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_ Motorola MPx200 _ WM2005 on MPx200, How-To

Posted by: ardec1

This has probably been posted before, but just in case.ohmy.gif)

WM2005 for Motorola MPx200 upgrade guide

1. Make sure your phone is unlocked, if not download the unlock utility and unlock it.

2. Download the Motorola Mobile Upgrade Wizard v. 1.3.0

3. Download the three image files containing the WM 2005 upgrade. Part 1 should be 14,680 KB, part 2 should be 30,099 KB and part 3 should be 41 KB.

4. Install the Mobile Upgrade Wizard and follow the instruction to connect you phone. For now, just make sure the Upgrade Wizard can connect to you phone.

5. Get a 32 MB. SD card if you don’t already have one. Various cards apparently have problems when used with this upgrade, I have found that a standard speed Sandisk card of 256 MB. works the best.

6. Get some kind of a card reader so you can format the SD card, and format it but do not insert it in the phone yet.

7. You are now ready to start the upgrade after you have removed your SIM card if have not already done so.

8. Start the Mobile Upgrade Wizard and connect the phone. Start flashing it with the first image file. When the flashing is completed, disconnect the phone and remove the battery, replace the battery and do a master reset by holding down the big round blue button while pressing the power button. The phone will start up and go to a screen with some garbage about “This is a ROM for use by engineers and other authorized personnel”, after that it will display a screen with “Mobile Operator”, it will stay on that screen for quite a while so don’t get impatient and think that it is not doing anything, finally it will display the device id together with an error message (it is VERY important that you wait for that screen to come up, if you interrupt the process before that screen comes up you may as well start over). Remove the battery, replace the battery and insert you SD card. Start the Mobile Upgrade Wizard and flash part 2 of the image files. When that is done, leave the phone connected and start the Mobile Upgrade Wizard again. Flash the phone with part 3 of the image files and when it has completed, disconnect the phone and remove the battery.

9. Replace the battery and do a master reset. Now the screen will have three options, scroll down to “clean reg hive” and chose Yes by pressing the blue button, scroll down to “format storage” and chose Yes again. Scroll down to “Done” and press the blue button. The screen will go white and stay that way for a while (how long depends on the size of you SD card). Wait until it is done and then have fun with WM 2005 on your MPx200.

I just attached two screen shots of one of our MPx200 phones with WM2005

This has worked fine for me on several upgrades but I do not guarantee in any way shape or form that they will work for you so if you screw up your phone you have nobody to blame but yourself.
 Screen_1.jpg ( 195.76K ) : 743
 Screen_2.jpg ( 195.85K ) : 1086

Posted by: smeg36

Thanks for that guide. That is the exact process I used when upgrading, and it worked great for me.

Posted by: ardec1

QUOTE (smeg36 @ Jan 26 2006, 11:10 AM)
Thanks for that guide.  That is the exact process I used when upgrading, and it worked great for me.

This may appear to be a really stupid question.

We are all interested in the MPx200 and we are trying to help each other out with that particular model phone.

Why is it that we can't post the files, or links to the files, required to upgrade the phone to WM2005, or at least let the various people request the files by email on this board?

I am totally familiar with the distribution of ROM files and the restrictions regarding those same files, but the files in question are not restricted in any way, shape or form that I can find.

An example would be the files available on where files for the SX56-66 are readily available.

Just curious, no harm meant and not to question the authority of the people who run this board.

Posted by: DrBrains

I had to do a couple of re-installs because of some bugs in the WM5 roms.

Every once in a while it installs smooth; all the other times it continues to boot instead of turning of after the second reset. It "hangs" on a sim failure. What then?? Turning the phone of using the on/off switch (waiting long enough for the external display to switch off as well before turning the phone back on) doesn't work. The phone will not reboot.

Replacing the battery doesn't work either. I have to repeat the process until the phone turns itself off at the end of the second reset.

Any idea's how to prevent that??

Posted by: ardec1

QUOTE (DrBrains @ Jan 27 2006, 01:46 PM)
I had to do a couple of re-installs because of some bugs in the WM5 roms.

Every once in a while it installs smooth; all the other times it continues to boot instead of turning of after the second reset. It "hangs" on a sim failure. What then?? Turning the phone of using the on/off switch (waiting long enough for the external display to switch off as well before turning the phone back on) doesn't work. The phone will not reboot.

Replacing the battery doesn't work either. I have to repeat the process until the phone turns itself off at the end of the second reset.

Any idea's how to prevent that??

My first guess would be that there is something wrong with your image files.

I am not sure that I understand what you mean about the SIM failure, you don't put your SIM card back in the phone until after the whole upgrade/flashing process is completed.

You may also want to look at the topic under "Error Messages" in an earlier post where there are some mentionings about the SIM failure error.

Posted by: DrBrains

If there where something wrong with my image files, then I wouldn't be able to install WM2005 at all. However as I said, the phone continues to boot Wm2005 during the second reset. At that point it doesn't find the sim-card (which isn't inserted). The error is the same as if you turn the phone on without the sim-card, or as in the other thread when the sim doesn't connect properly to the phone.

Posted by: ardec1

QUOTE (DrBrains @ Jan 27 2006, 02:09 PM)
If there where something wrong with my image files, then I wouldn't be able to install WM2005 at all. However as I said, the phone continues to boot Wm2005 during the second reset. At that point it doesn't find the sim-card (which isn't inserted). The error is the same as if you turn the phone on without the sim-card, or as in the other thread when the sim doesn't connect properly to the phone.

How many resets are you doing during the whole flashing/update process?

Posted by: DrBrains

I'm doing two resets. As in the instructions, 1 after flashing image 1; the second reset after flashing image 2 plus 3.

Thing is, the second master-reset doesn't always work. If I do the reset directly after disconnecting from my laptop, it's fine all the time, but if I do a battery replacement in between, it will not.

