (johnti @ Feb 16 2006, 05:27 PM) *
My phone died also after flashing the third part. Upgrading from 2003 to 2005.
No boot up. No charging. Had the battery out of the phone for half an hour. No booting up.
I've a sandisk 256 mb.
When the screen appears with the error and the id, must I do OK and then take out the battery?
When must I put back the sim?
Please help me. I still didn't find a solution here. After reading this topic, a lot of peolple are having the same problem.

This is the same problem I am having. I followed these instructions religiously and after flashing image3 and removing and reinstalling the battery the phone is unresponsive after step 13.

Using the motorola mobile upgrade wizard, do the following:

1. remove SD and SIM and connect device
2. flash with part1.img
3. disconnect and remove battery
4. replace battery
5. master reset
6. device ID should be displayed along with an error message
7. remove battery
8. replace battery
9. put in SD card (you need at least 32MB) and reconnect
10. flash with part2.img
11. flash with part3.img
12. disconnect device and remove battery
13. replace battery
14. master reset, but options are different now (choose clean reg hive and format storage)
15. wait until complete
16. enjoy

The phone is a triband mpx200 and I am using a 256mb sandisk SD card. The phone does not respond to the power button or master reset. It is not detected when plugged into USB. The only abnormality I can think of is that I dont have a SIM card to use yet, so at no time durring this process have I had one to insert. I dont see how this could cause my problem though.

Any suggestions would be most welcome!

Posted by: ardec1

QUOTE (bryanharig @ Apr 13 2006, 08:50 PM) *
This is the same problem I am having. I followed these instructions religiously and after flashing image3 and removing and reinstalling the battery the phone is unresponsive after step 13.
The phone is a triband mpx200 and I am using a 256mb sandisk SD card. The phone does not respond to the power button or master reset. It is not detected when plugged into USB. The only abnormality I can think of is that I dont have a SIM card to use yet, so at no time durring this process have I had one to insert. I dont see how this could cause my problem though.

Any suggestions would be most welcome!


I posted the path I used when I upgraded to WM5 here:

This has worked for me on several upgrades now and it would appear that other readers/users have had the same results when they performed the upgrade.

Posted by: bryanharig

QUOTE (ardec1 @ Apr 15 2006, 12:57 PM) *

I posted the path I used when I upgraded to WM5 here:

This has worked for me on several upgrades now and it would appear that other readers/users have had the same results when they performed the upgrade.

The instructions you list in your thread are very similar to the ones I used. I do not think the instructions are my problem. As I said, right now the phone will not power on and is not recognized by the PC. Id like to know if anyone knows how to recover it, or failing that how to ensure it doesnt happen again with another mpx200.

Posted by: sbelean

I thing I got same error when I upgrade because I forgot to put the little swich above SIM card, so I don't know if upgrade is working without SIM card,

Posted by: ardec1

QUOTE (bryanharig @ Apr 17 2006, 11:05 AM) *
The instructions you list in your thread are very similar to the ones I used. I do not think the instructions are my problem. As I said, right now the phone will not power on and is not recognized by the PC. Id like to know if anyone knows how to recover it, or failing that how to ensure it doesnt happen again with another mpx200.

That does happen on occasion but if you take the battery back out and leave it for about 15 minutes, then plug the battery back in and connect it to the charger it will generally come back to life after around 30 minutes and start charging.

Let it charge up fully and try the upgrade again if it won't power on.

Posted by: AlanOfDale

Another happy customer of darkoverlord WM5 upgrade.

Posted by: jazzer

The PCUpgradeWizard is quite elusive. Not on the CD that comes with the MPx200, not anywhere to be found. It's a wonder anyone has been able to upgrade their firmware. I've spent 2 full nights searching for this thing. ...sigh...

Posted by: ardec1

Version 1.3.0 is about a 5MB file.
I have it and I don't mind emailing it to those who need it but I am only going to send it once so make sure that your email server can accept it.