Second thing I found out is, that if the SD card (or MCC for that mather) is not in my phone BEFORE I do the first reset, there is nothing on the SD card after flashing with the second and third image.

I will try changing my flash software back to the version you mentioned. I am using v1.8.5

Posted by: ardec1

QUOTE (DrBrains @ Jan 27 2006, 02:31 PM)
I'm doing two resets. As in the instructions, 1 after flashing image 1; the second reset after flashing image 2 plus 3.

Thing is, the second master-reset doesn't always work. If I do the reset directly after disconnecting from my laptop, it's fine all the time, but if I do a battery replacement in between, it will not.

Second thing I found out is, that if the SD card (or MCC for that mather) is not in my phone BEFORE I do the first reset, there is nothing on the SD card after flashing with the second and third image.

I will try changing my flash software back to the version you mentioned. I am using v1.8.5

Then there is something wrong with either your image files, your SD card (did you format it first?), or you phone itself.
You do NOT insert the SD card until after the first reset when you have clicked "Yes" on the format option and the phone has completed that operation.

Posted by: DrBrains

I do let the phone (re)format the card on the second reset.

I still don't think its my image files. Otherwise why did it function a couple of days on my phone?? Just to be sure I tried downloading the image files form several sources. The files all have the same file-lenght, but some have a different creation date. Most come as "RAR" file, and the different sources have the same CRC32 so the images must be the same.

I'm trying flashing with v1.3 now

Posted by: ardec1

QUOTE (DrBrains @ Jan 27 2006, 03:00 PM)
I do let the phone (re)format the card on the second reset.

I still don't think its my image files. Otherwise why did it function a couple of days on my phone?? Just to be sure I tried downloading the image files form several sources. The files all have the same file-lenght, but some have a different creation date. Most come as "RAR" file, and the different sources have the same CRC32 so the images must be the same.

I'm trying flashing with v1.3 now

I have done several of these phones by now and never yet had a problem. (other than the Cingular connect issue which was my own fault).

Here is how I do it:

I format a regular speed 256 MB. Sandisk SD card in an MPx200 using Rescoe Explorer 2003 under WM2003, remove the card and the SIM and put them away.

I then flash the phone with the first image file using the Motorola Upgrade Wizard version described above. Disconnect the phone, remove the battery, install the battery and do a master reset, check the "Yes" option to format everything. When the master reset has completed (look at the process described above).

I remove the battery, put the battery back in and install the SD card, connect to the Mobile Upgrade Wizard and flash image 2, disconnect the phone and don't do anything when that is complete. Connect the phone to the Mobile Upgrade Wizard again and flash image 3.

When that is complete, disconnect the phone and remove the battery but leave the SD card in. Replace the battery and do a master reset and chose the options described above.

When that is complete, you are done. Put your SIM card back in and turn the phone on.

Some of the issues that I have heard about regarding the SIM card has been on phone that were unlocked by IMEI number instaed of by software, by using the dual SIM adapter or by the tabs broken off like what was posted in an earlier message about SIM errors.

Posted by: DrBrains

I can try that. Format the SD-card in the phone under MPX200. Is there a difference in the "format" when formating the card using my card-reader in my pc??

But once I have used the card in my phone I should be oke?? I have 4 different cards: a cheap 256 MB SD-card from PEAK, a 256 MB Kingston which shouldn't work but I got it working once. A 256 MB MMC Kingmax and a 1 Gb SanDisk.

I would like to use the SanDisk. Mainly for the size, but also because SanDisk cards should work best.

BTW: version 1.3 doesn't make a difference.

Posted by: ardec1

QUOTE (DrBrains @ Jan 28 2006, 03:05 AM)
I can try that. Format the SD-card in the phone under MPX200. Is there a difference in the "format" when formating the card using my card-reader in my pc??

But once I have used the card in my phone I should be oke?? I have 4 different cards: a cheap 256 MB SD-card from PEAK, a 256 MB Kingston which shouldn't work but I got it working once. A 256 MB MMC Kingmax and a 1 Gb SanDisk.

I would like to use the SanDisk. Mainly for the size, but also because SanDisk cards should work best.

BTW: version 1.3 doesn't make a difference.

I don't believe it should make a difference where you format the card but being you have already had a lot of problems getting it to work, I would go with the safest way possible if I was you.
As to what card to use, I can only say with 100% certainty that a 256 MB. regular speed Sandisk SD card works.

Posted by: dpippel

Ok everyone, I followed the instructions at the begining of this thread implicitly and the process of flashing my phone to WM 5 went precisely as described. HOWEVER, now my MPx200 will not boot up. When I turn the phone on it displays the "tree-lined lane" painting and never gets beyond that point. The backlight eventually times out, the screen goes dark, and the phone is completely unresponsive.

I've tried powering on after removing and replacing the battery, leaving the battery out for 30 minutes and then replacing it, powering on with the SIM card removed - no go. The phone appears to be dead, although it is displaying a very pretty painting that I can't see because the backlight is off. 8)

My SD card is a 256MB SanDisk by the way.

Any suggestions? H-E-L-P!!!

Posted by: smeg36

How long are you letting it sit on the tree screen during the boot. I've had to leave it sitting there, even with the backlight turned off, for 10 or more minutes. I recommend just letting it sit on that screen for a while and seeing if it will eventually boot. If it doesn't, try performing the hard reset as directed in the last step of the guide.

Posted by: dpippel

QUOTE (smeg36 @ Jan 28 2006, 05:18 PM)
How long are you letting it sit on the tree screen during the boot.  I've had to leave it sitting there, even with the backlight turned off, for 10 or more minutes.  I recommend just letting it sit on that screen for a while and seeing if it will eventually boot.  If it doesn't, try performing the hard reset as directed in the last step of the guide.

Thanks for the suggestion. I'll give it a shot.

Posted by: dpippel

UPDATE: It finally booted up, but it took a full 18 minutes from the time I powered the phone on until I got the WM 5 home page. Is this normal? If so then it's certainly a deal-breaker for me and I'll have to go back to WM 2003. I can't wait 20 minutes for my phone to start up every time I power it on.

Posted by: ardec1

QUOTE (dpippel @ Jan 28 2006, 02:41 PM)
UPDATE: It finally booted up, but it took a full 18 minutes from the time I powered the phone on until I got the WM 5 home page. Is this normal? If so then it's certainly a deal-breaker for me and I'll have to go back to WM 2003. I can't wait 20 minutes for my phone to start up every time I power it on.

That normally only happens on the first boot.

After you get all of the settings adjusted (like the memeory hack in the registry), it boot about as fast as it did under 2003.

Posted by: XiSt3nCe

Great guide, I was going to post one of thse myself. WM5 sure does make the MPx200 a more functional phone.

Posted by: Sancho

Ok... I finally found 2 different WM5 images and I found one I heard had been tested. I FOLLOWED ALL THE INSTRUCTIONS IN THIS GUIDE TO THE LETTER. I just wanted everybody to know that for sure so as to not waste time goin over things that had already been done.

1st image went well. 2nd and 3rd images went well. However, after I complete the 3rd image, and replace the battery I am having a problem with that master reset. I select for it to do the "Clean Reg Hive" and to "Format Storage" then hit done. The screen goes white and stayed there. The screen stayed white for well OVER 3 hours. I did not want to mess with it as I was instructed to not do so.

You said;
"The screen will go white and stay that way for a while (how long depends on the size of you SD card). Wait until it is done and then have fun with WM 2005 on your MPx200."

So I let it sit there and nothing. I walked away and came back to it once after this long wait and there was no display. It was like the battery had gone dead. And after being in constant use for over 3 hours I kind of figured that was what happened.

I thought that it was just taking a long time because I have a 1gig SanDisk SD card. Nobody has posted how long it has taken with a card that size. So, now I put the SIM back in and try to boot up and all I get is the Tree picture then the phone dies.

So, what do i do now??? this sucks!

Posted by: Sancho

I am now doing as follows:

I let the phone charge for just a few minutes. Then I just made sure my SIM and SD were inserted properly and powered up my MPx200. I then plugged in the power while sitting on the tree picture, to see if it may be able to stay alive long enough to boot completely. I am now waiting. too see what happens. I will be refreshing this post while I wait. So, any suggestions may be helpful, or at least take my mind off how much this bites. (I will be MUCH happier when this is all over and I can start getting ALL out of my phone.

Thank you,

Posted by: Sancho

OK!!! This is bullS**t. Sorry people... I'm pissed off now
HOURS LATER!!!! This crap still isn't working. Can somebody remind me why I am so interested in doing this anyway? What is the big deal with the piece of crap software anyway. WM5 = (W)ithout (M)obile for (5) hours or more. I have been workin on this damn thing ALL DAY. I am SOOOOO Frustrated.

I followed the directions AGAIN. And still stuck at white freakin screen after last reset for over 1.5 hours now. This is ridiculas. AND this time I chose NOT to format storage. So, I know that's not what is takin so long. All I chose on the final master reset was to clean reg... What happens after the white screen?? Anything??....

I just removed and replaced battery and now I am stuck at the damn tree screen again for over 45 minutes. (I have had this reply box open forever, just adding things in as I go. This is so stupid) Now I 'm sure somebody is going ot tell me I got a bad image. Well I downloaded the same one everybody else has from Kingswood... and EVERYBODY else who has seems to have NO problems. WHY ME??? Do I have to do anything else to the phone or battery or SD card or SIM card before starting this to prepair for this upgrade??? If so, please let me know. Thanks in advance for help you may offer. Later!

Going back to 2003 for now! At least IT worked!


Posted by: ardec1

Motorola MPx200 upgrade to WM2005

This is an update to my original post on how to upgrade to WM2005

I have finished testing several ways to upgrade and also a 1GB. Sandisk SD card.

Now before everybody start going “that didn’t work for me/that worked fine for me”, please understand that I am only trying to share information with those of you who are interested in doing the upgrade to WM2005 or WM 5.0 as it is now called and I am not interested in getting in to a pissing match with somebody because he/she did, or tried to do something different.

As stated in the earlier post, I am only using unlocked phones and only brand new Sandisk SD cards. Don’t care what card you want to use, I have not tried any other brand so I don’t know anything about them.

Tried an upgrade on a locked unit with WM 2002 on it, it didn’t go, it croaked after flashing the first image.

Unlocked the phone and upgraded to WM 2003, installed Rescoe Explorer and formatted the 256MB. SD card.

Removed the SD card and flashed again with the first image file. This time everything went as expected, it behaved just as I described in my earlier post.

Inserted the SD card and flashed the other two image files (after clicking on “Finish” after the second image file has been flashed, I leave the phone connected and restart the Motorola Upgrade Wizard again. It will find the phone without you doing anything other than clicking through the same process as before)

I disconnected the phone and again it behaved just like it was expected to do as described in my earlier post.

I unlocked the register and changed the values as described under “Memory optimizing” in another post (Thank you to the person who posted that information).

The above described process was done with a brand new Sandisk 256MB. SD card and I have found that card to work the best. I did try a Sandisk 1GB. SD card and I learned something unexpected. With a 1GB. card some of the programs that I normmaly install do not install correctly and either don’t function at all or function with unexpected results (one of those programs is OmegaOne Battery Pack Pro for SmartPhone).
It turns out that the way programs are loaded on a 1GB. card is quite different from how they are loaded on a 256MB. card (go figure).