Posted by: bilzfan

My first post smile.gif

I bought a Motorola MPx200 on eBay to replace my ancient Nokia 8260. I quickly found this board and began the unlock and upgrade to WM5. I'm happy to report success! smile.gif

Posted by: jazzer

Attempting to upgrade to WM2005 from WM2002, v3 build 13258 (OEM build)

Mobile Upgrade Wizard is inconsistent at finding the device but when it does and I select the Part1 image file, it then comes back with a Failure after about 20 seconds. It doesn't appear to be communicating with the "USB Modem".

Is the Mobile Upgrade Wizard compatible with older USB 1.0 devices. Also, my PC is old and slow as ^*&&. Mobile Upgrade Wizard didn't wipe the flash because the phone still works. So why wouldn't it do anything with the Part1 file?

Posted by: GRajales

I have done the upgrade successfuly, but does anybody know if now with this OS is possible to edit Office documents rather than just viewing them??

Posted by: smeg36

You'd need some third party software to do so, and I think Clearvue may be the only choice. It only allows viewing, not editing. If you are wanting to view and edit Office documents, I'd recommend looking into a Pocket PC over a Smartphone.

Posted by: ardec1

QUOTE (jazzer @ Apr 30 2006, 08:44 PM) *
Attempting to upgrade to WM2005 from WM2002, v3 build 13258 (OEM build)

Mobile Upgrade Wizard is inconsistent at finding the device but when it does and I select the Part1 image file, it then comes back with a Failure after about 20 seconds. It doesn't appear to be communicating with the "USB Modem".

Is the Mobile Upgrade Wizard compatible with older USB 1.0 devices. Also, my PC is old and slow as ^*&&. Mobile Upgrade Wizard didn't wipe the flash because the phone still works. So why wouldn't it do anything with the Part1 file?

I have used the Mobile Upgrade Wizard on my old IBM 560Z laptop which has the older USB 1.0 on it and it works fine so I don't think that is the issue.

Did you remember to remove the SIM card?

Posted by: JustinLu

i failed upgrade my mpx200. after flash the 3rd img, phone cannot be powered on.
although i can flash it back to 2003, i still want to use wm5. because it stor all messages on SD card, instead of phone memory.
i tried to use a Kingston 512M MMC Mobile, a Kingston 512M SD, and a 32M MMC Card from Siements 6688. does the wm5 rom support all mpx200 phone? should i change to another new SD card?

Posted by: ardec1

QUOTE (JustinLu @ May 3 2006, 06:10 AM) *
i failed upgrade my mpx200. after flash the 3rd img, phone cannot be powered on.
although i can flash it back to 2003, i still want to use wm5. because it stor all messages on SD card, instead of phone memory.
i tried to use a Kingston 512M MMC Mobile, a Kingston 512M SD, and a 32M MMC Card from Siements 6688. does the wm5 rom support all mpx200 phone? should i change to another new SD card?

I have read that there are some issues with the 512MB SD cards but I have never tried using one.
I know for a fact that a standard speed Sandisk SD card, either a 256MB or a 1GB works because I have used them both on several upgrades.

Posted by: JustinLu

after flash the 3rd img, if you do not put a SD card into phone, can you power it on?
i think if the phone cannot read the SD card, there should be an error message on screen. but there not.

Posted by: ardec1

QUOTE (JustinLu @ May 3 2006, 06:36 PM) *
after flash the 3rd img, if you do not put a SD card into phone, can you power it on?
i think if the phone cannot read the SD card, there should be an error message on screen. but there not.

You need to put the SD card in BEFORE you flash both the 2nd. and the 3rd. image.

Look at this:

Posted by: JustinLu

QUOTE (ardec1 @ May 4 2006, 10:47 AM) *
You need to put the SD card in BEFORE you flash both the 2nd. and the 3rd. image.

Look at this:


i followed this steps, but also failed.

i think the rom doesn't support my mpx200.

there may be some different between my mpx200 and yours.

Posted by: chawks2

I have had WM2005 on my mpx200 for over 2 weeks. I have been generally satisfied with performance.