All of the phones I have tried the WM2005 on have booted up a little slower on the first boot but they run quite a bit faster than they did under WM2003 and so far every one of them has been rock solid.

This is only based on my experience with WM2005 on the Motorola MPx200 phones and I am only trying to share it as reference material.

I have also attached this same information as a MS Word document. Hope that is allowed.

 Motorola_MPx200_upgrade_to_WM2005.doc ( 21.5K ) : 1038

Posted by: Hypertek

worked great for me.. however, it doesnt show my sim contacts, but once it syncs, it shows the standard contacts, just not the ones from the sim card.. Any idea?

Posted by: ardec1

QUOTE (Hypertek @ Feb 8 2006, 02:08 PM) *
worked great for me.. however, it doesnt show my sim contacts, but once it syncs, it shows the standard contacts, just not the ones from the sim card.. Any idea?

When you chose "Contacts" on the main screen and "Menu" you can chose to add a new SIM contact or a regular contact.

SIM contacts are shown on the screen with a SIM card icon.

Posted by: vonkugel

QUOTE (ardec1 @ Feb 8 2006, 10:33 PM) *
When you chose "Contacts" on the main screen and "Menu" you can chose to add a new SIM contact or a regular contact.

SIM contacts are shown on the screen with a SIM card icon.

like that you can make a new contact on your SIM card, it doesnt answer the question why you cant see the contacts that were on your SIM already.

Posted by: dtzxdtzx

QUOTE (ardec1 @ Feb 6 2006, 03:09 AM) *
Motorola MPx200 upgrade to WM2005

This is an update to my original post on how to upgrade to WM2005

I have finished testing several ways to upgrade and also a 1GB. Sandisk SD card.

Now before everybody start going “that didn’t work for me/that worked fine for me”, please understand that I am only trying to share information with those of you who are interested in doing the upgrade to WM2005 or WM 5.0 as it is now called and I am not interested in getting in to a pissing match with somebody because he/she did, or tried to do something different.

As stated in the earlier post, I am only using unlocked phones and only brand new Sandisk SD cards. Don’t care what card you want to use, I have not tried any other brand so I don’t know anything about them.

Tried an upgrade on a locked unit with WM 2002 on it, it didn’t go, it croaked after flashing the first image.

Unlocked the phone and upgraded to WM 2003, installed Rescoe Explorer and formatted the 256MB. SD card.

Removed the SD card and flashed again with the first image file. This time everything went as expected, it behaved just as I described in my earlier post.

Inserted the SD card and flashed the other two image files (after clicking on “Finish” after the second image file has been flashed, I leave the phone connected and restart the Motorola Upgrade Wizard again. It will find the phone without you doing anything other than clicking through the same process as before)

I disconnected the phone and again it behaved just like it was expected to do as described in my earlier post.

I unlocked the register and changed the values as described under “Memory optimizing” in another post (Thank you to the person who posted that information).

The above described process was done with a brand new Sandisk 256MB. SD card and I have found that card to work the best. I did try a Sandisk 1GB. SD card and I learned something unexpected. With a 1GB. card some of the programs that I normmaly install do not install correctly and either don’t function at all or function with unexpected results (one of those programs is OmegaOne Battery Pack Pro for SmartPhone).
It turns out that the way programs are loaded on a 1GB. card is quite different from how they are loaded on a 256MB. card (go figure).

All of the phones I have tried the WM2005 on have booted up a little slower on the first boot but they run quite a bit faster than they did under WM2003 and so far every one of them has been rock solid.

This is only based on my experience with WM2005 on the Motorola MPx200 phones and I am only trying to share it as reference material.

I have also attached this same information as a MS Word document. Hope that is allowed.

Hi, Ardec,

Could you please provide the link on Memory optimizing? Also could you please tell us what is the advantage on having WM5 on mpx200? I did flash my phone on the weekend and found that the response on wm5 is sluggish. It is not as fast as wm2003. Then I flashed back to wm2003.


Posted by: ardec1

QUOTE (dtzxdtzx @ Feb 8 2006, 06:28 PM) *
Hi, Ardec,

Could you please provide the link on Memory optimizing? Also could you please tell us what is the advantage on having WM5 on mpx200? I did flash my phone on the weekend and found that the response on wm5 is sluggish. It is not as fast as wm2003. Then I flashed back to wm2003.


I can't remember where it is at but it is on this site under Registry editing and I believe that it was posted by AndrewSH.

The key you want to modify is the following:

Change it to 256 instead of 80
ResetDivision change from 0 to 1

(Thank you AndrewSH).

I have found that the speed at which the phone responds is also dependent upon the SD card.
Other people may not agree with me on this but the regular Sandisk 256MB SD card is the one I have found to work the best.

Posted by: ericchua


WM5 on MPx200 is worst than Windows XP on Pii PCs. It is very.............. Slow....
I switch back to WM2003 with GSM Fix. Works Fine.

But for the MPx200 owner out there it is worth a try for trying the WM5 on your MPx200. It does have very good Iconed desktop like the PC have but it is simply not for the MPx200. I am using a Kingston 256MB Normal speed Card.

 IMG_0795r.JPG ( 61.74K ) : 625

 IMG_0798r.JPG ( 61.45K ) : 534

 IMG_0797r.JPG ( 67.49K ) : 530

QUOTE (Sancho @ Feb 5 2006, 10:07 AM) *
Ok... I finally found 2 different WM5 images and I found one I heard had been tested. I FOLLOWED ALL THE INSTRUCTIONS IN THIS GUIDE TO THE LETTER. I just wanted everybody to know that for sure so as to not waste time goin over things that had already been done.

1st image went well. 2nd and 3rd images went well. However, after I complete the 3rd image, and replace the battery I am having a problem with that master reset. I select for it to do the "Clean Reg Hive" and to "Format Storage" then hit done. The screen goes white and stayed there. The screen stayed white for well OVER 3 hours. I did not want to mess with it as I was instructed to not do so.