I put my phone in flight mode on occasion to avoid the, "choose network" screen. Welp, when I put it in flight mode today it gave me "invalid SIM card, please enter valid SIM card" - then an "Unlock" option appeared.

Whenever I pressed Unlock it did absolutely nothing. I have no idea how this happened, I'm moderately angry because the process of getting my phone back to normal is approx. 2 hours. UGH!!!

Where is my damn Qtek 8500!!!! I can not wait any longer...

Posted by: GRajales

I've done the upgrade, and is a good OS, quick enough (it runs better than the original Smartphone 2002, and has a comparable performance to Windows Mobile 2003).

But i think that something that is very annoying (at least for me) is that you can't eject the SD/MMC card with the phone ON. With 2002 and 2003, it was very easy to get out the phone, pop out the card and use it as a portatile disk. This still can be done, but it is absolutely necessary to turn off the phone (at least to avoid the system crash).. and sometimes you can't have your phone turned off even a second.

This was my primary reason to go back to WM2003.

But I liked so much Windows Media 10!!!!!!!

And this makes me use this post to ask if somebody knows is there any program, that allows library-playing like Media Player 10 in WM 5.0, for the WM2003?

Posted by: m1.carson

QUOTE (bryanharig @ Apr 14 2006, 05:50 AM) *
This is the same problem I am having. I followed these instructions religiously and after flashing image3 and removing and reinstalling the battery the phone is unresponsive after step 13.
The phone is a triband mpx200 and I am using a 256mb sandisk SD card. The phone does not respond to the power button or master reset. It is not detected when plugged into USB. The only abnormality I can think of is that I dont have a SIM card to use yet, so at no time durring this process have I had one to insert. I dont see how this could cause my problem though.

Any suggestions would be most welcome!

It's not a missing sim card error, as after I flashed and reset mine and forgot to put the card in, it went all through the boot sequence and said the usual " bad or missing sim card"

Posted by: m1.carson

QUOTE (slap @ Feb 23 2006, 07:31 PM) *
*edit: problem now solved by enabling DHCP. smile.gif

Thanks to everyone who contributed with all tips and tricks here. I have now flashed my phone to WM2005, and it seems to be fast responsive. However, I have one (at least for now) problem. Activesync won't recognize it. I have reinstalled Activesync 4.1, deleted the previous phone connection and restarted both my computer and my phone several times.
The thing that really troubles me is that when I connect the phone, my computer recognizes it as a network card operating at 10mbps, and tries to aquire an ip address from it.
I'm on a 6mbit dsl connection with a static ip on my machine, so I really don't need gprs for surfing. Any tips?

Just joined this forum, both my friend [ Nokia and data suite] and I [WM3 and active sync] have had real problems connecting phones, it seems to be the dsl modem, disconnect that first and try syncing again, it worked for both of us.
Good Luck

Posted by: m1.carson

QUOTE (JustinLu @ May 4 2006, 11:20 AM) *

i followed this steps, but also failed.

i think the rom doesn't support my mpx200.

there may be some different between my mpx200 and yours.

Hi mine crashed on the second IMG file install three or four times, used a different SD card and it worked, worth a try.

Posted by: m1.carson

QUOTE (moonlitstargazer @ Mar 29 2006, 01:27 AM) *
ok just to be plain and simple wm2005 is by far the best yet.

faster os
better reception
battery life improved

no task manager ( reccomend 3rd party)
no batter or memory ( reccomend 3rd party)
that weird thing that it keeps showing numbers on the external screen
and this os has less personality ( ex you cant change the external display)

3rd party programs
registry editer

PS for some questions asked earlier i have a 2gb sandisk sd card i dont know what happend but now it only shows up as a 1gb i dont really know why im guessing wm5 partitioned it when it was formatting and now the second gb is just waste space

Hi, was running WM2003 and my 2 gig only showed as one gig, just upgraded to WM5 and the card is still showing only one gig.

Posted by: m1.carson

QUOTE (ardec1 @ Feb 17 2006, 03:43 AM) *
Before you start doing anything you remove the SIM and charge the battery so it is fully charged.
Flash the first image file and follow the earlier instructions.
You MUST wait for the error message about the device ID before doing anything else.
Flash the second image and the third without doing anything else.
Remove the battery and follow the earlier instructions.
Finally, after everything is done, put your SIM card back in and start the phone.


I'm sure I'd left my phone on charge all night [ could be wrong after a few beers ! ], but my battery died whilst formatting IPSM, it looks as though several people have dead phones, is it possibly the same problem, upgrading kills the battery especially after several failed flashes ?.

Anyway, I luckily had a spare with a low charge put that in and was able to charge it enough to hard reset the phone and carry on, I think I left it plugged in whilst hard re-setting.

Posted by: mpx200cat

Hey guys, i´m running the oldest version of the mpx200(smartphone 2002). And i want to upgrade to WM05. But there are a few questions here and there.

1 I'm using a kingston 1GB card, can this card be used in the upgrade procces? If not, can i use my 256 siliconpower card and then copy the files to my 1gb kingston?

2 Does the phone have to be unlocked? (mine is, but i have noticed a big amount of dead phones!)

3 Can i stil use my smartphone 2002 aplications?

4 i heard something about selecting things while upgrading my phone, what do i have to select?

5 what are the bugs?

6 And most of all, whats so goooooood about WM5?????

Posted by: chawks2


My perils with WM5 continue. After another 3 weeks of being very happy, my phone just stopped working again. This time, the errors were "..can not find appman.exe" (when pressing Start) and "..cdial.exe is not a valid application"(trying to dial numbers).

The phone was completely unresponsive, and also gave a "No Service" message. On the outside LCD a full service icon existed, but it was not the case.

The issue was some corrupt files on the phone. In my setup, I need to have the directory on my SD card "_TFAT_ blah blah etc" or the phone does not boot properly. These are the raw settings from when I did the first upgrade to WM5. There are *.vol files at the root, which apparently, became corrupt because once I replaced them with the ones in the "_TFAT blah etc" directory the phone came back to life, but without my contacts mad.gif . Not really a big deal, but still an _annoyance_.

I will point out too, for those of you who are doing this upgrade, make sure your SD card is rated at a minimum of 40x.

Where is my damn Qtek?!?!

Posted by: toomuchdogfur

QUOTE (boggyman @ Jan 7 2006, 01:37 AM) *
does anyone know is it possible to change the order of system icons in the start menu??
this one drives me crazy!!! mad.gif

QUOTE (boggyman @ Jan 7 2006, 01:37 AM) *
does anyone know is it possible to change the order of system icons in the start menu??
this one drives me crazy!!! mad.gif

OK I realise that I may be waaaaaay late on this but it seems like no one has answered it so for future reference...

Changing the Start menu\grid icon order
Open this key: HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Shell\StartMenu\Order

From there it should be bleedingly obvious wink.gif

This key will force the icons and folders you state there to appear in that order, BEFORE other icons. Hence if you put five icons/folders in that key, then your start menu/grid will have those five icons/folders in that stated order, THEN your other icons in alphabetical order, and then your folders in alphabetical order.

And of course, deleting the contents of the key completely will make ALL of your icons appear in alphabetical order.

Also note the HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Shell\StartMRU\InitalOrder key, which you can use to define the icons that appear in your MRU after a reset. Well actually, WM5 saves the MRU icons between reboots, so editing this key is practically useless (SP2002 and WM2003 though does not save MRU icons though, so editing this could be useful on phones with those OSes).


Posted by: chawks2

Once again my mpx w/ WM 5 crapped out. It displays an "Unlock" in the bottom left corner, but you can not do anything with the phone. This is now the third time I have had to rebuild this phone with WM 5. I'm getting exceedingly efficient at rebuilding it. blink.gif

My Qtek should be here by 2nd week of July...woohoooo.... laugh.gif

Posted by: Xtreme

I'm looking for the video that smart-turk made. Can't find it anywhere. Can somebody give me a link or send me a copy?