You said;
"The screen will go white and stay that way for a while (how long depends on the size of you SD card). Wait until it is done and then have fun with WM 2005 on your MPx200."

So I let it sit there and nothing. I walked away and came back to it once after this long wait and there was no display. It was like the battery had gone dead. And after being in constant use for over 3 hours I kind of figured that was what happened.

I thought that it was just taking a long time because I have a 1gig SanDisk SD card. Nobody has posted how long it has taken with a card that size. So, now I put the SIM back in and try to boot up and all I get is the Tree picture then the phone dies.

So, what do i do now??? this sucks!

I try it on a 256MB card and it took me at least 30 to 45 min for the phone to restart. but for a start the phone stay with the tree image for a long while. for your case the 1Gig might takes up to 4 hours if base on my 256mb for 45 mins. But the thing works. I have posted in this topic and picture after the upgrade. but mind you the respond is very very slow when using WM5 on the MPx200. the only plus is that you can have MP3 as your ring tone now with WM5. But the ringtone only come up after a few seconds because it reads from the card.

Posted by: Scox

Thanks for the nice guide, it works flawlessely on my MPx200.

Although I've encountered some strange things :

The signal strenght indicator on the front-display doesn't work anymore, it indicates that there's no service... however the signal strenght indicator on the upper right of the homescreen does work. wink.gif

EDIT: Sorry I was using an non activated SIM, with an fully working SIM the front display indicator works.. /EDIT

Can't edit the registry with Mobile Registry Editor 1.1 (access denied when changing a value), but with Rosco (locally on the phone) I can. I've tried some tools to unlock stuff (basically the entire FAQ of MRE on but it still doen't work. mad.gif

I can't find the settings to change the appearance of the clock on the front display. (Does anyone know the registry settings for it? There used to be three modes. (The clock itself does work dough..)

Does anyone here got the same issue's or maybe knows a solution?


Posted by: ardec1

Read post #36 by AndrewSh

Posted by: Scox

Thanks, all give it a go later, (I sort of misplaced my cardreader...)

Anyway I've found the way to change te appearance of the front LCD:

HKCU\ControlPanel\ExternalLCD\Style DWORD 1, 2 OR 3

1 = Analogue style clock
2 = Default Digital Clock 00:00 with date 00-00-0000
3 = Provider name e.g. Vodafone and Digital Clock 00:00
All other values are invalid (Display will only show SIM LOCKED, doesn't get updated anymore)

HKCU\ControlPanel\ExternalLCD\FlipLogo DWORD 0, 1
0 = Off, LCD will always show info
1 = On, LCD will only show info when the phone is closed.

Don't know if somebody else already posted this, but maybe this helps somebody.

Posted by: muchomorek

QUOTE (Scox @ Feb 26 2006, 03:21 AM) *
Thanks, all give it a go later, (I sort of misplaced my cardreader...)

Anyway I've found the way to change te appearance of the front LCD:

HKCU\ControlPanel\ExternalLCD\Style DWORD 1, 2 OR 3

1 = Analogue style clock
2 = Default Digital Clock 00:00 with date 00-00-0000
3 = Provider name e.g. Vodafone and Digital Clock 00:00
All other values are invalid (Display will only show SIM LOCKED, doesn't get updated anymore)

HKCU\ControlPanel\ExternalLCD\FlipLogo DWORD 0, 1
0 = Off, LCD will always show info
1 = On, LCD will only show info when the phone is closed.

Don't know if somebody else already posted this, but maybe this helps somebody.

Thats a nice tweak Scox smile.gif

Posted by: smickerss

I found a 23mb wb2005.img file, its just the one file, and when i try to flash, it hangs at 61%, using upgrade wizard. anybody got any suggestions?

I cant locate the 3 part rom, as the only other rom ive found is a 17.11mb rared file, which when extracted gives me part 2 and 3!!!

Posted by: DWS

Like many others on here, I was having problems upgrading from 2003 to WM5 using a 1GB SD (Kingston). But when I put in a 16MB card I had sitting around, it flew through the entire process without any problem.

My question - is there a way to make an image of this SD card and clone it only the 1GB card? Just copying didn't seem to work, so I thought it might be some hidden files that are being dropped. The 1GB card works fine in 2003 and on my computer, in my camera, etc. SO I don't think it's a card issue (except the size which perhaps if I waited longer than the 5 hours I waited it might have worked)

Any ideas would be helpful.

Posted by: PaulK

speed can be helped by overclocking.. search for OmapClock v2 150Mhz does wonders wink.gif

Posted by: PaulK

well I spoke a little soon.. just upgraded to WM5 and now when I run omapclock I get the error "Can't map I/O". This is the same error I get on one of my MPx220's. What is causing this? If you put the unit in silent mode it really helps the speed out tremendously..

Posted by: PaulK

little bit of research does wonders.. wink.gif found the problem.. disregard the last post

Posted by: satya1981

Worked like a charm. I upgraded my Mpx200 with wm5. I used a kingston 512 mb card that i was previously using in my canon sd200 digicam. I formatted the card in the camera itself and just plugged it in to the phone. Working good for me :-). The whole procss took like 45 mins.

Posted by: thebrainp0lice

Okay, I have a question and a problem. When using Mobile Ugrade Wizard, I try to flash the first image file but I get an error message saying "Bad News: Software cannot be updated." Does this mean the files I'm using are bad?

Also if I were to go with WM2003, would it be the same process as listed here or could I just use Mobile Upgrade Wizard and flash one image file after the other without doing anything else?

Posted by: ardec1

QUOTE (thebrainp0lice @ Jul 20 2006, 09:36 PM) *
Okay, I have a question and a problem. When using Mobile Ugrade Wizard, I try to flash the first image file but I get an error message saying "Bad News: Software cannot be updated." Does this mean the files I'm using are bad?