Posted by: raversnet

QUOTE (AndrewSh @ Dec 29 2005, 09:32 AM) *
In addition to my previous post about the registry:
I really don't understand the replies like "Did you install the Registry Editor?"
It's a good advise for people with kinda dementia I suppose! Sorry....
We fixed the problem three days ago with registry. Now it's unlocked! We already start to modify it. "We" means people from Minsk, Belarus. MPx Forum.

To all. The unlock kit is attached. You for sure must have a card reader to perform the task!

I've upgraded to wm2005 with no problems whatsoever. I briefly had an activesync issue but i found by reinstalling activesync i was able to connect immediately.

Now after applying the unlock kit i was able to view my signal strength on the outside of my phone. So i presume it worked. I did however delete the cab install file as i didnt think i needed it anymore.

Everything seems to be working fine as it is however i cant seem to install any applications. They all say:

'The installation file is not intended for this device.'

Resco Explorer is version 5.40 so its made for WM.05

Did the unlock not work or should i have not deleted the Cab file afterwards?



Posted by: raversnet

Ok so i tried the unlock again. Each time it says its unlocked and the installs successfully. So far its the only program i have managed to install and i have tried pretty much every mentioned working program in this thread.

What am i missing? Thanks to all that have worked on this OS hack. Its greatly appreciated.


Posted by: Takato~


Well.. after i'm updating my mpx200 to WM2003, i upgrase sucessfull to WM5, with a SD Card of 512MB!

The system has not problem with them, it's a SD A-Data SuperSD 512MB.

I hope that this information serves other users to him.


Posted by: raversnet

Turns out i was just being a dumbass. Im use to my ipaq ppc with phone function. So i was trying to install ppc versions of software and not the smartphone versions. DOH!

Thanks anyways guys. This upgrade was a piece of cake otherwise and alot faster than some have been reporting.


Rob smile.gif

Posted by: progolftool

Hey Samdog, great post. Are you telling me with the 2005 version, this phone works with bluetooth? Does it also work on the 2003 version?

Posted by: runningtiger

QUOTE (progolftool @ Aug 14 2006, 11:08 AM) *
Hey Samdog, great post. Are you telling me with the 2005 version, this phone works with bluetooth? Does it also work on the 2003 version?
I don't think so. The MPx200 does not have BT built in. Changing the OS won't gain BT. Jabra makes an adapter that works with the MPx200 if you really want to have BT on your phone. I think that's the only way.

Samdog said "Better Bluetooth support (dont matter)" in reference to wm5 in general - the "dont matter" part was specific to the MPx200 since it doesn't support BT at all - unless you get an adapter like I mentioned above.

Bottom line, BT won't work on the MPx200 running any OS (wm2003se or wm5, or anything else) without an adapter.

Posted by: Machead

I have some quick questions regarding the WM5 upgrade, I would really appreciate it if you guys could answer them for me

Instructions state that phone must be unlocked. I bought mine in another country and it works fine with any local phone operator. Thus, I assume this must imply that it is sim-unlocked. Right? Are there any other kinds of locks (for example, registry locks) that I should be aware prior to the upgrade?

Moreover, on the same issue, I have read a post that stated that problems may arise if phone has been unlocked by IMEI number instead of by software. As I stated, I bought mine unlocked and thus don't know how it was unlocked. Is it safe to perform a software unlock anyways?

Would SPVUnlock2 be the appropriate program for the above?

Is it ok to upgrade directly from 2002 to WM5?

Is there any way I can create a backup image of my phone in its current state as a failsafe if the upgrade fails?? What application would I use for creating such a backup image of the roms, etc?

My phone is only dual-band. I have seen posts explaining how to flash the last 256kb of the ROM to enable tri-band functionality on 1.8/1.9 AT&T MPx200s. Would I need to do this still if I upgrade in order to enable tri-band? If so, should I do it before the upgrade or after??