Also if I were to go with WM2003, would it be the same process as listed here or could I just use Mobile Upgrade Wizard and flash one image file after the other without doing anything else?

It sounds like you have the wrong WM5 ROM

Posted by: trader168

QUOTE (ardec1 @ Jul 22 2006, 12:11 AM) *
It sounds like you have the wrong WM5 ROM

I have downloaded a few versions but do not know which one to use and no sure if I got the right one. unsure.gif

Posted by: ardec1

QUOTE (trader168 @ Aug 1 2006, 05:30 PM) *
I have downloaded a few versions but do not know which one to use and no sure if I got the right one. unsure.gif

Drop me an email at:

Posted by: dosada


i have just bought a used MPX 200 and would like to update it. Everyone says download this download that but no one says where from. I have no software with the phone, absolutely none. Coul someone plesae be so nice and tell me where i get all the stuff needed to get the phone updated.

Thank you

Posted by: smeg36

It's against the board guidelines to post the files, or links to them, if they aren't officially supported. The files were never officially released, and thus aren't exactly legal to distribute. We'll help you all we can with the technical aspects of the phone, but you're on your own to find the files of questionable legality. Google makes this very easy.

Posted by: dosada

QUOTE (smeg36 @ Aug 19 2006, 12:02 PM) *
It's against the board guidelines to post the files, or links to them, if they aren't officially supported. The files were never officially released, and thus aren't exactly legal to distribute. We'll help you all we can with the technical aspects of the phone, but you're on your own to find the files of questionable legality. Google makes this very easy.

Is it against the guidelines to send me an email with details to the files or the location where i can find them? Or maybe to PM me?


Posted by: dosada

I have spent the last few hours looking forthose files. No succes at all. If someone could help me by telling me where to get them i would appreciate it. If it violates the guidelines to post it here i am happy with a PM or mail too.


Posted by: trader168

What is the different between Motorola Mobile Upgrade Wizard v. 1.3.0 and Motorola Mobile Upgrade Wizard v. 1.8.3 setup? Which one should be used?

What is the best SD to use in term of capacity and performance? I think 256MB is no enough.

P.S. I took a few weeks to search them .

Posted by: dosada

I was pretty sure the point of a discussion board is to help each other. If it is against the guideline to share something or even just to say where you can get it how is it OK to explain how to use the software. However, i am new here and it is not my place to set rules, i will ask somewhere where memver really want to help.

Posted by: veske

Hi, I have a great problem with my Motorola MPX200.Well, I have tried allmost evry ROM file.The latest is the 2005, that is structured with 3 .img files.The system works fine, but I have a problem when I call someone, when you hear the tone of ringing everything is ok, but when the callen person answers the connection goes down, the phone hungs up by him self.I have some susspisons on a ribbon cable, what do you think.

Best regards

Posted by: ardec1

QUOTE (dosada @ Aug 19 2006, 02:58 AM) *
I was pretty sure the point of a discussion board is to help each other. If it is against the guideline to share something or even just to say where you can get it how is it OK to explain how to use the software. However, i am new here and it is not my place to set rules, i will ask somewhere where memver really want to help.

It is NOT a matter of not be willing to help, it is a matter of NOT wanting to be sued by the various companies that make the software.

You are not going to find anybody else who are willing to post the files you need either, no matter what board you check, it is simply a matter of doing the work yourself and finding the files you need, just like the rest of us.

I do have the file(s) you need because I did a lot of searching and I spent a lot of time trying one file or another.

I was considering posting the file (WM2005.ZIP) on a service where you could download it but being they wanted to charge me $4.95 per month I decided agaist it.

Posted by: Machead

I have some quick questions regarding the WM5 upgrade, I would really appreciate it if you guys could answer them for me

Instructions state that phone must be unlocked. I bought mine in another country and it works fine with any local phone operator. Thus, I assume this must imply that it is sim-unlocked. Right? Are there any other kinds of locks (for example, registry locks) that I should be aware prior to the upgrade?

Moreover, on the same issue, I have read a post that stated that problems may arise if phone has been unlocked by IMEI number instead of by software. As I stated, I bought mine unlocked and thus don't know how it was unlocked. Is it safe to perform a software unlock anyways?

Would SPVUnlock2 be the appropriate program for the above?

Is it ok to upgrade directly from 2002 to WM5?

Is there any way I can create a backup image of my phone in its current state as a failsafe if the upgrade fails?? What application would I use for creating such a backup image of the roms, etc?

My phone is only dual-band. I have seen posts explaining how to flash the last 256kb of the ROM to enable tri-band functionality on 1.8/1.9 AT&T MPx200s. Would I need to do this still if I upgrade in order to enable tri-band? If so, should I do it before the upgrade or after??

Regarding ActiveSync, any special considerations that should be taken into account?? Can I just uninstall 3.6 and then install 4.2 ???

Does upgrade enable MMS automatically??? If not, what must I do to enable MMS, and should I do it before the upgrade or after?


Posted by: smeg36

Already answered it in the other thread. Please don't double post, it isn't necessary. If someone can help you, they will. Thanks.

Posted by: dosada

I have finally got the phone to acceot the update. The problem now is that once all images have been installed i need to remove/replace the battery. Does not work straight away, only after a few hours. After that the phone switched on.

The problem i have now is that whenever i turn off the phone it will not switch itself on untill i wait for a few hours with the battery outside the phone.

Anyone any ideas what to try?

Posted by: smeg36

It could be the SD card you're using. WM5 on the MPx200 is really picky about the SD card you use, and can cause problems like this if you are using one it doesn't like.

Posted by: palestofwhite

QUOTE (smeg36 @ Aug 28 2006, 11:30 PM) *
It could be the SD card you're using. WM5 on the MPx200 is really picky about the SD card you use, and can cause problems like this if you are using one it doesn't like.

Maybe we should pin up a thread with contributors listing down the various brands and size of SD or Mini SD cards that will work for the phone?

Posted by: dosada

I am using a multimediacars. i do not have any sd cards. does this make a difference? I have tried many different ones from 32 mb over 256 to GB. Not one worked.

Posted by: ardec1

QUOTE (dosada @ Aug 28 2006, 09:19 PM) *
I am using a multimediacars. i do not have any sd cards. does this make a difference? I have tried many different ones from 32 mb over 256 to GB. Not one worked.

The one card that I can say with 100% certainty works is the Sandisk 256MB. SD Card, not the Ultra but the plain old Sandisk SD Card.

I have tried a Sandsik 1GB. card in a couple of phones and they have worked fine too.

Posted by: Hulkster

hey people, i just flashed mines to 2005 with a sandisk ultra II 256mb and its super fast and not sluggish, like some are complaining. I highly recommend using only that card for the upgrade, there is no need for a qtek 8500 unless you need bluetooth and slimness.

Posted by: palestofwhite

I'm using the Kingston 1GB Elite Pro High speed card and it works just fine.

Posted by: jda007

I am new here and I've been looking around for some time and I FINALLY figured out how to upgrade my mpx200 to wm5. I want to thank everyone who provided info on how to do so.

I just have a couple questions. It takes a long time to boot (this I can deal with) but I was just checking to see if that was normal. And sometimes it kinda freezes anywhere from 5 to 30 secs. sometimes during calls. Also, how do I setup an internet connection? And last but not least, My computer does not see my phone when I plug it in to the usb. How do I add files, etc. to my phone?

I have Cingular (SIM) and SanDisk 256 SD

Thank You


Posted by: smeg36

Yes, the slow boot is normal. I'm not sure about freezing during phone calls. To setup an internet connection with Cingular download and install the cab files in Do connect to your PC you need to install Activesync 4.0 or later. You can get it

Posted by: jda007

I have ActiveSync 4.2 already. It worked when i had wm3 but not now?
Thus I can't install the cab files either. (Thanks for those)

Thanks in advance

**Ok I reinstalled ActiveSync and it now recognizes my phone, which somehow made my internet connection work, Amazing, just one more thing. How do I edit the registry keys, I want to change memory settings and do ANYTHING I can to speed up everything. It seems to lag alot. If there is ANYTHING ANYBODY can suggest about making it even a little faster or more efficient. I would appreciate it. Thanks again for your help smeg36.**

Posted by: jda007

HELP!!! My phone will not boot. When I try to soft boot it, it freezes at the forest picture. I have tried all combinations of the hard boot and nothing seems to work. If anyone know anything please help me. I am trying to reflash it now and I will inform you of the result, but any suggestions in the mean time would be greatly appreciated.



**Ok I tried to reflash it and I followed all of the steps as I did the first time but after everything it just stays on the white screen at the end. What should I try before I make it a projectile? Any help would be MUCH appreciated. Thank You**

Posted by: jda007

Would someone PLEASE send me a link to an "official" wm 2002 file so I can start over. I am slightly frustrated. Thanks


Posted by: smeg36

There is no official ROM for the MPx200. You'll have to find is by unofficial means. I'd recommend trying out WM2003 though. It's a good balance between a new ROM and a stable ROM.

Posted by: gman2207

Just to let you guys know, i did the rom update as explaned in this post but i managed it with a 512mb Mini SD card in an SD adapter and it works just fine.


PS. Its a PQI Mini SD

Posted by: ardec1

If you followed all the steps as outlined here, used an unlocked phone with one of the SD cards that are recommended (many other cards work too) and did not get impatient along the way, there is no way that you would not have been able to flash your phone to WM5.

Most of the problems occur when somebody gets impatient, especially after the first part of the ROm where you have to wait a LONG time for the error screen to show up and also after the last image file where you have to wait for the phone to reset.

Are you absolutely sure that you have the right WM5 ROM?

Did you make sure to remove the SD card before flashing part1 of the ROM, did you format the card before starting the process and did you remove your SIM card before you started?

Posted by: gman2207

QUOTE (ardec1 @ Sep 14 2006, 05:45 PM) *
If you followed all the steps as outlined here, used an unlocked phone with one of the SD cards that are recommended (many other cards work too) and did not get impatient along the way, there is no way that you would not have been able to flash your phone to WM5.

Most of the problems occur when somebody gets impatient, especially after the first part of the ROm where you have to wait a LONG time for the error screen to show up and also after the last image file where you have to wait for the phone to reset.

Are you absolutely sure that you have the right WM5 ROM?

Did you make sure to remove the SD card before flashing part1 of the ROM, did you format the card before starting the process and did you remove your SIM card before you started?

Yes i do have the right wm5 rom (will post screen shots if required)

I did remove the SD card for the first part of flashing the rom along with the sim card. I didnt format the card i just made sure the Mini SD was empty.


Posted by: ardec1

You need to format the SD card before you start.

I always format the card using Rescoe Explorer under WM2003 before I start doing an upgrade.
By now I have probably upgraded well over 100 MPx200 phones with a regular 256MB or 1GB Sandisk SD card without any problems at all.

If you continue to have problems and really want WM5, ship me your phone and I will upgrade it for you for free.

Make sure that the Moto Upgrade Wizard does recognize your phone if you want me to upgrade it for you, I don't want to be accused of turning any phone in to a paper weight.

Posted by: gman2207

QUOTE (ardec1 @ Sep 14 2006, 06:22 PM) *
You need to format the SD card before you start.

I always format the card using Rescoe Explorer under WM2003 before I start doing an upgrade.
By now I have probably upgraded well over 100 MPx200 phones with a regular 256MB or 1GB Sandisk SD card without any problems at all.