Regarding ActiveSync, any special considerations that should be taken into account?? Can I just uninstall 3.6 and then install 4.2 ???

Does upgrade enable MMS automatically??? If not, what must I do to enable MMS, and should I do it before the upgrade or after?


Posted by: smeg36

I'll try to answer all your questions. Hope I don't miss any.

1) Yes, your phone is SIM unlocked if you can use any provider SIM. There is also application unlock, which you will have to do after you flash the phone. The instructions are around here somewhere.

2) If your phone was unlocked when you got it you should be fine, don't worry about the method it was unlocked. Dial *#06# to be sure. If your IMEI comes up you're fine.

3) SPVUnlock is only for SIM unlocking the SPV Smartphone. Your phone is already unlocked, and SPVUnlock wouldn't work on it if it wasn't.

4) You shouldn't have any problem upgrading from 2002 to WM5

5) The easiest way to restore if something goes wrong is to just find a copy of the WM2002 or WM2003 ROM file using Google. You can flash back to either of those.

6) If you are in the US doing the triband unlock is pointless. It unlocks the 900Mhz band which isn't used here. And not all MPx200s work with the unlock. I guess only a few AT&T branded MPx200s actually shipped from the factory with the ability to use the 900Mhz band. If you got it in another country chances are the 900Mhz band is already enabled though.

7) Yep, just uninstall your current Activesync and install 4.2 instead.

8) No, it doesn't automatically enable MMS. I'm not exactly sure what you have to do to get it working. There is a thread around somewhere detailing how to do it.

Posted by: Machead


Thanks so much for your reply. Got a couple of more questions.

Yes, I am in another country, where some operators do in fact operate on the 900mhz band. I have come across instructions that detail the use of MPX200_Backup and instruct to flash last 256kb of phone's ROM. However, I have seen stated in one ocassion that this procedure is meant for unlocking phone. On another ocassion I have seen the same procedure stated for enabling tri-band functionality... which is it? If it is only for unlocking sim-lock, then how can I go about enabling the 900mhz band?? As stated in my previous post, I have a 1.8/1.9 AT&T MPx200

Furthermore, following the appropriate procedure for enabling 900mhz, should I follow such procedure before or after WM5 upgrade??

Once again, thanks smeg, and everone else, for all your kind help.


Posted by: smeg36

It does both. Flashing the 256kb section will both SIM unlock it and unlock the 900Mhz band on those phone that it actually works with. You should do it prior to upgrading to WM5. Just make sure you follow the directions properly and first create your own fix.img file so your IMEI doesn't get lost. If you use the instructions out there that include a fix.img file your IMEI will be erased and there is no way to get it back.

Posted by: konker

QUOTE (Machead @ Aug 28 2006, 03:54 AM) *
Does upgrade enable MMS automatically??? If not, what must I do to enable MMS, and should I do it before the upgrade or after?


Here's the link to your MMS question.
Cheers! smile.gif

Posted by: rvsl

QUOTE (konker @ Aug 29 2006, 09:30 AM) *
Here's the link to your MMS question.
Cheers! smile.gif

hi. i successfully install wm5 on my cell phone. work great for a an hour. then i charge it but now the phone won't start up. i follow the steps holding the left button etc and i see it start up with the screen with the trees but it won't go any further. help please sad.gif

Posted by: trabbi


this is my first post in this Forum. My english is not so good, so i hope it works.

We use 2 MPx200. The Font in the outer display of one phone ist smaller then the other.
How can i adjust these settings? I think, the homescreen theme does not effect these settings.


Posted by: gn0m3

QUOTE (smart-turk @ Dec 25 2005, 07:37 PM) *
well in Turkey we made this upgrade succesfully and made a movie for this. It is not very very hard if you watch this movie and also you don't need any keys for installation.

Sorry i am new and dont know the rule about NOT to add rom hosting site link.You can send private message to me to have the link.

Posted by: D_Revan

If somebody knows the link could he sent it with pm plz?thanks.

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