If you continue to have problems and really want WM5, ship me your phone and I will upgrade it for you for free.

Make sure that the Moto Upgrade Wizard does recognize your phone if you want me to upgrade it for you, I don't want to be accused of turning any phone in to a paper weight.

Sorry mate you may have got confuced from my earlier post, i have wm5 working fine on my mpx200 i was just letting averyone know it was possible with the 512mb miniSD card that i mentioned above smile.gif


Posted by: ardec1

No problem.

I was actually responding to jda007 because it looks like he/she has got some problems.

Posted by: jda007

Thank you all very much. Here is a summary of my experience:

I HAD wm5 up and running and I really don't know what happened but it just froze. I formatted the SD in my camera before I upgraded but now my camera won't read it so I can't format it again and I have tried to reflash it twice since then to no avail. I am now unable to format the SD card. Do you think this is the problem? I am trying to find a way to format it.
Thanks again


Posted by: ardec1

QUOTE (jda007 @ Sep 14 2006, 04:44 PM) *
Thank you all very much. Here is a summary of my experience:

I HAD wm5 up and running and I really don't know what happened but it just froze. I formatted the SD in my camera before I upgraded but now my camera won't read it so I can't format it again and I have tried to reflash it twice since then to no avail. I am now unable to format the SD card. Do you think this is the problem? I am trying to find a way to format it.
Thanks again


Like I stated in my earlier post. If you can't make it work correctly, ship it to me with one of the SD cards that I recommend you use and I will upgrade it for you and ship it back to you. You pay for all shipping charges because I have already been burned once when I shipped somebody some parts in good faith.

I have a brand new MPx200 phone with WM5 here with a Sandisk 256MB. SD card and if you want to drop me a "Good Faith" deposit of $200.00 I will be happy to do a X-Ship to you.

Like I said, once burned twice shy.

Posted by: jda007

I finally was able to flash my mpx200 back to wm2003 which is working great for all I need it to (besides the not so good signal strength). Are there any options besides firmware that would increase my signal strength (even a little bit)? Thank you all for your help. I have a wonderful FUNCTIONING mpx200 again.


Posted by: ardec1

Unless you are an antenna guru it would be hard to improve the lousy antenna the MPx200 comes with.

You may want to take a look at the antenna design they use in the Panasonic GD55 with the built-in antenna.
It is only available in a few aftermarket housings but it does work great.

Posted by: jda007

Thanks I'll check into that...


Posted by: PabloE

hello to everyone.

I have upgraded my MPx 200 to wm2005 with the idea to unlock the 900mhz band... no luck, can someone tell
me the procedure and which firmware / rom should i download?

Regards and thank you very much


Posted by: AndrewSh

Telephone should be WM2003 (Supermoto2 - ver.3.70.23)
Read the forum!!!

Posted by: almozaffar

I just registered myself now to thank the big guy ardec1 who made it very easy to have win5 in MPX200.

Appreciate it very much


Posted by: Dr Billie

Hi, i've seen this topic for the first time and my MPX200 runs quiet slow, that's why i took a chance of installing WM5. I've done everything according to the manual and now i got the last screen. Then the white display came. The white display is on now for almost 45 minutes and does nut turns of or something. What should i do know? Let him do his job by waiting or do i have the same problem as someone else in this topic with a 1 GB card? I have a 1 gb apacer card. What should i do know?

Thnx in advance =)

Posted by: AndrewSh

QUOTE (Dr Billie @ Nov 29 2006, 12:23 AM) *
Hi, i've seen this topic for the first time and my MPX200 runs quiet slow, that's why i took a chance of installing WM5. I've done everything according to the manual and now i got the last screen. Then the white display came. The white display is on now for almost 45 minutes and does nut turns of or something. What should i do know? Let him do his job by waiting or do i have the same problem as someone else in this topic with a 1 GB card? I have a 1 gb apacer card. What should i do know?
Thnx in advance =)

Just use a regular 16 Mb MMC included - you will have "white screen" for several seconds only. That's it. The slow work mostly depends upon the type and the size of the card. And the possibility to install the WM 2005 - also.

Posted by: James_UK

Hi everyone, long time reader first time poster here.

I've just bought a MPx200 because I wanted a smartphone with Windows and so far I can't fault-find it smile.gif but I've heard that there is an upgrade to Windows Mobile 2005 for it. Now I have looked and read through this thread, but I can't find the link anywhere to the Motorola Mobile Upgrade Wizard!

Could someone link me - that would be fantastic smile.gif

Thanks in advance


Posted by: ardec1

QUOTE (James_UK @ Dec 17 2006, 05:47 AM) *
Hi everyone, long time reader first time poster here.

I've just bought a MPx200 because I wanted a smartphone with Windows and so far I can't fault-find it smile.gif but I've heard that there is an upgrade to Windows Mobile 2005 for it. Now I have looked and read through this thread, but I can't find the link anywhere to the Motorola Mobile Upgrade Wizard!

Could someone link me - that would be fantastic smile.gif

Thanks in advance


email request to:

Posted by: peste19

can anybody help me find wm5 for mpx200?

thanks in advance

Posted by: smeg36

The best we can tell you is to search Google. When you read the board guidelines to sign up for membership, it stated we don't allow requests for ROMs. the WM5 ROM was never released my MS or Moto, so it isn't legal ti distribute.

Posted by: nbercasio

Can someone please email me the link where I can download the WM5 upgrade for my MPX200.

Edit by Slacker: MGN does not support the spreading of non-official ROMs. Information for custom ROMs can be found in places like XDA-Developers and SPV-Developers but not on MGN.

Posted by: plantman60

Hi and thanks to you all!
The wm5 upgrade went so easily, and I'm very happy to have a wm5 mpx200!
Thanks again everybody for the great advice!

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